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Jul 2015 · 949
Freddie Rogers Jul 2015
"This is called the fisherman's hook"
That was my best friend alongside me fishing
Author of life turned the page of the book

Heart bigger than a heart itself
Hunting on Christmas was the only presence I wanted
He was my Santa and I his elf

Trapped in my mind with no release
Sitting under the lights crying "I need you please"

A figure appears
"You are becoming a great fisher of men"**
Here I am talking to gramps all over again
Jun 2015 · 2.0k
Success In Failure
Freddie Rogers Jun 2015
Uprising greatness instilled within
                    Searching for trust to label a friend

Confined within his pre-destined fantasy
Sorrow building the foundation to light
Hollow building; exposing reality
The war with peace; an endless fight

Greed is corruption; corruption nurtures greed
                Paper and power is the hunger they feed

Living for what? Under a throne of lies
Demolished the tower that was once the source
He found redemption; with success to rise
May 2015 · 2.2k
Stepping Stones
Freddie Rogers May 2015
Brothers front with endless affection
Reveal true colors from deep within
Ocean blue eyes now chaotic infection

The ***** within stabbed by your own
Once was full but now is drained
Drought in trust left him alone

Bottled up sealed with sorrow
Eyes strapped ready for launch
Hopefully all is better tomorrow

Smiling face embracing his flaws
Perfection the effect
Betrayal the cause
May 2015 · 1.1k
Street He rt
Freddie Rogers May 2015
Sleep through the day
Wait through the dark
It's not what they say
It's what's in my heart

My body never sleeps, it just cries
Need another life before it's goodbye

Nobody knows
What really goes
Inside my mind
Should I be breathe or die?

Your brother in crime?
Nothing but lies
Turn your back?
Be stabbed with time

Im becoming unstable
From the deceit and fables
Should I trust them again?

**** it, im pulling the cable
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
Society's Product
Freddie Rogers Dec 2014
Monster we call protection
Hidden within our own declaration
Wealthy build and succeed
While poor find shelter to bleed
We the people isn't what we imagine
Simply a phrase causing oblivious contemplation

Disease, power, and war for what?
For the sake of being better?
**** this world, I'm done with this lett...
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Freddie Rogers Nov 2014
Lonely and conflicted within
He loses interest yet stays persistent
Suspect to evil and sin

Pure heart yet cold soul
Good intentions yet no goal
Clapping to the beat of his heart
He cries out to every living part

Heart numb with fingers ******
Blurry path leads him to everything muddy

What more is there to this life?
Every girl wasn't much
Any drug with a button touch

I don't know how it got so bad
Everyone was once there like dad
All forgot and everyone's grown
I guess I'm better off on my own
Aug 2014 · 413
Freddie Rogers Aug 2014
slice after slice the flesh fades away
almost to the the vein now
all I can do is lay

thoughts run like streams through my brain
twisting within I think I'm going insane

thought after thought death seems easier
covering my body with a numb coat of fur

hearing voices telling me what to say
I'll stay on this hell for another day
Jul 2014 · 423
Lifeless life
Freddie Rogers Jul 2014
abstract crimson heart
now torn to p i e c e s
new start new end
but now the love is less

it's about heartbreak season
understand life has no reason

we live
we get hurt

we die
pretty ****** up but all you can do is move on and cry

my head spins while all I do is think
I need to pour another drink
Jul 2014 · 563
simple sorrow
Freddie Rogers Jul 2014
oh dear oh dear
look what I have here

"it's very delicate so don't break it"

reach out your hand and it will be yours
you've earned it I couldn't give any more

keep me together when I'm falling apart
give me hope, a freshly paved start

but you left
and now my heart screams
Jun 2014 · 434
Freddie Rogers Jun 2014

Shattered lights
Broken town
Psychological fights

Burning bridges by the start
Visions flash before ones heart

Sleeping to wake
Ending with eternal bake
Jun 2014 · 780
Freddie Rogers Jun 2014
Where am I?
Why are you looking so deeply at me?
This rush...I wonder if I can fly

Piloting dragons while my spine cracks
Alon   e I feel yet complete
Contemplating these thoughts, love is what lacks

Cold chills shooting up my bones
My hands...are numb
A look in the mirror only to see a self
morphed clone

A cigarette to calm the sorrow
Every drag to release the pain
Uplifted yet so low

Wearing off now, a gag or a spit
My body starting to ache
I think I need another hit
Jun 2014 · 657
2 2
Freddie Rogers Jun 2014
2 2
Taking each breath with a rope around the lifeline
Blades infract the skin to produce relief in the world we call "fine"

Her father abusive with every
        poisonous phrase
Leaving the pile of bones left to sit in a desperate daze

Leaving her lost in a cause that has yet to be found
But perfectly imperfect compacted into a love seeking hound

Searching for joy in anything left possible
Left lying helpless in a joyous yet melancholy blood pool

