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 Sep 2016
Andie May ostrander
We will chase the sun until our time is up
And we will be ok because we have to be
oh, we will chase the sun, till our time is up.
so don't fear for us we were strong enough.
Oh chasing the sun until the moon comes up in the sky.
We might get sad but, youll never hear us cry.
Tell my mom that I am alright, tell my dad I wont
be home tonight.
I am chasing the sun, but Ill be home when I've had enough.
and when its all said and done I would have lived,
I would have chased the sun.
As great as it might seem, freedom is never really free.
We are young and we still bleed.
We were young, much to young
we didn't get to see the world for what it was
But we chased the sun, our time came now our time is up.
Pleas don't foget us now that we are breathless
don't cry for us because we are gone
love us for what we were not what we could have been
love us till the end
We will chase the sun till our time is up,
and we will be ok because we have to be.
We have lived, we have lived enough.
We chased the sun till the moon came up in the sky
so pleas don't cry for us now that our time has come.
pleas be strong enough
Dedicated to all of the teens that have died from texting and driving, drunk driving, suicide, or who were killed because of something they couldn't have changed
 Sep 2016
Andie May ostrander
its alright if I am secondary to whoever comes before me.
its alright if you don't love me anymore.
Because I must, I must have a sine that sais 'use me'
And it must be my fault that you left.

Im sorry that I had a few morals, and I didn't want to have ***
Im sorry that I wanted to Waite till I was in my wedding bed.
And im sorry I made you do it, because my **** was my fault.
At least that's what you said.

Its not even a ****, I didn't **** you.
You never said no, you never told me to stop did you?
No I suppose your rite, I didn't tell you to stop.
You couldn't hear me after you covered my mouth.
And you couldn't see my face while tears rolled down.
And you didn't realize that the sounds coming from beneath your hands were my cry's for help.

I guess your rite, it wasn't a ****, because you wont admit it Im the one to blame?
No Not this time this wasn't my fault.
My parents still love me, what will yours think when they see you locked up behind bars like a vault.
because again I suppose my **** was my fault.
This is dedicated to the people who are sexually assaulted every day, for the people who are still coming to terms with what happened to you. **** is never the victims fault, no matter what their wearing.
 Sep 2016
I draw a stark contrast with my parents...
Though I am more similar to my dad now,
I was closer to my mother when I was a kid..
Both are traditional and strict vegetarians,
I am a strict omnivorous who'd eat meat.

I have stark contrast with my siblings too...
I exist actually but they don't even virtually,
They do not exist and I am just so very lonely..
I can only always just miss them so very much,
They are only so hypothetical like the happy me.

But I do draw some parallels with few friends...
Even they are lonely now after finally growing up,
My friend Madhur has had a really sweet singing voice..
That's how we are best friends for the remainder of our lives,
He only lacks practice as there is a weird husk to his voice now.

We rocked together, me & Madhur, surely...
They, our parents, say we would keep jamming,
Till the middle of the night would descend on both..
That's how we composed some songs rocking together,
We both lack practice as my playing hand is incapable now.

My body is 42% physically challenged, sadly...
But I have my limbs intact with the injured brain,
I am posed with allegations of me always faking it..
So yes, I will confess today, yes I can only fake it now,
But what do I fake? The smiles and the happiness I mean.
The only resentment is that we grew up.

Don't be mean with me.

My HP Poem #1122
©Atul Kaushal
 Aug 2016
Becky Jo Gibson
that should be me your meeting today

I need those eyes to shine for me
no chance that need will take root
you must be involved first...

yea, to lose your way you must be present
the truth missed appearing  
wide, deep, distant, shallow, empty

ohhhh..the power of twisted passion
it outshines even the brightest eyes
takes reasonable people off the grid of logic

moments that escape sanity by feet to miles
captured by need...primal need....
raw, consuming, physical, deep, fulfilling

depth becomes harder to reach as we couple
raising the bar to leave an empty need

you reign here in my land of you
only risk as we clear another layer of reality
the need growing bigger as it roots

freedom yours alone as you maintain
not captured by this fire burning my life
sick, desperate, alone, needy, empty

straight out into the fire that consumes
no hesitation here, no fear
nothing compares to complete passion

do you even think about me
does your mind drift as your ******* her
is she as fulfilling as a lover

do you care that my heart is bled out
is it real that you aren't mine
never will be mine is the truth

not a chance we can capture us
because us was actually me
in love, blind, hopeful, loyal

I am not going to call
won't open any windows or doors
you don't love me

sometimes the truth is too hard to see
harder still to make me know
you, me, us, two words and one dream

******* and **** your lies
**** me for being a little girl in love
vunerable, whimsical, delusional, broken


Becky Jo Gibson © all rights reserved 06-14-15
 Aug 2016
I want to write love
But I only bleed pain
 Aug 2016
Ann M Johnson
Little princess it just does not seem fair that your life was so tragically cut short.
Little princess, who was so full of love
Your life was ended at such a young tender age do to someone so full of hate.
Little princess whenever I see children at play I will think of you.
Little princess you passed away shortly before what would have been your fifth birthday.
Little princess who will live on in the memory of your grandma and your mother and your siblings.
Little princess I never got to know you personally but I know your Grandma and how you impacted her life with your love.
Little princess, you remind me how life can be way too short so we need to appreciate each new day.
Little princess, you remind us all to show kindness on our journey called life.
My neighbor's grandaughter who had been shot on the reservation while at play in front of her 6-year-old sister. She died just right before what would have been her 5th birthday due to what is considered a hate crime. Please show everyone as much kindness as you can in memory of this little girl. See also: Through The Eyes Of A Child (see notes)
 Aug 2016
harlon rivers
Come walk with me a mile...
Walk on without our burden’s weighty shoes,
warily trudging over the long rocky pathway
a lifetime in my soul.
A final edifying voyage to freedom.
The winds of change are blowing briskly
as we walk charily over the long and narrowing
rock-strewn passageway.

