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Tab Feb 2016
My parents fell out of love
I don't remember when it happen but it did
One day they held each other
Then the next day they held each other at the throat
I promised I'd never let that happen to me
I'd love with my whole being
I'd rot away with my lover into a next life
Letting the sweet feeling get trapped in my bones
Tab Feb 2016
She danced in the midnight light
The night engulfing her
Her love came in waves
*A goddess of lost souls
Tab Feb 2016
You're gonna find people you'll miss
People who make your bones ache when they are gone
People who make you feel at home even when you're a 1000 miles away
They're gonna show you how to grow flowers in the middle of January
Smile lines will tattoo themselves onto your face
You'll forget about the darkness behind you
Focusing on the sunrise in front of you
Don't worry about temporary people because no matter where you go
**You're gonna find people you'll miss
Tab Feb 2016
She was in church thinking about him, praying God wouldn't notice
He had cut open her chest to steal her heart
She tried to fill the empty space by planting wild flowers in her lungs
Wild flowers wrapped around her lungs
She had become an overgrown garden
Lungs collapsing, begging for forgiveness one last time
Tab Feb 2016
I'm not great with words
I left behind a morse code instead
hoping, praying
someone would find my SOS
Tab Feb 2016
Love is just another word
4 letters
A chemical reaction
Dopamine, addictive as *******
Norepinephrine, adrenaline
Serotonin, can make one temporarily insane
Love is a science, not a poem
Its not passion its a reaction
This is an explanation
Not a love poem
I don't want to love you anymore
Tab Feb 2016
Fuzzy and warm
The feeling spilling over my whole being
Drinking to forget
Forgetting to drink
*Warm wine filling the spaces you once called home
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