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 Feb 2016
Chase Anthony
She used her skin as a canvas
She didn't want to be on this planet
Her emotions were void
Her heart was destroyed
If only I knew she had planned it
 Feb 2016
A crack on the ceiling.
A line; far from deep.
Its cross-section layered,
Its existence discrete.
Unassuming and simple
in a room bright and plush.
Its existence is futile,
for its fate is the brush.
A restoration of beauty;
appeasing the strain.
Layering and patching
again and again.
As long as the eye
knows not that its weakened,
The flaw will endure,
now perpetual and deepened.
Its a crack on the surface
a line; far from deep.
Take heed of its presence;
but mend whats beneath.
 Feb 2016
A monochrome film plays
Over and over.
To a singular audience.
It rewinds.
It sticks on one frame
Over and over.
In the scene
It's me, lost in a
It's walls lit with
projected clips
of a monochrome film.
Over and over.
 Feb 2016
The relationship I was in,
I thought had reached it,
The point of no return,
And that nothing can break it,
The dream was seen in the stupor of love,
With open eyes, I failed once again,
But the world feels the same,
Oblivious to that internal pain.

Now it's that point again,
Impossible to revert back,
The only difference is her,
She is no longer 'round here,
For she belonged not to me,
She was a birdie that flew free,
I am again on a hunting spree,
I look for my imaginary ideal match,
Someone that's not an easy catch.
My HP Poem #1014
©Atul Kaushal
 Feb 2016
they sometimes say
yes the taste of
poison cloys
but in the end it kills its host
in wickedness

the sweet and saccharin flavor
that revenge imparts
is nothing to the honey
the milk of kindness
brings the


They say revenge is a dish
best served cold?

Well. I could have whacked
a rock solid FROZEN bowl of
in the direction of a few people
(not here)
and lodged it between their
teeth like a

But did I? No.


Someone once said that mistaking
meekness for weakness
comes from minds that do not
know true strength.
Meekness IS strength
Those who are vengeful have no control
over their animal nature.
The reptile brain kicks in.

Come ON, folks!
Do we walk on TWO legs?


♡ Catherine
 Feb 2016
Busbar Dancer
grass grows through the cracks in the asphalt
of what was once glass avenue.
flashes of grayed sunlight reveal blasted facades
offering a peek through the gauzy veil of
years both distant and near.
woe be unto those whose days are spent
looking backward, for the past holds naught but
the pail glimmer of souls lost
to all but thought and memory.
shade and spirit haunt this place.
the river rages unabated over the locks at TVA;
a reminder of the folly of all grand designs;
there is no power here.
gone are your craft beers and artisan pickles and
small plate miracles filled with
foraged mushrooms and
duck confit.
gone are your bike trails and long hikes and
nature walks
down around the ***, the pan and the handle.
appalachia has fallen.
the last stand lasted all of sixty seconds;
a minute too long.
 Feb 2016
Storm Raven
Sure I breath
I do have a pulse
I still excist
But I am not living
I am just waiting for death to end this
I am already dying inside
But my existence is never fading
I am still here
Breathing they same air as you
 Jan 2016
Miranda Renea
She had no fear of God;
Painting smiles on park
Benches, she'd chip wise,
Wistful words into wood.
Or perhaps she'd write
In the street with chalk;
And straddle the lines,
Waiting for when fate
Would come rumbling by.
 Jan 2016
I dove in
head first
full force

Expecting an Ocean
And discovered a kiddie pool
 Jan 2016
South by Southwest
Silence is best when left unspoken
 Jan 2016
Third Eye Candy
walking into me
as I leave in blind
pride fury.

You're stepping on my spine
like a demon that
loves the

as I exercise
my right to be blind.
But you attend all my funerals
with your children, and club me over the head
with my foolishness
with all the love
you have

I'm awake too, because sleep is for the happy.

I brood
as if content
to face the crowd
of my failures as a father
and a man.

i croak like an owl
with a rat in its' throat
staring at the moon like a lover undone
that remembers she said
" I told you so...."

but a beautiful
full moon

just the same.

but not the one
I know.
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