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Dec 2013 · 380
Not me
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2013
When I rub my hands together
Atoms explode in between my fingers
Like how my heart is about to explode
When I'm with you

A fire alarm goes off
Alarming everyone with its loud sound
Exactly how my heart screams your name
When I'm with you

But that's the thing--
I'm not the one with you
Dec 2013 · 480
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2013
You love her
I love you
What's new?

I love you in the dark
Where the shadows hide me
Where you can't find me

It hurts so much you don't even know
When you tell me you love her, more than it shows
You're a gobemouche, can't you see the truth?

Whenever you need me
I'll always be here
Waiting and waiting

for something that might never even come
*gobemouche - an obsolete word that means naive
Dec 2013 · 406
Gwen Pimentel Dec 2013
My arm is covered in wounds and scars
but if you grab my heart from my chest
I'm sure you'll find so much more
Nov 2013 · 433
You make me feel
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
When I see you
My palms start to sweat
My pulse starts to quicken
My foot, an endless tapping of a nervous beat
Fixing my hair, smelling myself
"Do I look okay?"
If we were in the dark I could brighten the whole room
That's how bright my eyes light up when I see you
If you were to attach me to a heart monitor
It would probably explode
Because my heart beats so fast
When I see you
Nov 2013 · 2.4k
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
Ever heard the saying
"Quitters never win
And winners never quit"?
But what if
Quitting isn't a sign of weakness
But a sing of strength
That you are strong enough
To be humble and admit
You can't do it
Nov 2013 · 314
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
I didn't know what love was
til I met you
I thought I knew what hurt meant
but I guess I was wrong
You opened my eyes
to new things
You opened your arms
for me on my saddest days
but most especially
You opened my heart
to new feelings

I thought what we had
was 'love'
But until now
I still don't know
what 'love' is
But I surely do know
what hurt is
Nov 2013 · 1.0k
Why am I invisible to you?
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
I am in love with my bestfriend

Well I don't know if he considers me his bestfriend
He's one of the few who I can laugh with
And at the same time, cry with
Isn't that what a bestfriend is?

I've known him for 2 years or so
We are both the corniest people
He said, "You're the only one
Who really understands my weirdness"
And I said the same

He's a ladies man
And I've been there for him
Each time a girl breaks his heart
Each time he's left crying
Every single time, I was there

Now, he has a new girl
And we've drifted so much
We don't talk as much as before
It hurts because
I'm close to the girl
And I knew him longer
And we used to talk about
How much of a flirt she can be
And now, he loves her so much
And would do anything for her

I think I'm fine with that
Because she makes him happy
But I pray she doesn't hurt him again
Because I can't stand to see him sad
I don't want to be a home wrecker
Because I know how that feels

But another part of my body says
"Why aren't I the one with him?"
"Haven't we grown so close?"
"Why am I invisible to him?"

I wish you'd see me
Ps if anyone sees this I am not in love I just like him lol just said that for the sake of the poem

"The best way to get over someone is to turn them into literature"
Nov 2013 · 658
Pray for the Philippines
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
Mother Nature, why do you do this to us
A super typhoon, ready to hit a poor country who always drowns with all it's power
All cities submerged in water
Houses gone, people left with nothing

But then I realize
We are to blame
What has the human race done
Besides hurt Mother Nature
There are very few who protect her
But what can they do when the rest of the world is against them
We do not realize what our actions have done
Until we have nothing left
When we've used, took advantage, and wasted Mother Nature
We're all going to regret it
One day
We will realize
"We're sorry, Mother Nature"
Nov 2013 · 396
I want to speak
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
My mind
Is an endless maze
With countless twists and turns and knots
I have so much to say
That I can't put it into words
They're all rushing to the tip of my tongue
Waiting to be said, wanting to be heard
Some things are better left unsaid
And these are not one of those things
Nov 2013 · 686
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
Love is the clouds in the air, swirling, white ***** of cotton
Love is the moon, a gentle glow, a light in the dark
Love is the grass, the cushion beneath my feet, tickling my soles
Love is the sun, a never ending spark, which brings life

Love is the sky, happy and sometimes sad
Love is the water, flowy, clear, a necessity
Love is the land, sometimes breaks down, but is the foundation of everything
Love is the breeze ever so soft, ever so gentle & warm to the touch

Love is the world
You are my world
And therefore
You are my love
it's okay guys, i dont get my poems sometimes too
Nov 2013 · 379
Forced < Free
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
I hate how I feel like I'm forced to write in school
Forced to write about a topic I hate
Restricted to few sentences
Forced to write about something I barely understand
Required to go on for 3 pages

Isn't writing supposed to be fun?
Something free, something that's in MY control
Something that no one can call wrong
Something that expresses who you are

And that is why I love poems
I feel like a gazelle in a vast field
Free to do anything, to write anything
Where my deepest thoughts meet the paper
Where I control every word, every phrase
No one can ever tell me I'm wrong
How can feelings be wrong?
idk i just really dont wanna write my soc stud thesis???
Nov 2013 · 3.2k
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
I like to watch and observe people

For all I know
That guy over there
Just got his heart broken
By the girl of his dreams

For all I know
My classmate who's an outcast
Has had intense family problems
A broken, maybe even abusive, family

For all I know
Miss Popular, who everyone fears
Is actually scared of herself
Scared that she'll turn into the monsters
Monsters her parents have become

For all I know
Class Clown, who makes everyone laugh
Has the biggest problems
Cries herself to sleep at night
So close to killing himself

For all I know
I dont know anything
One thing I'm sure of is that
Everyone has a problem
No matter how big or small
To each one of us it's all the same
A burden
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
Sun and Moon
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
He would do everything for her
Out of love
He would hide at night to let her rise
He would burn and shine to see her light up

Sometimes, she'd cover him at an eclipse
The result so beautiful, captivating in the sky
Like they were made for each other
The perfect match

His love was a never ending blaze
The only thing constant in her fast-paced life
A bright, warm presence to keep her comfort
And she loved him just the same
Tumblr inspired... And maybe partially Science class

Maybe I should stop talking about love LOL idk I decided to end this one on a happy note because yay
Nov 2013 · 476
The End
Gwen Pimentel Nov 2013
How do you know when it's over?

