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 May 2015
Jax levii
She moved on, and
I feel sorry for you
Because she thought
You were the most amazing boy ever
If she could have had any guy
In the world
She still would have picked you
Now, you're just
Another part of her past
A memory more faded every day
And someday, she'll find the one
She deserves, and he will make
Her the happiest
Girl in the world
 May 2015
Alexandra Provan
I loved you strong, with all the recklessness I possessed,
Yearned to share with you all I had to confess.
Believed it would be palliated in your pristine hands,
Watched it slip through your fingers like worthless sands.
Enamoured and imprudent, I jumped right in,
Unaware your depths were too shallow to swim.
Naïveté; my judgement had faltered,
All of my worth lay bare, and you resigned, unaltered.
Gave everything I knew with nothing left in reserve
Long forgotten it was me I should serve.

It was a hope laced channel for all the healing I desired
but you were inept at radiating the compassion required.
No understanding for this fragile task in proposition,
A rare gift to be cherished that you gave no recognition.
And there was too much exposed for you to forsake,
Too much that wasn’t earned; my calamitous mistake.
For these blood stained bones you lacked the tools to unearth,
You were never the answer to my rebirth.
Gravely inexperienced for this feat,
Your heart was too sheltered
and your mind too weak.

I gave you completely this intimate token,
But you failed to see how I was broken.
 May 2015
Your Hand
Touching Mine.
This is how
dedicated to my lover, happy anniversary Mon Amour.
 May 2015
I often do the practice of looking for anomalies in dreams.. What I mean is the small things that do not make sense in reality..  Its a trigger point I give my dreaming self to let him know he is dreaming..  Then anything is possible.. And I do mean anything..

The first thing I do is fly!  I float at first very slowly..  As if there is no gravity.. I have no control at first but then realize I can do what I want..  I then jet through the skies over Earths oceans.. Majestic blues..  I fly over storms and see the lightning dance from above..  I then look to the stars.. And I want to go beyond..  I fly outside of Earth and into a strange expanse my mind creates..  I visit other Planets and see new forms of life..  I then share them here with all of you! I smile at the thought of this being an eternal ride.. Where I will never be able to discover everything..
Don't wake up from your dreams, Wake up in them..
 May 2015
Your love is a rainbow to
dance on my tongue;
the taste bittersweet
that witch fills in my lungs.

I always loved you

Your eyes are the earth
that sees all things
to look into souls
And will find what rings

I always loved you

Your voice is the rain
the dark and the bold
It weighs down on them
but gives me something to hold

I always loved you

Your mind is the wind
That blows love in trees
it is sure enough to
bring me to my knees

I always loved you

You are the thing that keeps me grounded
I am blown on the earth
while the rain comes down
I can now see the rainbows

This is why I always loved you
 May 2015
Jason Cole
the weight is deceiving and the weight is due
like the weight of a wanton heart
the weight is bereaving and untrue
like the weight of a guilty heart

don't wait

i looked, and there, in the glass
death rode fast behind me
i looked, and there, in the glass
time stood still before me
i looked, and there- out there and beyond
my eyes betrayed me

don't wait

if ever you must carry- carry on
carry on as the sun, whose brightest ray has yet to shine
carry on as the moon, whose darkest day you'll never find
and as the stars, who spend all their days reaching
out there and beyond
falling short, but ever closer to glory
all the while, quietly sharing the heavens
 May 2015
Sally A Bayan
Unicorn Moments

It was Maundy Thursday, an afternoon so lazy
the words of the passion could sink hardly
for my eyes were on the beading tray
the unfinished bracelet was now  awry
off and on, i kept stringing  
the garnet rounds and pearls kept falling
no more tiny brass rings to string in between
i had to think of other ways...something
also had to wash away the gray feeling.

Searched inside my bedroom drawers
and found silver flower spacers!
i gloried at the thought of finishing two bracelets
three, more, maybe even an anklet!

Three, four hours had passed, i was so exhausted
i had already showered
the whole bathroom was spotless,
smelling of ^Pandan leaves^ and flowers,
i was so delighted!

Outside the bathroom door, i stopped
spotted the shiny silver spacers! on the bed, i almost dropped
the silence was too loud, i couldn't stand the spacers' glare,
nothing to say, nothing to offer... just a stare...

"No! no way!
i'm fine, i'm okay!"
was that my voice that gave me away?
moment of truth could never be held at bay...

I held the cable wire to start beading
but body and mind were one...refusing
my fingers were limp...a bit trembling
tired, from too much scrubbing.

My finger traces the head of my unicorn figurine
God knows, i have loved this magical creature ever since
but, i'm not sure i even like these new visitors, these
unicorn moments,
they don't come often,
yet, they're bound to happen.
oh, well....i guess i have to be a bit bolder
accept these changes that come with growing older...

when this happens, i try to joke and laugh,
and then people say......."you're tough!"
i answer them with a smile...and a gruff!

Copyright April 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
**A "unicorn moment" is when somebody gets off the subject of a conversation, or when one gets "side tracked" from a task without realizing it....(from the Urban Dictionary)***

^^^Pandan leaves---A tropical plant with leaves that are long and narrow, used in cooking for its flavor and its fresh and pleasant smell. I tie some leaves all around the bathroom, to keep cockroaches away...i don't know how, or why...but it works! ^^^
 May 2015
Amitav Radiance
Night comes with dreams
Brilliance of starry events
Darkness opens the eyes
When soul sees with clarity
Night urges the mind to dream
Darkness sees soul’s proximity
Into each other’s dreams
Playful night is a celebration till dawn
the sky's flowers are the
february stars that brood
like a crashing sea.

moon against moon,
the indigos of the night
wind and unwind.

who listens when the
bright beams tremble?

who listens to the grey night's
powerful song?

the sky's flowers are the
slow river of clouds that
flow away from me,

little paper islands
puffed out like chinese lanterns.

only the stars and the
clouds and the moon,

the boughs beneath, withered
and gaunt, start to dream...
 May 2015

this is a day of
high clouds

my mind
roams up to
where they are
in the upper stratosphere
cold christaline skies
a bowl over
the marbled earth

the sky cracked open
revealing the
black as a
stone egg

where stars waited
to be


(c) 5/12/2015
An experience in free verse

 May 2015
CA Guilfoyle
I find myself here, wild
roaming the long road home
to no one belong

Spend all of these days
together or alone

Survive the heave and cleave
the warp, the weave
of winding years

A lifetime, a spiral of
 May 2015
Persephone smiles the darkness to light
Yet I am but blinded by my own vice
Twas my greed which choked her dreams of youth
To ferment her innocence in sweet vermouth

I bear the warriors of battles lost
Greet them with warmth bitten by frost
And heroes who see the journey through
To the Elysian Fields where hope's renewed

I cage the souls whose just deserve
To feed the fires beneath the earth
Tormenting Demons with whips of flames
Wicked Witches Inflicting infinite pain

Who am I but that which has been written thus far
The God of the Netherworld, Lord of Brimstone and Fire
Yet more than that, I've become and so I am
So fear me not less thou be ******

Persephone smiles the darkness to light
For those who dare to stand and fight...
Traveler Tim
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