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I woke up alone
And to tell you the truth,
I fell asleep that way too.

But then
The in-between.

I stood at my kitchen window
And I heard the distant voices
And forgot for a moment

The way you’d forget a kettle on the stove
But here I am now,
The whistling in my ears
Shrieking in a syncopated curse,
Alone again alone again alone again alone again alone again
Still unwritten not quite, filled in
every word has pinned itself to story  
like a sewing machine stitch
down a runway path to somewhere;
Turning points and zig zag threading
let the seams tell of the glory
Pages of my life sealed inside a book
like bookends at a fairground
holding steady until the rider mounts;
Still unwritten not yet ready to wear,  
this garmented padded book of tales
isn't finished yet, ...

Until a dried rose gets pressed
against the pages of my life,
my eulogy stands told
in this book, of life.
Tell me if I read the language of your looks
then I would say you look so good in my books
I didn’t have much to say in person, but just love quotes
and I tried to wave you hello, but you must have been
on another boat

Teenage fever: is the heat of being in love so young
there’s a fire right through your skin- a burning glass
with that bright smile, to give jealousy to the rays of
the Sun

And I felt so wrapped in feelings just by your touch
like a ball of wool, my materiel of words all become
there's a world inside your mind
and it wants you to find
a place for others,
without changing
the bookshelves
the music
or the way that you walk through the door.
It might be the means of replacing
the fear which stops you from living
and giving
and laughing
as yourself.
don't be afraid to open up
i leave behind tiny breadcrumbs
for you to not be lost along the way
but then as tiny and tasty they can be
some gone eaten away by insects
and some rotten away,
that goes unnoticed.

i wish i could have given
you the wisdom of life
taught you the ways to
be kind and loved
that cherish
your foundation, but then you
being streetsmart as you
already are
never cared
but yourself.

now, i am just glad
your doing fine
on your own.
still thankful,
that you've grown
well and good.

I don't mind that
you may forget me
along the life journey
you take.  

i as alone as i am
walks like a passerby
that blends in the sidelines.
walks alone
and content
to what i have.
take care and live well
as do i...
Broken mothers
trying to heal
Broken Hearts
Broken wheels
Trying to turn
Back the clock
Broken mothers
Doctor Spock

All their debris
Clusters of past
Greedy addictions
Family out cast
Broken parts
Trying to heal
Broken mothers
Silence kills
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Always hoping for the good,
Rarely depressed, but now
Elated only by Tom & Jerry.

Had my life been a little less lonely,
Indeed I wouldn't be depressed,
Dead sure my heart wouldn't be sad,
Dreading the gaping hollowness,
Everyday I wakeup hoping for validation,
Not ready for more blind criticism.

The fiancée was jealous of my success,
How not I wanted, she was exactly that,
Expecting her to read my poems & novels.

Yet she wasn't interested in any of my arts,
Especially she disliked my songs,
Loving me she wasn't capable of,
Lonely & unwanted I felt,
Of me she thought to be vain,
What she didn't know I felt,
Someone she didn't respect.

Ambitions she had extreme,
Not ready to put her Karma,
Didn't I want just love from her.

Respect my wars she did not,
Even my victories,
Didn't impress her,
So, I called off the marriage.
My HP Poem #1979
©Atul Kaushal
 Aug 30
I have a plan.
I haven’t made it yet
but I plan on making a plan.
So that’s the plan…

Approved by the Harrison Obama campaign!
 Aug 28
Mike Hauser
Here one minute
Gone the next
From what you were
To nothing left
All except
The memory
That too soon
Will also leave

Every picture
Of you will fade
Until they're finally
Thrown away
No one remembers
Your look, your name
Gone out as fast
As you came in

Here one minute
Then out of sight
Thought you'd win it
Not this time
When you stood up
Life knocked you down
Better luck
Next go around
 Aug 27
Mrs Timetable
I need
A little something
Just something small
A word
A smile
A share
It will be enough
It's from you
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