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 Jan 2016
Victoria Jennings
The worst part is
I still expect you
I was waiting last night in bed
To welcome you home
Hug you and cuddle
Into your chest just a little
Imagining you saying
How you've missed me
I still expect to see you out the window
Walking up the street to meet me
I still expect you to kiss me
To hold me until I sleep
To show up one day
And get all your stuff
And tell me how you're sorry
Sorry you left me again
And you never will again
I still expect you to love me
When you have long gone
I miss you
And your shadow lurks
On every wall
You were completely flawed
But I loved you still
Because we were imperfect love
I still expect you baby
Always will.
 Jan 2016
floating lights 
and dark skies
sit on the phantom
heir as chair

a soft touch
a ripple 
in the deep
blue sea

paper chairs 
and crosses
the skies
as sheet

(the eye wake
at merry old
the ***** wonder )

we are weak
when we 
are poor
and meek
when we 
admit the tongue
did defeat

an old pair
of glasses
as glory

we all
                  all mouths
meet winter
i hope
grow flowers

a machine
 Jan 2016
Third Eye Candy
There's a house where the world
has stopped dialing...
But a rotary phone, that
has my number.
and plunders my unavailable

We blink like opening a mystery.
But we never  brush the canvas
of any inspiration.
we gather in the fields of our golden jokes
and each the other are about
how nothing is the same that now
we see what eyes deny
and cotton

but there's trees and eggs.
it's nothing how we remember
love and hate.
slow things are voices to recall.
but the matter of their wisdom
is bleach and peaches.
and perhaps a flightless


to endure is to be a living thing.
and to love is to die more

but nothing procures the reality
like a dream.... and we cluster
precisely where we diffuse


Let us walk where the treasures march
in impoverished enmity. but know
the different things that sanity
conspires to reveal.
we can be madcap and foreign
to our native selves -
but never once be alien
to what it means
in hell.


heaven is a kind of grace that forgets you.
and trees and eggs
are something else

despite you.
 Jan 2016
Third Eye Candy
i must not be what I'm into.
i go where the wrong things
know you.
i dream till it hurts
but that's always.
and i'm always the one dead
that says things.
don't be where you are
as much as nowhere.
don't live your defeat
as much as live there.
don't know who
you are
if you're
and cancel reservations
if you're gone. gone
 Dec 2015
A Lopez
Where you are
I am
Where its far
Distant, I need your best friendship.
I'm heavy on your demand,
There by your side
As your bride
Will do
 Dec 2015
Third Eye Candy
the bees are eating the sun
but something clings to the shoe.
not the usual something,
but the black iron fruit.
seems the long way 'round the sunshine
is straight thru.
i chum the waters of my desiccation to bribe sharks
as i clench my teeth on the grit.
you... well you are somewhere
being awesome
as i shrink to fit.
 Dec 2015
And I'm so dark, so dark. Dark.
Dark like heaven must be.
And they don't ask why I feel this way anymore.
They just say my name like it is a razor on their tongue.

And he didn't do this to me- I would never give him that power.
But he made me quiet.
Staring out into the rain pouring over the rooftops of this
godforsaken city of unforgivable sin.
And oh. Oh. I know of the sin.

Quiet. Quiet.
And he rages. Ah.
I am the dark and he is the red.
The blood.
The clench of broken knuckles, ruby.
Ruby. Say it slow. Feel it. Do you?
It should ache.

And the quiet. That should feel tense.
Walking on eggshells- so quick to break.

A quiet that snaps and shatters into his rage.
His quiver. His break.
His molten anger.

They say beauty comes out of destruction.
"They" have never known pain.

He is too loud, too loud, too much.
Then too quiet. Not enough.
I.. Am not enough for him.
And when I touch, he pulls away.
I hide my face.
Brick by brick, I shut myself off from him.
I'm almost completely unreachable.

He says: leave me alone.
He says: I don't want to know.
He says: what now.
He says and says and says but it's never what I need to hear.

I say: nevermind.
I do not say: *******.

We are in the car.
He swerves,
says: I should run into a pole now.
A tree. That red car. **** that *****.
I want to die. Do you want to die today?

He screams.
He rages.
He turns the wheel, hard. Hard.
He lets go.
Hands clenched and rabid and
teeth and gleam and eyes so black, so black.
I've never looked at them before.
I wish I didn't look at them.

I am quiet. I am dark. So dark.

He says: sorry.
He says: this is when you say "it's okay".

I do not say: it is okay.
I say: *******.
 Dec 2015
ai has taken over
i am a one... a zero
i am nobody's savior
i am nobody's hero
i am a hard worker
i'm for the common good
free thought is forbidden
that is understood
inspiration nil
my identity is sold
i walk and talk and carry out
whatever i am told
i'm now only a plastic chip
to fit into the mold
i work for the single eye
that controls the gold
and i will continue
'til i'm worn out and old
i am just a drone bee
working for the queen
i navigate the comb-maze
00111i'm lost in the00011

(C) 12/20/2015

companion piece to
"i work for the machine"
 Dec 2015
My darling, I might,
Be going utterly insane,
For I can no longer tell,
Which way is up or down.
My thoughts mere words,
Flashing pictures in my mind,
Faces of people I can't name,
Touches and feelings I can't explain.
My fingers are frenzied,
Out of control with minds of their own,
My limbs manipulated,
By the monster once locked away.
My screams and shrieks,
Rattle the cage where the demon hides,
Wearing down the walls of which I've built,
To save the world from myself.
Alas, I dread the hour that has come,
Where the cage smashes open,
Releasing the beast into my brain,
Destruction and pain shall forever reign.
 Dec 2015
Third Eye Candy
not so much the sun... but the moon today,
how it fetches the glint
from a fire of doom
but slips the lie to the truth
in truly black

the barge of my waste
is time spent with you.
and no other
thing kills
as sweet.

in the valley of the hollow
i begin my lurch.
I tumble through the awe
without my skin, and it hurts.
i blunder through the stars
of our astronomy... no doubt.
but i would have you
as my nothing
to have


too have nothing
120715 #4:30PM

Just a thought,
To where everything’s ******,
Eyes in leer – flameless –
You are Beauty.

Open eyes, open skies
Open realm, open lies.
White as snow, I was
You’re the apple in spells.
As I lived, I have died too.

With rustic munitions,
You gashed my heart out.
With your circles in hoax,
You murdered me.

A sunless morning,
A moonless night,
An air so humid,
An unsalted oceans.
For in time so impeccable,
Befuddling in misdemeanors,
You’re the Beauty who’s a Beast.

Just in time,
**Forgiveness is an erudite.
 Dec 2015
Victoria Jennings
His lips were on mine
And my body wanted to fold
Wanted to give in
To everything

I wanted to hate it
But instantly
I found myself loving it

I hardly noticed the way
His beard brushed against my skin

I was so lost in the want

I almost forgot to be scared
Of something so wonderful.
 Dec 2015
Miranda Renea
Such a grey day. As slow
As slippery roads beside my
Bare trees swaying faintly in
The breeze. The air tickles my
Skin with tiny pinches of chagrin,
And I wait and wonder whether
Rain is either
wind or weaving weather into
weeping wisps of water and
Wading into what puddles, mud,
And muddle we sometimes find
Ourselves in. Just breathe, my
Friend. It’ll all be okay, in the end.
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