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May 2019 · 579
Danielle Suzanne May 2019
Summer sun on blue
Pungent roses fill the air
Honeybees approve
Laying in the park and marveling at the gloriousness of the first Summer days.
May 2019 · 1.1k
Danielle Suzanne May 2019
Hopeful bees take flight
A light breeze moves their target
Summer days begin
Jan 2019 · 4.7k
Can We Keep Our Eyes Closed?
Danielle Suzanne Jan 2019
A slow sun
Peeps over the horizon
The golden dawn
Joins the lovers in
Their warmest embrace
Promise of
The most perfect day
Offered with reverence
From God Herself

Before the daydream
Can even begin
A swift hand
Snaps the blind shut
A not so casual escape
Towards the cliff edge
Startling the curious bluebirds
That were beginning to gather

Vanish does the dawn.
With caution
Light fingers trace the earth exposed
Repelling all offers of relief
Regret overwhelming
The warmth of the sacred center
Evaporates rapidly

Releasing a sigh
Light and heavy
In every way
She retreats
As once again
She is reminded
That he is not
A morning person
Jan 2019 · 750
Nocturnal Love
Danielle Suzanne Jan 2019
They kiss sometimes
Mostly when the moon is high
And the stars are blurry
Diluted by the fourth and fifth whiskey
Details of this velvet cloaked romance
Are kept sparse
Once daylight touches their skin
Watered down recollections
Remain under lock and key
Hidden in that dark box
Not even the brightest sunbeams penetrate
Apr 2017 · 456
A drizzly night (haiku)
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
I just saw my love
Tightly he held her hand while
rain drops stung my eyes
Apr 2017 · 2.0k
Spring love (haiku)
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
Cherry blossom bloom
Pink kisses under the tree
Romantics, prepare!
Apr 2017 · 3.9k
I need to write words
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
So that I can purge
these feelings inside of me
The feelings and urges
Of recent heart cracks
That make me
Want to hurt you
The solution it seems
Unsurprisingly to me
Is to

I don't need to talk.
Talking is circles
And friends agreeing
With every view I see
Even though my view
Has been skewed
By you.
It's no secret
I'm no fool
So why do they do it?

If I could just
Gather these feelings
On to a page
Surely my rage
Will subside
And then
Like a full body sigh
Things will-
...feel lighter
And you will be
More memory
Than constant reminder

So here I am
Madly scribbling
All this time later
These words
Which allegedly
Will release me
From all the
Convictions of you

I write with a pencil
Just in case
The seasons change and
I should ever want to erase
These documented tears
And instead
Pick up the phone
And talk circles
With a friend
Or even
talk circles
With you.
Apr 2017 · 5.8k
Reading in Central Park
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
Hot sun on my neck
Dandelions suffocated
By long blades of grass
Bird's song
And truck's siren
Compete for center stage
Floating clouds
Keep the light
Dappled with ease
Apr 2017 · 734
The lucky ones
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
Let the people who can speak to the joy of life
Remember those for which
it has been ripped away
Apr 2017 · 6.2k
I kill all my plants
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
Leaves wilted
Roots dry
Hidden in the unlit
corner of the room
You miss the brightness
of the morning sun

Put there
to pretty up this
bare space
that you need more
than admiring looks
and shards
of fading light
to survive

Where did your green-ness go?
Once glorious
now brown tinged
and limp  
Walking past you  
I can't help
but look away

I know
I should do
About you

A leaf falls
Feelings of thirst and
Engulfing darkness
Take their toll

There will be
Nothing left
But a shriveled up stem
And you'll be tossed outside
With the rest of them

Really, I'm a terrible gardener.
Apr 2017 · 576
I've been waiting for you
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
And then you follow me to bed,
rest your head on my chest
And I think to myself:
'My sweetheart
is finally here.'
Apr 2017 · 727
The let down (haiku)
Danielle Suzanne Apr 2017
Hey, you over there!
Do you want to hold my hand?
Oh. Never mind then.
Mar 2017 · 10.0k
Danielle Suzanne Mar 2017
When I'd wake alone in bed at 4am
To find you passed out
on the couch
Too wasted to notice
the heart breaking in front of you
I tried every day
But you preferred synthetic hugs
and to hide in a place
where the expectations were low  
Escapes and excuses
more alluring than I could ever be
Through tears I would plead
'Why don't you want to sleep with me!?'
I shouldn't have taken it so personally

But nobody saw me cry
Especially not you
Blind to my own tears
Large doses of denial dished out
A feast for the masses
Perhaps the most powerful drug of them all
My soul mate disappeared
each day
a little more

Maybe today will be different
The beautiful motivator
Maybe today
It will be me that you choose
Naively believing
that you had control
But then I woke
alone in bed at 4am
Manipulated and used
March 26th 2017
Mar 2017 · 2.6k
A Request
Danielle Suzanne Mar 2017
Pave me a path to the moon
I'll walk the whole way
By the silver dust craters
And white light

It looks to be a gentle place
A place to go to close your eyes
And exhale.
A place to go
To have your face touched
And heart filled

On the moon
I will be peaceful
I will revel in the
Weightlessness of it all
And store that feeling in my heart
Remembering it in moments
When I am feeling
Crushed by this heavy earth

And in the meantime
While my path is being paved
I'll keep my moon dream alive
By late night star gazing
And keeping
Silver dust in my pocket
March 23rd 2017
Mar 2017 · 2.9k
Today, still
Danielle Suzanne Mar 2017
I exhale.
One exhalation added
To the collective sigh of the sad
A sort of meditation
A sign of letting go
A surrender to the feeling
To the moment

I contemplate.
Repeated contemplation
Of every unturned stone
The groove in the record deepens
And the needle traps itself
The invitation of
Darkness is irresistible

— The End —