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Worldwide    All darkness depart, darkness spent. Dry the river, pack the nest. Clear the Dead Wood, shove aside. Kick of foot, kick up dust. This is ...
Seattle    Someone once told me I'm gonna be one hell of a person when I get out on the other side.
Píaras Ó Cíonnaoíth
Ireland    All of my poetry is copyrighted.
21/F/Zimbabwe    lost my script so l changed the plot My only true safe haven
Nonkululeko Anicia Khumalo
Johannesburg, SA    "I write because I don't know what I think until I read what I say." - Flannery O'connor
Zenab Rehman
Writer || Bibliophile || IG: @zenabrehman || Reach for the stars so if you fall you land on a cloud
23/F/Pakistan    💌
DaSH the Hopeful
23/M/Rome, Ga    Please hit me up with collabs, no matter how crazy or tame your idea is. Or if you wanna just talk and see what we ...
Yume Blade
Liège    Bio can be a Bio , But Privacy is privacy , so For you I have none. ~Yume
London, UK    I'm not a poet. I'm barely a human being.
24/M/South Africa    Writer | This is ancestral, past-life reading; this is meditation & prayer; this is future telling. always becoming. The undying soul in a decaying case. ...
Sweden    I apologize here and now for butchering your lovely language. Not my first language so I really should stay away, but English is just too ...
Justin G
A poet's poet    Love is aphotic. Brilliance is luminous. In order to grasp either one must sacrifice the many colorations of joyfulness.
Sad Girl
England    Just another girl pouring her heart out onto a computer screen.
New Zealand/London    Slowly working up the courage to post more of my work. I'll get there eventually :)
Taking Care
I am the shape of unfinished poems.
England    Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
H L Godden
A Lopez
Mexico city, mexico    Hola, I'm Angelina new to this poetry thing just thought I'd come here to like some good poesía and Maby show the little bit I ...
raine cooper
I don't speak the language of any reality, and I stagger among the things of life. Fernando Pessoa. Twitter @fairycemetery
Cassandra Sykes
Non ya   
Anuj Gupta
22/F/somewhere on the moon..    My feelings are like leaves on the tree of life,my life filled with colours of momentum and placidity...I have this voracius aptitude for music so ...
America    We are two souls entwined into one mind to write and collaborate. We are us, we are two people in love writing together, poems from ...
31/F/Canada    Evolving intimately 🥀🌌Copyright © Rhetorical Curiosity 2021
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