A figure        appears

Numb but feeling right
She turned on the rusty switch to his light

Intertwining into one mind
Tearing off the chains and shackles of the once blind

happiness now instilled
once hopeless but the heart now filled

every word spoken comes out with sincerity
making it together, opening up their vulnerabilities
Feb 2014 · 2.3k
Holy Corruption
Freddie Rogers Feb 2014
Blueprints paved to corruption
Pain, Suffering, War
Minds partake in this brain abduction

War within every nation
The afterlife unknown
Together until complete separation

Together we stand divided we fall
What more is there
To nothing we saw
Feb 2014 · 444
Freddie Rogers Feb 2014
Feeling once  alive
                                now abandoned  
with every word they said it all meant nothing
Vital organs now frozen
         pulse now abnormal
                   beating the beat of a broken metronome

Every breath now breathes poison
           a gas we now call "reality"
Nov 2013 · 667
Freddie Rogers Nov 2013
Convexed heart
Perplexed start

Puzzled by the puzzle

Mapped by the maker

It all crashing
Skies were clashing

Splattered with triumph
                    filled with wine
Destined for bloodshed
Wood transformed to crimson red
Nov 2013 · 525
Poet vs. P037
Freddie Rogers Nov 2013
Enter the poem to press done
Something dramatic containing rhythm or a "gun"
Bold here
Italic there

Maybe some spacing
Will make it formal and casual tasting

What poets are we?

A poet to add pressure to pixels
Or a poet to paint the art from bristles

Either way
We are just people speaking what nobody can say
Nov 2013 · 597
Zombie Life
Freddie Rogers Nov 2013
Despair in the deepest

Living each day just to live
Breathing each breath just to breath

Rising to just live on the surface
This corpse more dead than any source of purpose

Infection creeps up on you, the worlds collide
The fire spreads from fingernail to the roots deep inside

Thoughts become habit
Habits become disease

Infected and congested
Nov 2013 · 901
Top Secret Sufferings
Freddie Rogers Nov 2013
Gun in the left
                        sword in the right
The life of death or the selfless
                                         Reaching out to seek
Thoughts become twisted and oblique

Thoughts going astray, the cylindrical barrel fitting nicely to the temple
Tears grazing the crescent figure of my dimple

Sword used to carve a smile
           and disguise the sufferings
Giving me hope, I want to stay on this hell for a little while
Freddie Rogers Nov 2013
Caramelized and sugar coated with sweetness
Discover the bitter core engraved with crimson
Chocolate covered sacrifice, you can taste the bitter spoken love and complete

Consume the message as a snack
But love and brutalize life with truth

Speak the words given
Hold the sword that's received
Preach nothing but the actions  conceived

Abhor all left and the answer will come out right

Path leads to destruction and obliteration?
Grasp the complication

Ripple like a pebble smashing water with the thousand significant waves to come
Nothing more than the cross and melodious cords that are left to song but right from the start of the one who tore out his heart
Oct 2013 · 1.2k
Wake & Bake
Freddie Rogers Oct 2013
Rises to wake
                         gathers ingredients to his recipe
           the darkness away

Feeling good until his ingredients run to none
Oct 2013 · 775
Freddie Rogers Oct 2013
and confined by shards repelling the light
With every whip
                              flesh torn to reveal the wine of
                  The One keeping the world together with zero smite

         Nine tails
            Twelve disciples  
   Three nails

Together now separated
Conformity now calamity
Vulnerable now inevitable

Oct 2013 · 570
Just Visiting
Freddie Rogers Oct 2013
Combustion of fire burning through the *****
Hoping for the one to come
Patterns come after time an time
Idealistic now suppression
Simplicity now complication

Life quick with a strange curve
so sharp it can tear any nerve

Spears come to pierce our heart
Only to find our dearest handling but there was always end never a start

Bones together and all is fine
Through the heart there lies a peaceful shrine

A root growing beneath us all
Give some faith and search the call

The hole waiting to be filled  
But the desires have on begun
Now is when we start the build
Oct 2013 · 1.3k
Lost Soul
Freddie Rogers Oct 2013
Head down, hopes high, this wasteland dark, wicked and twisted

Arriving "home" only to discover purple flesh canvas splatters from the figure he calls father

Repetition is at hand, the heart now torn between the crease where it had once been sown together

Compromising to this world, living for the world but the worlds not living for him

Contemplating death because there is zero life within this skeleton

Lead, gunpowder and pressure are alive while the power of powers overpowers all

Tears full of sorrow glisten down his cheek but there is a hand that wipes away tears

The oppressed are suppressed for the kingdom is here and will reign

Happiness instilled in the once torn heart now guarded by the one who guards
now filled with wine of the thirsty

Once a lost soul but never a lost cause
Son of the king walking into the light
Once fatherless but now selfless

— The End —