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 Jul 2016
Dev A
There will be days when everything goes wrong
There will be days when you cry yourself to sleep
There will be days when you just want to end it all
There will be days when you wish you didn't exist;
When you wish your father or mother or sibling didn't exist
There will be days when you question how you can keep moving on.

But on those days, I want you to remember:
You've survived this long
Why give up when you have made it this far in life?
You may not have lived each day but you have survived
Survive just another day, so that you may live many more.
 Oct 2015
Dominique Espiritu
I hate that you look at the galaxies
and are overwhelmed with a feeling of
dull insignificance,
because if anything,
you are not just a speck of dust scattered in the cosmos.
you are the very substance
that this universe is thrilled to be written about.
you are its incandescent gas,
you are nuclear fission,
you are a galaxy's lifeline,
it's reason to celebrate living in the darkness,
baby, your every breath is intergalactic motivation,
that if you were to stop smiling
I'm almost certain that a star dies as well.
and in the magnitude of spectacular phenomena this universe will never cease to offer,
somewhere out there,
I promise someone notices.
some late night mind ****, so raw, so rough.
 Sep 2015
Ronnie James Corbin
I want to be a travelling teacher.
I want my life to be a lesson.
Spread a psalm of love to those who remain ignorant
In the dark corners of the world.

I want to hug every decrepit old person
And kiss the forehead of every baby.
I want to relieve the stress of the working class
And show mothers that I understand their struggle.

It is only through love that we can change this place.
Compassion be the sword that cuts through bigotry.
Let us heal our wounded spirits.
Let us feed our young.
Let us forget, even for a moment, the law of the land
To reenact the basic laws of man.

Be gentle, and kind.
We only get one life.
Use it wisely, and maybe,
Our children will grow as the lotus,
And bloom above these murky waters
Of selfishness and ambition.

Come together.
 Jul 2015
Kacie Lynn
The truth is, we all take life for granted.
We just think the sun will always come up & we will be there as witness.
What if you never saw the light again?

To live in the darkness is do live in danger.
It is toying with forbidden territory.

Sometimes taboo is fun,
We entertain our bored minds with thoughts of-


What does it all mean exactly?
Light shines even in a dark paradise,
No matter how fall you have fallen,
Yes, the sun still shines.
Even though the sun falls daily,
Remember you still must always rise
in order to see the light-
You must awake in the
m o r n i n g.

No matter how far you want to

j u m p

The light has stopped,
the sun will only wait for so long

                         with it.

                         with it.

Tomorrow is new
                                                                          And you have the next day too.
 Jul 2015
Jeremiah Mhlongo
I keep words unspoken,
Letters uncombined,
A theme unwritten.

I write words through moments,
Creating memories,
Leaving a past that lasts.

I profusely give silence,
To those whom try to convey,
And now a loner in a glass fence.

Allergic to socializing,
I keep mine emotions from expressing,
And I retain the evidence of longing.

I keep my days short of being social,
And keep peoples ****** lies distant,
Not famous cause am always Local.
Being alone helps me a lot to consider a lot poetic stuff....
 Jul 2015
Mike Essig
“Here is a secret you won't learn in your temple.
The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal,
because any moment might be our last.
Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed.
You will never be lovelier than you are now.
We will never be here again.”
~ Achilles
 Jul 2015
Cath Williams
You were always there for me, giving me the chance to shine.
It was a personal thing, we'd always win.
But you're not here anymore, and I don't know where we're at.
My heart beats for you now.
You alone can make me want and need at once.

Each day I live for you.
Every night I love you more.
With each sunrise I still miss you.
But every sunset, I adore.

I don't want to sing, if you're not singing with me.
I don't want to dance if you're not dancing back.
I don't want to move, if you're not moving too.
I don't want to die, because I know you won't be with me.

Even if you'll be waiting, I don't want to know the truth.
But I can never be too certain, after you left this earth so still.
How I can, how I will,
Live in my world without you.
But I love you more and more.

Every moment I think.
Every tear I cry.
Every inch I move.
Every day I live.
Every hope that died.
I hope you know I did it for you.
I hope you know I do it for you.
 Jul 2015
Love at first sight? No son, your vision's blurry,
What's encapsulating your feelings is lust
Powerful, but short-lived
Pleasurable through every taste
But after each taste, that void to quench your thirst will remain
If love is a force, lust must be an energy,
Here for the moment, but we don't know how long it will last.
 Jun 2015
Apparently, we were there
holding each other,
Inside, trying our best
to keep it together.  

But, honestly we both knew
Our bodies were there
But, love had left.
 Jun 2015
Lauren Leal
That moment when your brain betrays your heart

It happens in slow motion

and all you can do is watch.
These moments are not easily forgotten
 Jun 2015
Xiao - SparKticas
Can something
That in which is already dead
Truly die..?
Can something
That in which is already broken
Be broke..?
Can something
That in which is already hurting
Feel pain..?
Can something
That in which is already missing
Be lost..?

Bit by bit
I begin to see clearly
The answer is yes...
So many questions and thoughts
There never seems to be enough answers
Enlighten my soul
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