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 Nov 2015 Day Wing
I envy the sun because when you're half asleep groggy and painfully unaware of how peaceful and beautiful you look, she kisses your lips with light.
But the moon, oh she's the luckiest of them all, shes the one who knows all your 3 am thoughts and secrets, I'm jealous because she knows your sheets that get to touch every part of you as you slowly fall asleep, she gets to feel your every breath falling like crashing thunder, she gets to admire your raw beauty in your most delicate and fragile state.
 Nov 2015 Day Wing
I was lying next to you when i realized you've slowly become the most important person in my life, and the thought of that made me feel afraid... I've never felt something like this before and it freaked me out because you've become that thing that I never ever want to lose, you've become a part of me, the piece that I've been searching for all along  in every thing and in every person .... the puzzle piece that makes me complete.
 Nov 2015 Day Wing
Ashley Grey
All that I done for you
So many I cannot count
I hope you'd care for me too
But my wishes, to you didn't amount
The energy I spent, I time I gave
You took, oh so eagerly
But it was your turn, you saved
And hid everything selfishly
Is it wrong to ask the same
Or if not a little more?
Do you think my love's a game?
Why is giving such a chore?

Perhaps I've been blinded to see
All your self-conceitedness
In truth, you never loved me
A thief of love and innocence
Vain I know
I just can't let go
Money that hard to earn
Each day some of it I'd burned

Creating my own clouds
To have strength to join the crowd
When I was a kid, I am too shy
Finally slain my demon of shyness and fly

It started by only feeding my ignorance
Just a single try I've said to my conscience
Seems helping me to have courage in a way
So once, twice, trice until dozen a day

My dear ones begged me to stop
I've tried a lot of times, but I just can't drop
Just like a vampire to blood I crave
To **** the beast of addiction I am not that brave

I am so ****** up now
I am targeting myself with my own bow
A poison I've known from the start
But still I keep it near to my very heart

Written: December 27, 2014

Mysterious Aries
Addiction comes from a different form... How can I enlighten people to stop the ways that aren't good for them, when I can't simply discontinue mine...
Drawing images using some words
Telling some stories that are unheard
Stealing the moment, freezing the time
Killing the beast that vultures the mind

Spilling blood, the pen is our knife
Collecting traces from this mysterious life
Connecting dots to create a line
Polishing stones to make it shine

Our words are riddles, a must to decode
Giving multiple key for them to unload
The meaning of some could make readers insane
If wrongly unlock it will conquer their brain

We are a shape-shifter just like the cloud
Painting angels and demons to enlighten the crowd
Hoping they’ll listen to our joy and our pain
Wishing they’ll get the lesson of our every rain

Mysterious Aries
 Nov 2015 Day Wing
Ambika Jois
You once longed for that feeling
Now you have it

You once dreamed of the rosy side
Now you've passed it

You once felt alone
Now you have that person

You once thought of solving issues
Now you don't have control

You once thought you had everything
Now you do

You once said everything was nothing
Now you feel it

You once promised you'll be there
Now you can't keep it

You once wanted to restart
Now you can't change what's happened
teenage angst
marriage strife
nasty childhood
change of life
stress at work
financial woes
mental illness
on it goes

pour the bottle
pop the pill
find the vein
"cure" your ill
light the pipe
tip the glass
it don't matter
race or class

it may appear
to help you some
but in the end
the devil's won
it don't matter
your job or skills
the smoke's a prison

the bottle KILLS**

(C) 10/4/2015
if you have a problem
with drugs or alcohol
or both
the first thing you MUST do
is admit it to yourself

I beat the odds
i'm clean and sober
and while i had
a temporary lapse
a few months ago
i bounced back and
i don't even have cravings

see my write
Salvation Story
by soulsurvivor

 Sep 2015 Day Wing
 Sep 2015 Day Wing
He told me my scars weren't beautiful
And I told him that no one could ever really admire a masterpiece
Without taking a few steps back
Your scars make you who you are and no matter what you are beautiful
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