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 Jun 2018
I wiped the slate clean
No strings
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I don’t need those things
 Oct 2015
Carl Joseph Roberts
Scary Clowns*

There is one thing you should know
I swear it is the truth
Watch for clowns this time of year
As they smile and lie to you

One day you'll see these words I say
They cannot be denied
For Halloween is on us now
The scariest of all nights

Ghost will float through the air
Let you think the night is fun
The walking dead will rule the streets
Some may have real guns

A witch may put a spell on you
Many Gobblins will be found
Thinking you have seen it all
You relax and let guard down

Then a final knock on your door
With no one else around
A politician standing there
The scariest of all clowns*

Poem by : Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share and help trend.
 Oct 2015
Sylvia Frances Chan
Not the topic of the gossips
or the spiders in your head
I'll watch over you unconditionnaly.

I know I am your nothing,
but you will be my everything,

not the main theme in your readings
nor the titles of your specialisms
in your heart, my name you're engraving

I am not the reason for your smiles
or the itchiness for your laughter,
for you, I would walk a thousand miles
though  bones broken hereafter.

© Sylvia Frances Chan
Copyright Protected
Tuesday 20th Oct 2015-13.26

Love ever meant to never end
but in most times it is facing its premature death
what an unkindest earth this death !
 Oct 2015
Kyle Fisher
Carve out a chunk,
the happiness hunk.
The one that stays clear
of all of the junk.

Without this fine piece,
one is never in least,
content with ones self.
A man without peace.

Take out the side,
with ego and pride.
That part is the worst,
Just set that aside.

Believe when they tell us,
it too, makes us jealous.
When envy is stricken,
a man over-zealous.

Cut out a slice,
and anger's the price.
Lets get rid of that,
it's not very nice.

See, this ones a cage,
where bad memories age,
and morph into new forms.
A man full of rage.

Punch out the holes,
that sadness controls.
It can be so hard,
when charred into souls.

Aside from the rest,
but, nested in best.
the sadness takes hold,
and a soul is depressed.

The thing that most feel,
has taken the wheel,
is fear in itself.
Although, its not real.

Fear is insane,
it confuses the brain,
into thinking its there.
A mans shadow of pain.
©Kyle Fisher
 Sep 2015
Joseph Zielinski
Today's world is not as it seems,
Cancer now comes in packs of twenty
And our idea of food is a burger with twenty-percent meat,
And NO-ONE cares or thinks for themself
Ones worth is measured only in wealth
The children are hungry,
Our veterans ignored
Hunger for money and lust for oil brought us war,
Ukraine in "crisis" and MH370 missing,
The C.I.A. funded Isis we just won't believe it,
So put down the phone and open your eyes,
Real Eyes
Real Lies
It shouldn't take a genius to see this
So I will not forgive,
I'll NEVER forget,
about 9/11 or Israel's daily blank check
Because we fund their wars with Gaza and more
We bomb the Mosques,hospitals and more
We've been deceived,shammed,tricked and lied to,
So ask yourself,who am I?
Who are you?
We're the awoken ones with SO much left to do
Open your eyes and simply wake
Wake the **** up for our children's sake
Sometimes I just think about things,
What will our children's future bring?
Will there be one at all or won't it exist?
Open your eyes
And think about it
it loomed like a ghost in the falling day.

an hour past the town on the way
the old man's eyes bore surprise

i wouldn't advise it, sir, not wise
waking them up is no sport

they who're sleeping in the dead men's fort.

All along i've been a phasmophobic
they ceased never to rule my head
lurking in nooks and under my bed.

it sounds nice to talk about spirits and souls
but at nights when hollows of burning coals
mistily appear and not in a dream
choke me out of scream
to that terror i fall an abject slave.

but my companion on that dusk was brave
looking at those eerily towering spires
he said let's try meeting a few vampires.

there was no door opening with a creak
but inside was a musty dark hole
where daylight made a quick retreat
as if to let the dead peacefully stroll.

we climbed up stairs strewn with dry leaves
amid sensing a storm brewing on the wing
for the awakened dead in anger seethes
to have their rest broken by the living.

soon swept us a gale of the squeaking dead
driving us out of that well occupied well
surely startled by the intruders' raid
the winged vampires were fleeing like hell.
a true story, my cover photo is the place where it happened.
 Jun 2015
Rough hands
Long days
Honest work
Hand tools
And sustainability
 May 2015
Can't breathe.
She's looking at me.
What do I do?

Can't move.
He's standing so close.
What do I do?

Can't talk.
She asked me something.
What do I say?

Can't sleep.
Tomorrow I'll have to do it again.
What will I do?

Can't eat.
He's staring right at me.
What do I do?

Can't Breathe.
My heart is going to **** me.
Oh well.
 May 2015
Poetic T
Trees surrender  
Flowering nevermore
Stripped flesh
Beauty vanishes.

Paper cartwheels
Yesterdays news
Memories fade
Today anew.

Paper burns
Warmth given
Ashes cinder
Cold tree.
A story with only two words per line (have a go)
 May 2015
Eckhart Tolle found
while sitting, homeless
on a park bench
watching the world go round.

You think you
have it wired,
just before it all
falls apart.

A bagpipe empty of air,
An accordion on its side,
Gasping for air.

Shaking rockin and rollin,
Nepal ground,
It all unfolds
after a while
dusty and dying
under the rubble.

**** with nature,
It'll **** with you.

Beginning as a solid silent
predictable mix
until it isn't
what it isn't.

It'll take a while
until it all settles down -
streaks and slumps
we've been over this ground.

Structures erected
nature's forces take over,
Life changes,
You hold on tight
searching for solid ground
when the waters come around.

Self inflicted,
Victims of circumstances,
Bad timing,
"Structures are known to become unstable,"
Eckhart Tolle
just before he became
rich and famous.
Eckhart Tolle, modern philosopher,
The Power of Now.
 Apr 2015
I want that sensation
That open-minded fling of sensual expectation

Baby, we know you're packin'
When it comes to love, darling you aren't lackin'

On you, I wanna overdose
Use that gun you got to put me in a comatose

Oh, spread my thighs
You're a drug, get me high

We don't need a connection
I just want some of that affection

We should get ******
I heard you got something exceptional

I've seen it
Couldn't believe it

Boy, it's crazy
I want that lovin' on a daily

And I know you're into me
So baby come here and use me
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