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Feb 2016 · 308
You let me hold your hand
but never your heart.
You let me in your mind
but never your soul.
I let you broke my heart
but never your own.
Jan 2016 · 406
She’s dark as her soul,
Eyes that pours out everything
Lips that can speak lies.
Jan 2016 · 351
I was your living nightmare you said
I get to stab you every now and then
I get to **** you more often.

Your eyes were glistening with tears
As I became your righteous fears

Long I stood,
Your heart in feud
Your soul infused.

Darkness plays,
Your voice inflames.

I was your living nightmare after all.
Jan 2016 · 428
Your love was like holding a cup of coffee
Steamingly hot you poured it onto me.

You let go of the cup,
The cup breaks.

I was that little pieces of glass.
Jan 2016 · 834
You are my sunshine,
You're my stars and moon above
You light up my life.
Jan 2016 · 370
Red as you bleed to death,
Red as you grieve for help.
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
You get down on your knees,
Pull the hair beneath your ears.

Feels the beat of the sea,
As you sip your tea.

Sky's purple as your lips,
As the sun slowly drips

With my heart you never keep.
Jan 2016 · 586
Lost Soul
I behold thyself!
For I let myself bleed.
As the blood gushing red,
With red deeper than death.

Would you hold my soul,
Flowing through your eyes
Slowly slipping foul.

I am delightfully surprised!
With the beauty of my existence
Which I had not realized,
Until I ended this sentence.
Nov 2015 · 985
What's next?
You shot an arrow to my heart,
hoping it will ease the pain.

You pulled the trigger,
the bullet straight to my soul
hoping you'll see what's beneath me.

You put a knife on my body,
tracing the lines seen
hoping you'll get past through me.

What you didn't know,
I already felt worst
Numb just like a feather
Delicately falling from someone else's back.
Can life be anymore cruel?
Nov 2015 · 356
Don't love her.
She is a mess.
Her soul is dispatched and scarred.
Her heart is overused.
Her life is a ruined ruins.
Her mind is full of scattered thoughts.
Her eyes sparkle with pain.
Her lips ache for the unsaid words.
Her hands craves for touch.
Her body longs for someone who drifted away from her.
She just wanted to explore the world but she cannot do that. She must explore her mind, arrange all thoughts and dispose what’s needed. If only there’s a navigation bar inside her head, she surely gonna put most thoughts to recycle, and reduce. She always felt guilty for the things she didn’t do or maybe unconsciously did. She’s always afraid of the role of every person she meets in her life. She never really cared about anyone, she just wanted to be happy, accepting what’s needed. She never really thought that once she fell in love, she never thought it would be so hard. She unconsciously fall to the stupid tricks of love and now, she is changed.
She is used.
She is scarred.
She stopped being happy, for love took it. She got tired of chasing happiness and now became her own pain.
Nov 2015 · 399
Your pain
She was like a rain;
Pouring real hard while you drink your hot moist coffee.
You never really liked the rain,
nor love it even.
She made a thunder
while you try to keep her from breaking.
Driving back and forth
to realize that you just keep on coming and going.
She’s drizzling
while you try to make her yours to keep.
But one thing you phantom,
you can never stop a hurricane from breaking things;
from breaking your own.
She slowly got up and hope that no one is awake to see her eyes bulging for help. She reached for her pen and that little vintage notebook that no one knows and started scribbling the words her soul screams for. She quietly sat at their balcony outside her room and let the moon illuminate her thoughts. She thinks this is the best way to get help without actually getting help from anyone. She slowly bring her hand to a move, a few strokes, a long hard press, a few soft ones, and a lot of semi-colon for her thoughts are an endless words to write. She looked up and count how many stars she can see and wonders if she can ever reach any of it.

Dawn is her favorite part. More than she loved dusk. It is when there’s nothing else illuminating the sky other than the moon and the stars and a few shooting stars. Where a few people is awake, lonely and feeling the same way she does. Dawn is her best example of her woe. Getting that sorrowful feeling just by looking at the night sky. Knowing that her only companions are the heavenly bodies.

She watches as her lean fingers trace the stars above her. Listening to her own distress; along with her soft breathing and dark, wild soul. Too preoccupied by its beauty. Mesmerized by the radiance of that brilliant, round heavenly body; giving her pain to it. Taking its brilliancy and leaving it dark and gloomy just like her soul.

Chasing what’s left of her, she remembered that she was holding a pen, she grasped for it hard and slowly stand up and throw it above hoping it would touch the twinkling light beaming beneath her.

Getting back to realization, she sat down and read what she has written and a tear fall down her pale cheeks, gazed at the moon and asking it to give her strength and take her pain away, but it didn’t repond. It just stared back, listening and letting her know that it understands her.

She peered. Few salty tears fell, few strokes to her hair, wipe her tears away and gone back to bed. Because she knew for herself that she could never wipe her despair away.
Nov 2015 · 332
You reached for my chest,
Pulled out and took my heart before I say anything.
But what you did not know is that I already surrendered myself to you the first time you even said hello.

— The End —