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1.0k · Sep 2015
The Poet
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
The Poet
Is a sensitive soul
Blissfully lost
And deeply fascinated
With its own mind
906 · Oct 2015
Prayers do come true
Chisha Clan Oct 2015
It's not my first time
I've been here before
I've questioned the idea of it
I've doubted its possibility
But somehow
You've kept me believing
Prayers do come true
God answers prayers
870 · Sep 2015
Love crazy
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
The craziest you'll ever look
Is when you're in love
The weakest you'll ever feel
Is when you've giving
yourself completely away.
854 · Sep 2015
Don't believe the world
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
Don't believe the world
Life is not what it seems

They laugh they dance they celebrate
To remind you of how boring your life is

But they are lost in their own misery  

Don't believe the world
All is not as it seems

They fashion themselves in expensive silks and fine linens
To show off their wealth to the poor

But they are naked and can not clothe their guilty conscious

Don't believe the world
What you see is far from the truth

They lay their heads on pillows to sleep
But find no peace and rest

Don't believe the world
True happiness
Is selflessness

And true peace
Comes from God
810 · Sep 2015
Have I gone mad
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
Have I gone mad
(I'll ask myself)

It can't be normal to think this much
(I'll tell myself)

If only I wasn't so vulnerable
(I'll blame myself)

(I'll scold myself)

I'm worth the time
(I'll encourage myself)

I'm valuable
(I'll remind myself)

Think positively & Trust in God
(I'll challenge myself)

I'll be okay
(I assure myself)

How most of my days star off.
642 · Nov 2015
I'm real
Chisha Clan Nov 2015
I needed to feel something real.
I had to confirm my existence.
So I walked barefoot in the cold.
This pain, never felt so good.

- Depersonalization
622 · Sep 2015
A storm is coming
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
My thoughts are like the sea
Spread out in every direction

My mind sinks under
Searching for answers
In deep blue waters

Gray clouds fog the sky
A storm is stirring

The wind is calm
The earth is still  
And I am ready
575 · Sep 2015
Wait for the morning
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
Where is the moon
To give its light

Where are the stars
To compliment its beauty

The night is young
But this time its different
The night is a young and reckless beast

Like a lion
Waiting patiently
For whom it might devour

Like a devil
In disguise

So don't let its beauty fool you
Or its music allure you

But rest till morning
And walk in the light of God
574 · Sep 2015
Call me old fashioned
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
Call me old fashioned
But I still believe in Love
401 · Sep 2015
Fearful Mind
Chisha Clan Sep 2015
I'm hearing voices
I'm loosing my mind
And just like a mad man
I've got no place to hide

You crave those moments that take your breath away

I crave those moments that let me breath

You fear the imaginable dreadful end
I fear the true and spectacular now

Pulse accelerating  
Eye's dilating

I dance to the rhythm of my hearts tambourine

It beats often
I move often
I fall often
I rise often
To the anxious.

— The End —