When old habits disappear
When he stops noticing the little things
When he seems to not care that you're hurt,
and he's tearing every single fibre of your heart to pieces
When he forgets to tell you goodnight
When you run out of things to talk about
When he's suddenly bored just by talking to you

It's over
When one simply stops trying
Gwen Pimentel Oct 2013
When I was younger, I wanted to grow older
I couldn't wait til I was taller
So I could finally ride the rollercoaster

Adults seemed like they were always right
Always the ones scolding, not putting up a fight
As if they had no problems and their burden was light

They had no projects & homeworks
No papers, theses & essays
No cramming, just relaxing

But as I grew older, I wanted to be younger

So I could get away from my boss
So all the paperworks would be lost
So I won't have to work just for so much cost

I miss my mom at night comforting me after a nightmare
I miss when we'd run around in underwear and no one would care
I miss eating grandma's cookies, and wishing I had more share

Those were the days with no responsibilities, full of carelessness
My biggest problem was choosing what color to use for my princess
Or what color I'd pick next for my braces

But growing up is inevitable

Just like how the sun rises and sets
Just like how we made careless mistakes
Just like how we had to learn the hard way

So while you're young, embrace it
Live every moment to the fullest
Make mistakes, take risks, never let an opportunity pass

Because life is too short for that
Oct 2013 · 646
Gwen Pimentel Oct 2013
Silence expresses what words cannot
Saying more than just talking
Silence is not absence nor stupidity
But trying to find the words to express your thought

Some things are better off unsaid
Because silence speaks louder than words
A communication like no other
A deeper understanding

If you can't find the words to what you want to say
Then don't say it
If you really mean it
Silence should be enough
i dont even know what this is i just started thinking about how silence is better than words
Oct 2013 · 298
Gwen Pimentel Oct 2013
How many times do you say "I'm fine"
But really mean "No, it hurts too much & I can't take it anymore"

How many times do you say "It's okay"
But it really isn't

How many times do you say "Everything's fine"
But really everything's falling apart and nothing's right

How many times do you say "I'm sorry"
But really mean "That's right, you deserve to be hurt anyway"

How many times do you say "I love you"
But don't really know what 'love' means

How many times do you say these things
Not 'cause you mean it
But just because it was the right thing to say
Or to simply cover yourself up

How many times do you wish there was someone
To hold you at night
Who understands, who knows everything behind what you're saying
And will love you for it
Oct 2013 · 738
Memories > Person
Gwen Pimentel Oct 2013
It’s as if it was just yesterday
Just yesterday when you tore my fragile heart from my chest and shattered it into a million pieces
Seemed as if though I would never find happiness, ever again

But its been two years since
Why do I find myself looking back
Didn’t we say “no regrets”?
Didn’t we leave on good terms?

I remember those nights
Nights when you’d fall asleep while we’re talking
And the next morning you’d apologize and call me beautiful
Those nights when you’d made me feel like no other
Like nothing else ever mattered, as long as we’ve got each other
Those nights when we’d make plans
To watch our favorite band together
To go around the world in each other’s arms
To stay strong no matter what others say
Those nights when we’d have those little arguments
“I love you more”
“No! I love you most”
What happened?

It all suddenly stopped
Our love was like a car accident, everything all of a sudden
A driver who suddenly brakes, suddenly stops
Suddenly flies through the windshield, shattered, wounded
Everything happening so fast
Is there ever time to mend the wounds?
Wounds which were the only remnants of our love
Wounds left by you who once said “I won't let anyone ever hurt you”
Funny how the people you love the most are also the ones who can hurt you the most
How ironic is that?

As my brain goes overdrive, overthinking what could’ve been
I think, what if I just miss the memories, not the person itself?
Its pretty amazing having someone who loves you
But that’s life, and people really do come and go
Everything happens for a reason
I really do like to believe so
Oct 2013 · 300
I Hope to be Found
Gwen Pimentel Oct 2013
I hope to be found, by myself through myself
I hope to be found, before it's too late
I hope to be found, so I can be pulled when I'm not in too deep
I hope to be found, even in my darkest days

I hope to be found, by someone who loves me
I hope to be found, by love that consumes me
I hope to be found, to be cared for, to be saved
I hope to be found, to belong somewhere safe
I'm sorry why am I so emo
Gwen Pimentel Oct 2013
"I love the way her hair falls on her shoulders
I love the way she cuddles when it's colder
I love the way she smiles at me
I love the way her eyes are ******

I love the way she laughs out loudly
I love her, even when she's cranky
I love the way she's so moody
I love the way she effortlessly looks lovely

I love the way she holds her phone
I love the way she makes it feel like home
I love the way she stands when she's shy
I love the way she goes to me to cry

I love the way she talks
I love the way she likes to kick rocks
I love the way she gets all excited
I love the way we are, reunited

I love the way she makes weird faces
I love the way her moles are in all places
I love the way she's emotional at times
I love the way she's so good at rhymes

I love the way she thinks about every tweet
I love the way she's nervous about people she meets
I love the way she fantasizes about food
I love the way she does so much good

I love how you've showed me life (in the most amazing way ever)
I love how you say "I love you forever"
I love how you notice when I'm faking being fine
I love how I love you and you're mine"
I just really want someone to tell me this (hence, the quotation marks)... Ha ha ha

— The End —