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 Jun 2015
How can they look at me, when I don't even want to look at my own reflection?

How can they listen to me, when I can't even take hearing my hideous voice?

How can they accept my flaws, when I can't even deal with mine?

How can they be happy for me, when I can't even be glad for my own sake?
How can they love  me, when I can't even love my own self?
Wondering lol idk
 Jun 2015
Now hope is good and hope is strong, but pain had stayed, for far too long, to see him cry and watch him fall, pain was there, through it all.

This pain he knew, now all too well, had swallowed hope, and left a shell, its brittle make, a jaded shape, left nothing then, for pain to take.

He cursed his name, and others too, because of pain, no one knew, but who could blame, a young mans curse, when dealt a hand, of luck reversed?

To live a life, of woes unfair, plagued by strife, as fate declared, that he would know, the pain of chance, all alone, in circumstance.

To make it worse, no one tried, to hear his words, and soothe his mind, they laughed at him, and mocked his pain, until he lost, all hope again.

No shock then, that he had shattered, weighed down so, by years of pain, though he cared, for all that mattered, no one dared, do the same.

So he gave himself, to all around, in hopes that he, could see them through, the pain they felt, when they were down, as pain to him, was nothing new.
 Jun 2015
Suzy Hazelwood
Euphoria said “drink me”
I drained the bottle
got lost on cloud nine
heavy head
sorry heart but...
sober again
never again
Life's lesson can be lasting!! ;o)
 May 2015
I can’t cry anymore
so instead
I just sit there
staring blankly at the wall
and feeling my heart
breaking into a million pieces
and no words are coming out
speechless and heartbroken

 Apr 2015
Crystal Dawn
I was reminded today how quickly things can change
One day there is sunshine and then came the rain

The sunshine was nice, beautiful and warm
But with the morning came a dark, wet, cold storm

I thought of how in life it's often the same joy in one season
And in some seasons pain

But as I thought of the sun but gazed at the storm
I thought it was just as beautiful as the warm day before

The cold hurt a little and I had to layer up but the view before me hadn't changed that much

In life it's the same, storms bring cold air
We have to layer up not with clothes but with prayer

No matter the season life is beautiful still
No matter the hurt or pain we might feel

We should always lean on Jesus he is our shelter from the storm
And remember his love for us will always keep up warm

So when clouds roll in and you find yourself in fear
Layer up and know that HE is near.

- Crystal Sacco
Written after spending a weekend at my in laws cabin in Colorado. Saturday was beautiful sunny and warm all day. And Sunday morning came and it was very cold and snowed/rained all day! Both days were BEAUTIFUL! :)
 Apr 2015
Stripper Thoughts
Is it now, or is it ten years ago?
A decade long narcissistic show

Is passing time a sensory illusion
All adding up to the same conclusion?

My heart is beating, that I know
Surely I am reaping what I sow

I feel I progress and yet stand still
A paradox with time to ****
 Apr 2015
you stopped talking so I stopped trying.
it's a miserable existence to feel the pain of slowly dying.
and now we're trading indirect curses hoping the other will notice first and give in and say hi.
but instead we sit alone and suffer in silence.
just pretend that you're fine.
hide behind those fake smiles and blank stares.
the feelings will fade until you remember you care and you miss her.
 Apr 2015
Sarah Mulqueen
So torn within myself.
A battle I'm unfit to fight in let alone win.
On the brink of tears at every moment of the day.
Jealousy, anxiety, nill confidence and self esteem.
Constantly apologising to those around me.
How could I have been so foolish and naive to try and bury these burdens praying they wouldn't catch up with me.
I don't want pity or to be cradled and told "everything will be alright."
All I want is to feel I'm in control of my emotions and begin to feel less alien in my own skin.
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