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 Jan 2016
Late at night,
when I can't fall asleep,
I see your eyes in the shadows
on the walls
I feel your touch on my skin
through the blankets
I hear your voice whispering
masked by the wind
I almost see you standing next to my bed
but I know you're not really there.
I think to myself "how many years has it been?"
When was the first time you were here?
Was it when I was eleven and my grandmother was ill
and I watched her die
for months?
Was it before that?
Was it when I realized my mother doesn't truly understand me, and perhaps that she doesn't want to?
Was it when my friends betrayed me the first time?
When I realized I can only count on myself?
Because it somehow feels like
you've always been there.
When I first came home from school in bruises and tears,
you greeted me in the confinement of my four walls
and my room was no longer my solace.
When my mother shamed me for not being the best,
even when I tried so hard,
your whispers in my head got louder.
When my grandfather got older and he seemed to have a hard time remembering exactly why this teenage girl lived in the same house as him,
you finally had enough strength
to grab my face when you thought I was asleep.
When my first love betrayed me,
you wrapped yourself around me and started standing on my shoulders.
I could feel you weighing me down with each passing day.
So now I ask you,
it's been so many years.
get off my back
and leave my head.
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your presence tears me apart from the inside.
 Jan 2016
Oh my love
The miles are torturous
My spirit, frayed from reaching for you
How my heart longs to beat beside you once again
Oh my love
The sound of your sadness kills me
Like tiny acid tears dripping in my soul
Burning an eternity, yet making me love you more
Oh my love
If I could reach you by any means,
I would never leave your side
For in your arms is where I am who I am meant to be
Oh my love
You are my Spring in the dead of Winter
The very air that I breathe
Distance is a slow asphyxiation
Oh my love
It won't be long now
When we can live the life we've lived before
Together in all things
Sharing a lifetime in each moment together
Oh my love
Words cannot do justice to the exquisite pain of longing
Of knowing what we get to experience...together
Distance is temporary and we are eternal
Oh my love
I miss you so
I am lifeless in your absence, as you hold my heart
I have never truly been me, until there was you
I love you so very much
 Jan 2016
Like minds
Open hearts
A world in words alone
Kindness, pain, compassion
Who's a poet to throw a stone
Share a thought or two
Running lies
It's fun and games
'Til no one's left
But you
 Jan 2016
Cailey Weaver
Searching for something
Not sure where to go
Just feeling around
In a big empty hole

The darkness is blinding
I can't find my way
My senses are gone
I wish they would have stayed

My path is uncertain
The future unknown
The choices to make
I must make all alone

There's nothing to help me
My time's running out
I better choose quickly
There's no time for doubt

I hope that my future
And what waits for me
Will somehow be bright
I'll be happy and free

But first there's this choice
I must find my way
Should I leave all I know?
Or be safe and just stay?
 Jan 2016
sometimes i find myself confused
knowing that however much we speak
(however much i say i love you)
i will never know you as well as i do
raskolnikov, darl, hamlet, thoreau.

because i cannot read your thoughts
but i can read theirs.
oh, i can read theirs.
 Jan 2016
Mohd Arshad
Very delightful to say
.                                virtues are our heritage
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 Jan 2016
Sometimes I stop and ask myself,
was the poetry worth
the pain
in the end?
 Jan 2016
Jake muler
Either get busy living

Or get busy dying.
This quote comes from Tim Robbins in the movie Shawshank redemption. The part he is talking to Morgan Freeman out in the prison yard. Awesome scene!
 Jan 2016
Mohd Arshad
Is a strongest pole!
If broke
Many things fall
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 Jan 2016
Mohd Arshad
Grow goodness
Honour will ripen
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 Jan 2016
When I was younger,
my mother would sing
you are my sunshine,
and I knew she loved me.

When I was older,
my pap whistled to my gram
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day,
and I knew he loved her.

Now I'm grown,
and I tell you every morning
I'm a ray of sunshine,
hoping that maybe you'll love me, too.
{there are infinite ways to love someone}
 Jan 2016
A Lopez
Lost my
Want for
Doing the bad
I realized
So nice------
When it's
Your own heart
That stings.
 Jan 2016
Mohd Arshad
People don't like owls;
They stop and stay longer to listen to the nightingale's words!
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