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The ravens watch from their trees
Barren dead branches, naked of leaves
The Winter chill hangs in the air
A solo walker makes his way, this night
An eerie light is cast on the tombstones
As if the cold moon is reaching down

He will always come here, in darkness
For the night sounds play the music
As amongst the grave, he dances alone
But then a mist rises from one particular grave
Beginning to take the form of a woman
The lost love he has missed for so very long

They come to dance, together once more
Watched by ravens and a thousand glowing eyes
Entwined in a gothic dance of the dead
Until once again, she will fade away
Vanishing back into the ground, whence she came
And a solitary figure of a man, walks away alone
Copyright © Chris Smith 2009
 Jul 2015
DaSH the Hopeful
Ripping out pages and crumpling paper
Lately I can't just express without saying
Something too raw pulling **** out the closet
Leave grown women sobbing this **** is bizzare just
Bare with me I'm sorry my life is revolving
I'm falling in hallways get faded to jot this
Can't bring you up every girl I'm involved with
Hates you to death, because I share my heart with
You and you only
Only you see my side
We've loved and we've lied and we've cuddled and cried
We built up our pride
We've drank and gotten high
But every sober moment
Protected my mind
You rejected my kind gestures and efforts in time
made me realize I played the Jester
Just to get by
Wonder why did I lose love?
Well at least I did try
Stealing you rings just to make you all mine
Still remember your size
Those seven point fives that you'd take off at night
I know you lost a couple shouldn't come as a surprise
We both lost it all even who we both are
These emotional scars make what we had hard to find
I'm just stuck in the car strapped along for the ride
I tapped in to the side of me that's still too in love
I know its too much and you don't want to rush, but

Me and you were playing house
Start thinking that I'm losing touch
Falling asleep together on Mare's couch
Maybe I should loosen up
When I leave you and I go home
I start forgetting what it is
Gotta keep in mind our two beautiful kids
I mean that's *reason enough to ******* live

Why are we wasting our relationship on other relationships?*
You know how sticky these situations get
You go up higher than me some days
You know what I think we could be some day
But you already know my side of things, man
She is the dark feel of the night
She is the mystery with no light
She hides away in her own pain
She knows how to drive me insane

No one can be as she can be
My gothic lover can never be free
I can see it all deep in her eyes
No one has seen the tears she cries

I know what I feel is wrong
My will slips and is not strong
She is sending temptation my way
I feel my soul wanting to stray

She is taking me down dark places
Teasing me as my body feels her traces
Kissing me and biting me with her lust
Not waiting and wanting my body to ******

I am lost in her body this very night
Each sensation inside her takes away the light
She wants me badly and our bodies glisten
Our sweat mingles as creatures of the night listen

My passion is ready, deep inside her it fills
She takes it all with her lust and her skills
Her body is hot and I can feel her heat
She wants me more as my heart will beat

All this night, until the light of day
She never stops for this is her wicked way
I surrender knowing that she will always win
For I am a prisoner to her desire and sin

She now vanishes from where she came
I know I will be back to play her game
No one can match her, there can be no other
I will always come for my gothic lover

copyright Chris Smith 2008 (revised 2009)
 Jul 2015
Anto MacRuairidh

I gave you my heart
(I love you - I said)

You put it in a freezer
"I may or may not need, it depends" - you said


(I love you - I said)

but things worked out with HIM


You gave me my heart back
"Unlike Han Solo...
I don't think it survived
the freezing process - sorry"
- you said


(I love you - I said)


My heart actually did survive
but it barely beats now

- full of ice damage -

Backing two horses in a single race in the bookmakers is always frowned upon by true gamblers.
 Jul 2015
With out stretched arms aimed at the sky, i danced with the clouds

singing her memory in my head

tears strewn across my face

the tattered bandages of time, erased


like milk cartons,

but no signs to hold her place

no burial grounds but the white walls and too bright lights,

a symphony of disinfectant, and medical waste bins

and me with my muscles

me with my logic

me with my ****** sense of what makes a man.

stand strong they tell you

don’t cry they tell you

be found they’ll say

just know, just know
 Jul 2015
Her skin was as soft as the silver spoon she only imagined, but never touched
large plush lips, shimmered the same, but with life
she dreamed of honey pulled fresh from the comb
water streams like veins pumping through the forest
a lush green veil pulled aside for only her
mother nature exposing everything, and nothing
all at once
in a beautiful blended soup
of love
 Jul 2015
I want you to text me drunk
want you to admit you still love me
want you to say my name
to say please
to say I'm sorry
to be you again

I want you to tell me about those nights
the ones when I would've settled for anyone
when I grabbed your hand
I want you to tell me how you remember it
want to hear you say how safe you felt
how right everything was
want to look into your eyes
because I could never bring myself to then

I want you to need me
to love me
to hurt me
to tell me you hate me
want you to want me until it hurts
until your heart explodes
until you start kicking yourself ******
because you know I will try to fix you
want you to be empty
to be sad
to be angry
to be forgotten
I want to be there
to be thoughts
to be longing
to be lust
to be dark living room
to be eighth beer
to be cigarette break
to be last time
to be last time
to be last time
to be I swear to god this is the last time

I want to destroy you from the inside out
want to be worse for you than the ******* in your veins
want to fill your lungs like tar
to burn your throat when you cough up my name
want your eyes to sting
your head to pulse the next morning like my heartbeat
your tongue to taste like mine

I want to be unhealthy
want to be bad habit
to be addiction
to be two weeks sober
to be relapse
to be six months sober
to be relapse
want you to come back
to crawl back
to beg
to cry
want you to feel every place I've ever touched you

I want you to realize what love is
want you to stop using the word lightly
want to get my heart's worth
want you to know what you signed up for
want you to understand what loving me means
That's me, pure fragility
Been broken and put back together too many times
Honestly, the lines are getting weaker
And the cracks take so much less
To shatter the shards into pieces
Of broken heart

I'm too fragile to handle any more pain
And too hurt to hold on
When there's nothing to gain
The battle was won

It was over and done

The victory is you

But I never knew

The tears were wept

Darkness came and crept

It dragged life through

But I never knew

No emotion in your eyes

Always showing hidden lies

It was always all just untrue

But I never knew

All could see the hurt shows

Did you know everybody knows?

It never came and hit me out of the blue

But I never knew

Tell me, was it worth going through?

Because I was the one who never knew
copyright Chris Smith 2009-
 Jul 2015
I just want the kind of peace
you get when
you hum to sad song

                 I just want the kind of smile
                 that slips onto your lips when
                 you hear little kids laughing

                                  I just want the kind of love
                                  you feel when
                                  someone wants you to know they care

                              I just want the kind of complete
                                       you make me, dear
Listening to something you'd probably laugh at. Laugh and do that adorable swint thing you do.
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