I shed these boots and skin, no longer fitting
my scared, blistered and callused soles.
As time slowly passes,
this craggy passage has evolved
from a two-way trail,
into one-way jagged forage…

Standing barefooted and naked on rocky ground,
dark sunken sleepless eyes scan
the rolling vista as the wind blows
dust from the halo around the sun,
blurring the delicate wispy cirrus clouds.

The sun’s radiance paints frozen ice crystal azure
into a vivid aura of prisms’ brilliant corona.
Kaleidoscope rainbows adorn the closest of solar stars.
There's something in the ethereal air
that leaves my soul unsettled,
grasping for an evocative stability
trying to understand the silenced voices
crying out within…

The pain and suffering has vanished
as if the body and soul have separated,
numbness from the ache of longing,
severed nerves, callused fears
ruptured on serrated rocky edges,
deadened useless flesh cut to the bone
by misjudged obstacles encountered enduringly.

The barefooted spirit courses on,
suffused in the solar spectrum’s dust;
yearning, longing to saunter
above and beyond the bloated feathery pillows;
cumulus clouds finally resting at peace.
Dipping heart's lesions and these benumbed toes
into a healing balm
from the bowers of bliss..

An unfinished life
an open ended dream,
reluctantly waking to take the last ,
surrendering steps  beyond the threshold...
A long and winding rocky journey’s destiny
draws near

The halo around the moon
illuminates an understanding firmament;
the celestial sphere’s
pending imminent soulful rain awaits
the metamorphosis at the brink of dawn.

A shower of heaven's rain
shall mourn the loss of flesh form
as the spirit of an untamed soul lives on,
naked and free
like the dust in the wind
absorbed eternally...

2011 © harlon rivers
all rights reserved
Hope is like Faith, believing in something you can't see,
but knowing in your heart it’s real.

We all have faith in something...

"Never deprive someone of hope ~
it may be all they have"....Anonymous

Saturday --
My 5.5 hours trip was full of intense prayer,
All the time, I tried to hold my heart.
It was thumping in minutes unknown,
For I have no words to tell you.

We faced each other
After months of changing routes.
And then, we uttered tears to Heaven.
I had a glimpse of you,
So you'll know it's really me
You're talking to.
But deep within,
I hide the tears
Of months of pain
So sweet as vain.

You drove me home,
With clueless words
With cheerful emotions.
You stayed,
For it wasn't a closure
But a second chance.

Sunday --
I know we heard the same preaching
Of forgiveness and pain.
Of experiences that cast out fear,
Of true love, more than earthly's paints.

I tried to search for you in the crowd
Just wondering if you're not gonna hang up.
I went home, without your goodbye.

Monday --
I felt the Spirit's conviction
And so I get my phone
I was praying that you answer
So that words will be bound home.

I found my words too straightforward,
Now we just have to let go.
To stop this crazy feeling,
For love was not yet home.

I passed by with memories
Of the past hurt and the new restoration.
I thank God in my heart.
But I was still hanging,
As I wait for your word.

All the time I've been waiting,
My feelings got confused
And I wanna hold on to us.
I became a beggar of love,
Though I beg Him to take this love.

I thought you were gonna fight for me,
But you let go so easily.
In a moment, I was in tears
And everything was shuttered in me.

I was crying all the time,
Praying that you'll stay.
My heart was a stone
But God held me so tight
And in the end, calmed my soul.

Tuesday --

I cried over and over again
I was in total shock of pain.
Drowning with regrets of letting go.
What was in my mind
That I did set you free?

I cried countless tears
I was torn into something's not me
But I found myself searching for answers...
Searching for Truth to set me free.

Wednesday --

I woke up in Heaven's rest
As if the pain was all gone.
As if it's all done.

The Lord has comforted me
The Lord became my refuge.
He took away the pain
And love me as who I am.

Days of mourning have ended
My soul dance with waves of blessings.
I am blessed to undergo pain
For grace and love have brought me home.

Thursday --

The Lord has granted me peace
He has destroyed every weapon
That I may live by His grace
And live life as He had lived.

I was born again
Again and again
And day by day,
He utters, "Rest, my child."

And so I sing a new song
To laud my Lord
With infinite praise.
 Aug 2016
b e mccomb
at three a.m.
your breath should be
rising and falling

like waves on a
smooth beach
but now everything
has fragmented
pixilated and

your breath is being
dragged through your
lungs in triangles
half shapes without
softly curved edges or
serenity of form

gasps of air so
sharp they could
slit your own
dry throat
from the

and tears
so cold you
wonder if they're
shards of glass.

the next time
your body
becomes a vandal
against the windowpanes
of your mind

oh please
remember that
stained glass
can be taken down
from rose windows
by a master artist
and restored
pane by pane
each inch of leading
one at a time.

but repairing
is a process
and a process
takes time.
Copyright 5/4/16 by B. E. McComb
 Aug 2016
Jeff Stier
We turned the sun
into a scourge

Burned two cities in Japan.
It was not antiseptic.
It was not friendly.

It was ****** on a scale
that the world
has come to know too well
but by a means
that upset the balance
of nature

The magnetic forces
of the atom unhinged
set off on lunatic paths
to arrive at something
like the sun

Flesh was peeled from bone
that day
faces peeled from skulls

This is not a pretty thing
not a bedtime story
for your kids

Yet our taxes pave a path
to the next generation
of hell-found missiles
aimed deliberately
and directly
at the hopes
the domestic fears
the quiet anxieties
the moments of wonder
of love
the kiss in the morning
the welcome home in the evening
of every person alive today.

Is there a way
to say
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