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The distance between us at times seems to be too many miles away
Yet in my heart, you always remain the same
I take solace in the fact that you are only a poem away

If I am lonely I reread every line
My heart seems to beat in time
It reads like a spoken word
even when you have not uttered a word
Your poem plays in my mind like a verse in a favorite song
When I am weak it makes me feel stronger encouraging me to press on
because you are really only just a poem away

The distance seems to suddenly become so thin
as I begin to read your poems again
or as I personally jot down yet another line as I feel more inspired
Lifting me up much higher
It feels like a drink of cool water on a hot summers day
Yet I still at times desire some real face to face time with you
You are unique and special and absolutely no one else can take your place
For now I must slow my mind down into a more patient pace
It seems,like just at the right time, you write another line
Then you once again, become just Only A Poem Away
We are bonded by both blood and by our love for words as
You Are Only A Poem Away!
This Poem is dedicated to My daughter, Gwen, who some of you here on Hello Poetry know from her poetic works that are posted on here. I love You Gwen so much! Thank you to all my Hello Poetry friends for reading Gwen and my poetic postings. I appreciate it so much!
I know you are such a busy lady. Your encouragement gives me inspiration and gives my heart wings and makes me feel like singing.
Love Always, from Your Butterfly Mom.
( Feat Syd Rivers)
    (Feat Gwen Johnson)

Blast of bright flames
glowing in the horizon,
igniting the trees

A prayer to God
releasing celestial drops,
water saves the land.

Blowing is the wind
carrying seeds of new life
gently caressing

Today’s barren tree
tomorrow’s fruitful harvest
live expectantly.
It was such a pleasure to work as a part of a trio on this Poetry collaboration of Haikus with both Syd Rivers and Gwen Johnson who are both talented writers and great people too! Thank you, so much for working with me and for challenging me to work on something new to me the Haikus. It was so much fun! :)
Sometimes my mind seems so full of thoughts
  Ideas spilling overflowing
   like ink onto paper

  Other times
my mind seems hazy
or just rainy day lazy
The more that I try to think  
more elusive my thoughts become
making me feel like I'm temporarily numb
 Apr 2016 Gwen Johnson
It's such a lovely thought
To  have once had
Everything you've caught
In your palms

Crumble away

As sand does

On a windy shore

Through the spaces
From your fingers

Cascading back
Into  the tide
Heroes and villains seem harder to define
when somethings happen to blur the lines
The villain style of justice may appear better than no justice at all
When the system fails the victim and makes the victim feel so small
Where are the Heros when evil abounds?
Are they still around?
Who fights for truth and justice throughout the land?
Who is brave enough to take a stand?
Remember heroes often are easily disguised as ordinary people and don't stand out in a crowd
Their anonymity allows them to work behind the scenes
they effectively crush the evil villains dreams.
The Heros tirelessly fight for truth and justice and selflessly care for others in need.
They support and encourage those that the villains of this world have knocked down.
The villains can too easily be found courtesy of our television screen they often make a showing on the 6 or 10 o clock news they are promoting violence they don't care about anyone else's views.
As far as Heros go you may discover that a Heros heart is contained inside of You.
Hero or Villain?
The choice is yours
Today you could take a stand to right some societal wrong
Today you can be strong and be a Hero to a friend or loved one or a stranger in need. To them can  make a difference indeed.
Hero's Traits:
H elping
E ncouraging
R espectful
O pportunity
Perhaps these traits are within you
Be the Hero that you long to see!
Butterflies in my stomach
I could try to contain them
or  I could let them surround me
and lift me to new heights
I am having some anxiety about starting at a college that is new to me.
A lonely leaf blowing in the wind
tossed to and fro by the seasons change
you eventually land
become faded over time
but you never felt jaded
by the changes you faced

You grew from a tiny bud
shined upon by the suns love
you drank deeply
from heaven's rain
You remained free
from any human pain

When your time was up
You went out in a
Blaze of glory
in wonderful colors
for others to enjoy

someday when my time
earth is up
I can only
go out
Sometimes there are obstacles in this race called life
that I need to overcome
Sometimes the journey is just beginning even when I feel like the race is done
Sometimes the road seems lonely
Sometimes the hills seem too steep
Sometimes I long to quit running and just want to sleep

The race is like a marathon
It is best taken one step at a time
It is best to go at my own pace
and not  by comparing myself with the other runners along the way
If I take my eyes off of the goal
I will quickly lose my place
It is good to seek encouragement displayed on the faces of friends along the way
It drives me to press forward on otherwise darkened days
I need to persevere even when the path is rough and the goal seems way too far away
This seemingly uphill battle builds strength and endurance for this long distance race
I don't have to be the best runner that there ever was
I just need to do my best to run and keep the prize in sight
when I finally cross the finish line
I hope to hear I'm glad you made it
If I'm fortunate I might even hear  Well Done
for now, I will keep running taking it one step at a time.
The polyp was benign according to the pathology report.
  One of my poems was Published in the Lindberg Edition of the Sr. Perspective, April 2016. The story-poem is called Hidden Treasure, as it first appeared here on Hello Poetry.
Here it is below if you missed it:

   Hidden Treasure
A man went for a walk one day. He seemed to be searching for something as he hurried about, "Just a rock covered in dirt nothing special he says while he walks away".
  A little girl walking down the same path carefully inspects each rock
  she examines each one and then picks up the same rock that the man
  had rejected.
  She holds it in her hands lifts it up toward the sun and says," you may not look like much outside, but I have a feeling that you’re true worth lies within you".
She excitedly skips down the path and brings it home and proudly presents the rock to her father.
He carefully takes the rock and breaks it open and discovers the treasure that lies within, a geode that is sparkling like diamonds in the light.
In life, people at times are too quick to judge according to appearances alone. They hurry through life, they seem to be searching for something but not taking time to discover what life has to offer us through one another. They might even perceive that another person is like dirt, and with that misconception they miss out in discovering another's true worth.
Upon closer examination they might discover that the other person has many great qualities and can become a treasured friend.
If only they would slow down and take the time to take a closer look so that they don't miss the hidden treasure that lies within.
I did not get any monetary benefit from the publication of the poem, just the benefit of knowing that others were reading and enjoying the story-poem.
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