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lex Aug 2017
Rip currents.
They pull and tear
your life away.
They're stronger than we are,
and much, much more dangerous.
Drowning has never
been so easy,
I'm afraid.
lex Feb 2018
my heart hurts
i don't know what to do
the sensation of sadness runs warm within me
and i am left, in bed, alone, as i'm left with my thoughts.
sadness envelopes me.
lex Dec 2017
i know that
in the past i've
said that
love could not heal
nor help me
but now i
believe i've been
she's a special girl.
lex Sep 2017
everyone and everything
around me is whirling
i can't look a certain way
without my vision swirling
i need to go lay down
but i can't and i won't
i need to stay strong
i need to stay afloat
the hierarchy is difficult.
lex Aug 2018
from up so high
the sound of waves and the wind in my hair

they calm me
and i wisp away to another dimension.
lex Aug 2017
your silence
is my strength.
and every second you don't speak i think of more things to say to you
lex Aug 2017
when you sleep
you are so unaware
of your beauty
that i have to remind you
every morning
that you
are the most beautiful person ever.
i'd like to tell you these things but i've never had the courage
lex Jul 2017
You tell me things
Things I don't even believe
You tell others
that aren't even true
and you,
you criticize me
for being me.

And I've had enough.
Everyone around us,
they may side with you,
but I am still,
still furious,
still relentless.

Everyone only asks how I'm doing
because of what you did to me.
you turned everyone against me,
and they're criticizing me
for being me.

And I've had enough.
Everyone around us,
they may side with you,
but now, someone's with me.
And soon,
the whole school will be too.

You tell me we can work it out,
but I don't need someone like you
This poem is based on a movie called Odd Girl Out.
lex Aug 2017
my eyes are constellations
in your starry sky
they reflect you
they see you
they feel you.
stars are dead, but you are living luminance
lex Sep 2017

red white blue
hanging outside
house is a home
as long as you call it
if you don't
it's not the one for you
i'm not sure what this poem is but i kind of like it.
lex Nov 2017
all it takes
is one kiss
to fall in love

to say this
is quite wrong
what is found in love,
to me, is

entangled limbs
as skin pleads for skin

kisses in the morning
and the afternoon

falling asleep upon a
rising and falling chest

and much, much more.

lex Dec 2020
slow mornings are my favorite
for i can simply stare out the window,
drink coffee,
and think.

whether it be cloudy or sunny,
it's always nice to bask in the low light.
the sun streams through the window with an orange glow and i wish nothing but to stand in it forever
lex Aug 2017
you're beautiful
and although you know it
i'd like to tell you one more time
because the more, the merrier.

-i've always been into quotes like that
lex May 2018
the weight on my chest has been lifted.
i may not be fully happy today, or tomorrow,
but i know that at least
i told someone something
before i would face never being happy again.
lex Jul 2017
This sick feeling
In my stomach
I don't know why I feel it.

It could be anxiousness
or a bit of self-doubt.
It's really not worth
blabbering about.

It's probably nothing
just a cramp or my period
But I can't help but feel
it's more than that.

I shouldn't have to feel
so nervous late at night.
For the night is for sleeping
there's nothing to fright.

Now I feel cold sweats
on my forehead and face.
But it's not hot out
or cold even.

This sick feeling's taking over me
I can't control it now
I'll find a way to stop it
I will, but how?
lex Mar 2021
on the tip of my tongue
those three little words
they don't have to be big
but i dont have the courage

is it too soon?
it's been but a week
but i'm ninety percent sure
that these feelings aren't bleak

still, i hold it in
i'm a dam for my feelings
instead i'll stay home
and stare at the ceiling

it's painted with words
i've not said to you
but one day i'll have courage
to say 'i love you'
i'm in what they call the best part of a relationship—the beginning. it feels so nice but what do i do?
lex Oct 2017
i sort of feel unneeded
'cause it seems that no one cares
and by no one, i mean the friends
who i thought cared
but now i'm not so sure.

one apparently cannot stand me
ranting to her

another seems quite bored

and some i can't trust enough

but still, i can't help feeling
unneeded there.
some friends may not be true friends.
lex Aug 2017
tears drip down the cheek of your loved one
without you knowing
and most definitely without you caring
because how could you care about someone so worthless?
worth comes naturally to you but not to me
and i am that loved one
the one with the tears of the unknown
so you don't care
or know.
i want to tell you all about how much i'm hurting but that is a huge risk
lex Dec 2020
Find two best friends
with one common link
Add the stresses of a nation
that can fall in a blink
A flag’s in there, too,
with more meaning than you’d think
One that wears down in time,
that makes your heart sink.

Add the influence of another
one with the power to disrupt
A touch of manipulation,
a touch of corrupt.
Mix it together,
you’ll find it won’t be smooth
But nothing can help this,
not a hand nor a tool.

Now separate those best friends,
place them miles apart,
all because of bad actions
made at the start.
Assure those friends miss
the times that they had,
but keep them apart,
keep them feeling sad.

Eventually, one will begin to rise,
and then, you’ll want to twist
your words need be like silk,
but need hurt like a punch with a fist.
Soon, you’ll see, the rising one will grow
but with all bad feelings,
with good feelings, no!

It’s now just how you want it,
he’ll begin to bubble
he’ll become more rash,
he’ll get in more trouble
Then finally, he’ll snap, and your work here is done
You’ve created a villain,
now you’d better run.
this is based off a storyline in a minecraft roleplay yes i am embarrassed lol
lex Oct 2017
thorns close in on my heart
causing a pain in my chest
almost unbearable
i just want my thoughts to stop
i want all this pressure to go away
i want my friends to listen
i want everything i don't have.
stress at 12:30 AM.
lex Nov 2017
candle wax drips
onto my soft hands
burning through,
it seems

but after a while,
i do not flinch
for the pain has become bearable,
feels good, even.
lex Feb 2018
god, i've dove in deep
to the waters of love
and now i can't think a thought of her
without my heart fluttering
and me feeling so happy.

what have you done to me, love?
i like love.
lex Aug 2017
and just like that
she was a broken soul
wandering in the wind
you tried your best to help her but the results were disastrous

— The End —