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 Aug 2015
Garden eyed beauty,
Tulip bloomed smile,
Let us till the soil,
Make anew this land,

The heat has come to stay,
Now is the time for planting,
Every orchard hangs heavy with
The fruit of our labors.

August remains elysium,
The earth is singing her song
through the throats of songbirds,

We remain sleeping,
For the birth of morning,
Dreaming of the harvest
When the sun decides to rise
The tragedy of technology
The power of the written word
We're all just writing our thoughts
Waiting for our minds to be heard

Many emotions, fears and horrid dreams
Our deepest secrets exposed in a few lines
Never getting the rhymes right, or so it seems
Life, love and the future we see in our minds

Though the words may be small
Poetry says it all.
 Aug 2015
I do not know why,
Nor when this happened,
But my chest addressed itself to you,
Put all the good in me into envelopes,
Hoping one day you’ll receive them,
And that maybe one day,
You’ll reply with all your good addressed to me
She is Beautiful
 Aug 2015
Taking a new direction
I watched you burn
I turned from you
Natural selection exists even in love
Especially in love
In symbolism you were a dove
But doves are but mortal
They die,
And olive branches drop from their beaks as they cease to fly
It's funny.
I always wanted a piece of you but never knew why.
I think I knew I was too weak
So I would take a section of your heart when we parted ways
I still have it locked away to this day
In the most personal of safes
I think its why I still feel your kiss in the rain
It doesn't stop the pain
But it makes me feel again babe
So I'm giving you thanks
At your grave as you burn into pages
And on the paper you've become
Still as white as the dove you were
I draw you a map to the piece of your heart I took
Its in the spot of the piece of mine you still have
You just have to look

I got this fire that burns
Especially for you
When I can see you and hear you
My insides melt
Like nothing I've ever felt
It burns so good
Better than it should
I shouldn't be able to handle this heat
But for you babe,
I could handle anything
I'll never retreat
Never back down
Cause with you
I'm finally standing on solid ground
And I have looked,
At that spot where my heart was that you took
A piece of yours fits in there quite nicely
I think I've always had a little part
Of your beautifully broken heart
And I know you've had mine
For quite some time
Cause I've given you the key
You have the ultimate power over me
In retrospect, you've always had me
Maybe you didn't know it
But it seems to me
That fate has finally taken a turn
Given us the chance to live, love and watch it all burn.
 Aug 2015
What am I afraid of?
Here is some sort of list,
I'm afraid of snakes, bugs, bats, birds, and nearly anything that can fly!
Those aren't the only things I'm afraid of that are also alive though.
I'm afraid of horses, piranhas, elephants and heights
Pregnancy, loud noises, hospitals and walking outside alone at night.
I could probably go on and on with this list because fear is somewhat infinite and I will
I'm afraid of loud noises, being left behind and the germs of childhood friends and others who could've smothered them on my pillow from drooling at night
I'm afraid of school, females, males, and people in general. Failing. Falling. Drowning and death. Who knew there could be so many things haunting me?
****. Bridges that are taller than me, being lied to, aging, and foods that are too spicy.. It may sound childish, just stay away from me if you're eating spicy calamari..

Did you think I was done? Because I've only just begun..
I'm afraid of situations, such as when people distance themselves from me too quickly. It ties into my fear of being left behind,
Don't abandon me.
I'm afraid of my mom, needles, parties and more it's mostly because of past experience, but I'll leave out the gore..
 Aug 2015
I remember
when you promised
I could fall asleep
your shoulder

Does that still hold true?
Title are Taylor Swift lyrics.
Long story. Short poem.

"I do recall now the smell of the rain..."
-T .Swift (Again. Like I said, long story.)
 Jul 2015
I don't want to..
You're everything that I want..
So perfect, but at the same time, not.
Am I going crazy? Please don't give up on me.
I'll do anything to show you, how much you shine..
                                             *Inside of this torn heart of mine.


From breaking every time I step farther away from you

I am a puppet and my strings are tangled in you hair

Either unaware or just don’t care

That I hold scissors in my hand
 Jul 2015
O n e   t h o u s a n d   o n e   h u n d r e d   n i n e t y  -  o n e   miles

t o :

O n e  t h o u s a n d  t h r e e  h u n d r e d  f i f t y - f i v e .

Tell me why do you have to be so far away from me?

When will we come together?

I swear, I'd wait forever,

To be with you.
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