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Devin Oct 2017
I was chasing down the moon
Burning concave, sickle bow ahead

They thought you were cheese
They praised you
They feared you
They studied you
They tried to lasso you
They landed on you
They forgot you

And now I'm staring you down
Plain and laid in my sights
The deer to my lonesome, vague headlights

As I barrel into her labyrinth
I'm yielding onto her, and as I go
She eclipses the sky beneath her
And it's shrinking in my view

It's as so the distance
Barring us both,
Is fracturing with every inch of every mile
By time, we will collide in beautiful unison

The explosion wound send to fragments,
The line dividing
The candor of life
And the uncertain ether

Celestial dust and shrapnel
Will rain down a new gravity

Heaven involved itself;
Instead I am now driving with the moon
We team south as she occupies
The passenger side

She's my hitch hiker
Or if she were Bonnie
I'd have to be Clyde
We're gonna rob that big bank in the sky, baby

Weaving stories of home and the road
And love and loss and time and hope
And destinations and longings
And belongings and beginnings

And we disagree and we fear things
And we share dreams and we lose sleep
And we split gas and we drive fast
And we smoke grass and she laughs

But time passed
And she was due a few miles ahead
So she climbed to the back seat
To rest for a moment

And I drove on
With the familiarity she shone
She was quiet now
And so I kept to my thoughts and the road

I'd look back on occasion just to assure
She was still a pendant on the drapery of night
I glanced about enough to spot her
From the corner of my eye

And I sigh at the strike of reticence
But flood with saccharine
I remember her glow as a child
She was in a sidecar on every road trip

Again I turn to her,
But she made no appearance
Like a thief, she fled by window,
Not even a disturbance to the wind

I smiled for our ride together
And the protection she laid over me
It was finished now,
But everything always is

I caught the blemish in my rear view
As I moved on
She was a speckle behind me
And being swallowed by the hills and buildings

I couldn't know what anticipated in the remote
But I remember my old friend
As the slack between us
Became taut and expansive
Devin Aug 2017
In a snap,
Cast to the skies
A quarter in revelations

It hangs for a moment,
To ascend
And succumb to the odds

The time I cried
And thew my cards
Across the floor

The time I smiled
And thanked you
For the patients it takes

Naked frustration is
A landscape of voices,
Begging you to be what you are

But all that reflects
Is tethered to uncertainty
Potential is awash

In the twinkling moments
Of genius perceived, but wasted
As the nights that begot them

The celebratory hours
Seemed to forecast
Less ordinary futures

But the paper thin,
Angry kid
Always clawing for scraps

He couldn’t have enough
Curious and cautious
A gapeseed for the impractical

If I could latch to one thing
To make that my master
If I could commit

If I could break the paralysis
That hinders even my words
If I could give a ****

Then it wouldn’t be so unsettling
To watch the quarter drop
And not contend with the difference
In a quarter of life, you will second guess, lament, settle, adapt, regret, grow, regress, and likely be unsettled with your place in life. But all of those emotions and trials have landed you where you are. And really, you couldn't be happier for it.
Devin Jul 2017
Sometimes I catch glances of you
and me, and me of you
blue moonlight bathed

It’s a flashback to a set back
A breaking of chains
tethered to a past life

Shed the moment in two
the duality of brain and body
is tangled at the hips

Phantoms pass in moments
most claimed to the indifference
of lust and morality
Devin Jul 2017
I've confined the greatest hits of Marx
to a playlist
and periodically map over them with dull,
grasping eyes, when desperate for talking points
or anti-capitalism ideation

The works of Bukowski, Poe, Emerson,
tethered to my fingertips where I can stave
them off enough to hold concept
but unearth no meaning

I can pull and manipulate quotes
like nobody's business

I googled Sigmund Freud once
because I forgot how to spell his name

If photos could become life
and give justice to experience and wealth,
I would be Frank Lloyd Wright

If John Muir had an iPhone,
he would be as distracted and rooted
Somehow he died surrounded by angels
at the advent of advertising and public relations;

Emily Dickinson would have been
an Instagram model and romanticized
mental illness

I gasp in admiration and nostalgia
at Rockwell, but that world never existed
beyond his oil, canvas and scope

If the people that wrote the history books
had to read them, they would be
as insatiable as me.

All we are is illusions of aesthetics
to one another
Trapped in the vaguely perfect candor
of rehearsed moments

Tripped up and mired in perspective
because we aren't as lost as they
Only lost to ourselves

The library of my mind relies
on binary communication,
programmed in arbitration

And inside, there's a small child
whose heart still desires to play
But he's overwhelmed and crying for help

In the corner, a yearning spirit
is steadfast and pacified
Forming a benchmark of baseline bullet points
Wrought with cynicism

I am not smart
I am not profound
I am not layered
I am not organic
I am not the next great American anything
Devin Jun 2017
Do you still believe in the 4th of July
Or did you have enough firework nights
To grow reason and fatigue
All the peripheral damage
Cast to the aesthetic of days
Lost in cyclical episodes

Are we the sum of all parts
Or the spacial matter we accept
Sorting about reason and fatigue
Replacing one for the other
To detox the frailty of erosion
Spun in proverbial orbs

Yield to content at your own accord
Catch the dying light of days
As it bows to tomorrow
Is the sun the same
Does the moon change beyond shape
Your paradox thoughts spin
With the rotation of clocks
Devin May 2017
Intoxicated duality and
The bipolar mirror in your heart

You want that taste
Vapors lingering to your tongue

Spark up insanity with
Roman candles

But mask the smell
Spill the ash, deny

Afraid of what to be
Can’t figure me out

Only dust, dancing
In a wave of ember

For hell’s sake
We’re pretending Heaven

Habits of solace
Vices in revolve
Devin May 2017
Hard whiskey made my dad beat me
Joe camel made my mother smoke
Silicone women made me download viruses
Black people made me racist
Poor people made me arrogant
Capitalism made me give my life to the dollar
A flawed education system made me not pay attention in class
A society based in patriarchal and hormonal driven narratives made me **** her
Daytime television and nightly news made me paranoid
Stereotypes made me leave my wife and kids
The quiet kid made me make him shoot up the school
God made me detonate the bomb
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