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With clarity and honesty
Not with an excuse,
It diminishes its sincerity.
A smile is the first invitation to everything.
With a smile many doors and hearts
will open.
Yes, I see you.

Shell ✨🐚
Aslam M
With heart and soul, I ventured forth so bold,
To climb the peaks and reach the distant goal.
Dreams carried high, I faced the tide so cold,
Through paths so tough, I played my destined role.

Through nights of doubt and days of endless strain,
I chased the light through sun and pouring rain.
In every fall, in every step of pain,
I found my strength, a fire within to reign.

And though the stars seemed ever far from sight,
My spirit shone, a beacon in the night.
For in my quest, no fear could take the light,
I lived with grace, embraced my inner might.

Though victory may not have been my prize,
I lived with courage, and at least I tried.
Aslam M
Every Moment ……
Endless Turmoil ……
Complete Broken ….
Some are won ….
Some are lost ….
Emotions Absent…..
Patience Infinite …..
Rewards Awaited…
Cycle Continues….
The fabric of society dangles by a feeble thread
That trembles with the the heavy weight of anger
And is stretched beyond what possibly
Can hold it all together

Weavers rush to reinforce the ever thinning yarn
But the sheep that usually supply the wool
Are scattered in the meadows of contention
And a worthy shepherd can’t be found.

How long can the tapestry, once honored and revered,
Remain in place upon the walls that form the room
Which shelters us from the visisitudes of living
In a world of hatred and divide.

It must not crumple to the floor, cut loose from
What sustained it through the centuries,
Leaving walls with gaping cracks that let inside
The freezing winds of vengence.

Will there be a place to hide and recreate a loom
In hopes of managing to learn to weave once more
And patch the rends in what was rescued from the floor
And seal the walls of hope again.
It just gets worse and worse.
Circumsance newly provides us
With a lissom visage of hope -
A sturdy twig to hold onto when
The hurricane begins its howl.
Entry into BLT's  Webster word challenge.  Also inspired by his entry.
And so it came to pass
And now it’s far behind
Just another overreaching
Soon a new one will come
With new solutions
And new problems

Our goals out weigh
Our final resolves
And so we struggle
To finally evolve
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Behind reason
Fear resides
Under an illusion of control
We walk tall into the night

Where entropy awaits
The ashes of stars
I fear a new existence
Means less than we are

And so here I try to imagine
What more there could be
In the end of all I know
Fear resides within me...
Traveler Tim

Re post from 2016
Funny I fear nothing any longer.
Eight years of spiritual growth makes a big difference. Peace!
I am, as a thinking, word using muser,
of less
or more weight
in word's worth
on balance,
a day lived, doing nothing, but respiring
and desiring a joy use, as joy making use,
of me.
What's that worth
in time?

Time taken,
as granted, mine
to make use of, true,
any use I wish, after all,
all I've done
tripping old tale snares.
Recoding NANDs just
in case we need a second
reassurance this is the way
to enter
in to the peace past understanding creation,
the mindform used
to tell whole truth, sworn
to tell, circumstantially, as happening
to be led
to leave oaths being,
once sworn, sworn forever, and not like
happens only in movies, everytime,
once, regarding a quantum
of original thought,
from first stories
of language, lingual word sage
tongue use, local mimicing ****** speech,
shibbolethargic sibblicity
barring outsiders
from making sense, save when
we all use our bodies to talk, say,
what we feel about the truth, the worth
of a straight
against a full-house, in a game of liar pride.

The winner calls the bluff,
or never shows her hand.

And all those free from guile, go on dancing.
falling man, falling star, falling conscious... feeling old, in life's easiest ever way.
Took a break from life
Because life almost took me away
Now I’m moving along again
It was draining when I had to pause
Because it never happened before
It felt like a crash a sudden abrupt stop
I was left alone and lost
But after 3 years I found life again
The life God gave me in 2003
And now everyday I just want to go only if he’s with me.
Is it so hard to see
we are all spiritual beings!

These human identities have been manufactured,
in environmental wreckage!
Epigenetically manipulated
to fit society norms..

Now it’s time to take a new form!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
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