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7.1k · Jan 2016
War Never Changes
The sky is falling
The people are hiding
The jackboots are on their way
A mother is calling
A child is crying
Uncertain they'll live through the day
The tanks, they are treading
Across sovereign borders
Some soldiers are dreading
Their inhumane orders
Though they have an advantage
This war can't be won
And that "collateral damage"
Is somebody's son
The victims of war
Are the poor and the sick
Slaughtered like cattle
For the wealthy and rich
6.5k · Apr 2016
I Can See Your Sky Exploding
I can see your sky exploding, falling overhead
Killing all your hopes and dreams, filling you with dread
Killing all your sons and daughters, babies in their beds
I can see your sky exploding, and I can see the dead

I can see your sky exploding, I can feel the fear
I can feel the pain and anguish, resistance drawing near
I can feel your endless sorrow, I can see the tears
I can see your sky exploding, all the way from here

I can see your sky exploding, I can tell you're lost
I can feel your righteous anger held at a great cost
As they destroy all your homes and schools, and burn up all your mosques
I can see your sky exploding, I can see your loss

I can see your sky exploding, I know that you can too
Smoggy clouds of smoke and dust where it used to be so blue
I can see the people running, frightened and confused
I can see your sky exploding, and I don't know what to do

I can see your sky exploding, I can feel the fright                
I can see the soldiers coming, trampling your rights
I can hear the dogs of war, barking as they bite
I can see your sky exploding, lighting up so bright

I can see your sky exploding, but no one else can see
Everyone surrounding me is blinded by TV
I can feel your raw emotion, for I have empathy
I can see your sky exploding, though it isn't me
This poem is dedicated to every war-torn country that has been ravaged by imperialism.
2.4k · Jul 2016
Life is Fleeting
Time is infinite
But our bodies are not
They are destined for dust
For decay and rot
Our souls will be boundless
No longer distraught
So quiet your mind
And focus your thoughts
For now is the moment
Or have you forgot
That time waits for no one
No matter how hard it's fought
1.5k · Dec 2015
The Voiceless
If you're tired and cold
With no hand to hold
If you sleep on cement
Tortured by your lament
If you've been beaten and stepped on
And yet, you still kept on
If you continue to pray
While your sky's turning grey
And you face these dark days
In an intoxicated haze
If you're filled with despair
Humiliated, stripped bare
Then join in with me,
And throw your fist in the air
1.4k · Apr 2017
Meet me in the Garden
Where the wind whispers through the willows
As they bend to nature's mighty breath
Meet me on the sandy beach
Where the peaceful ocean ebbs & flows
Like the cycle of life and death
Meet at the the place
That can only be called


Where no one feels abandoned
Where no one feels alone
1.1k · Jun 2016
Spiritual Healing
Please don't make that cut
Please don't pull that trigger
Step away from that ledge
Because life is so much bigger
Than the current pain you're going through
There's so much pain inside of you
And yet, there's so much love
And this love, it flows directly
From the power that's above
The formless, shapeless oneness
That can fill your soul with peace
The only thing that matters
Is that you're willing to receive
You're so desperate for God
It seems he's never getting through
But God is in the universe
And the universe is in you
So when you find yourself
You'll know exactly what to do
Don't give up. Rid yourself of those poisonous thoughts that plague your troubled mind by looking within, and finding your inner-peace.
982 · Jun 2016
Trapped in the Dark
Sometimes I can't go a day without thinking about
Doing what my Dad did, and taking the easy way out
I imagine a gun up to my head or a noose on my neck
Unbuckle my seatbelt, and pray to God for a car wreck
I feel like such a fool, such a loser, such a mess
And yet, compared to others I am so very blessed
But sometimes I just feel as if I've never had a home
'cause even in a house full of people, I still feel all alone
I feel like the prodigal's son with no father to return to
Can't seem to find the answers, no matter who I turn to
If you stand too close to fire, eventually it's gonna burn you
I learned that the hard way, 'cause no one would ever come through
and save me from myself, as I was calling out for help
and I knew no one could hear me, but I still let out a yelp
All that pain and self destruction, it was weighing on my health
It was the deepest, darkest sorrow that I had ever, ever felt
938 · Dec 2015
Wills of the Wind
Piercing screams that go unheard

Shattered dreams and empty words

All these things and so much more

Are what make life a tragic chore

They cry, and sob, and weep, and mourn

And pray for hope to be re-born

It's a struggle for survival, and justice, and peace

Or at the very least, for the pain to cease

"But it's their choice," as some may say,

"It's not our fault they live this way."

As society crumbles, cracks and decays

As they break their backs throughout the day

Will they ever be free?

Not one truly knows

But their wills extend as far as the wind blows
724 · Dec 2015
This World
This world is beautiful
This world is hideous
This world is kind
This world's insidious
Addicted to struggle,
It turns and turns
As mouths go hungry
And voices yearn
As life is born
And young minds learn
As bombs are dropped
And shelter spurned
As flowers bloom
And light returns
As bodies pile
And forests burn
As the ocean roars,
Twists, spits and churns...

This world is lovely
This world is rotten
All this beauty and pain
Cannot be forgotten
709 · Dec 2015
Depression is Your Enemy
Depression, my old foe
We meet here once again
You and I both know
There's only one way this can end
Do not think I've forgotten
What you have done in the past
And now, your stench is rotten
Like poisonous tear gas
You're an awful, ugly creature
And yet, you're romanticized
But I see your true features
And I won't believe your lies
You have bested me before
Left me lying on the floor
And still, you wanted more
So you crushed my very core
I was broken, ****** and sore
But you will torment me no more
For I have a secret weapon,
And it's called artistic expression,
For all this pain that I have kept in
You're growing weaker, oh depression
And through this ink, I bleed
Release my insecurities
Along with all my pain and sorrow
That I may live to see tomorrow
Many people embrace their depression, even romanticize it. I am here to tell you that depression is not your friend. It is your enemy. It is the enemy of you and all that love you.
651 · Jun 2016
Be Still
Be still among the storm
Do not quake among the thunder
Do not shake among the wind
Or the waves will pull you under
Be calm and find your center
Focus your mind and actions
Do not be lead by vanity
Or frivolous distractions
There is much to be valued
In the stillness of serenity
It will guide you along the path
To find your own identity
This world at times can seem like absolute chaos. Anxious and depressing thoughts are what disturb our inner peace. There is a storm brewing before us that clouds our troubled minds with constant fear, panic and distraction. Be still among this storm. Do not be afraid, stand your ground, find your peace and hold onto it.
564 · Jan 2016
I try to mend this fragile heart
As my confidence decreases
Everything is falling apart
As I try to pick up the pieces
Deceitful lies, blind my eyes
To all this pain that I've internalized
I've been in denial for miles
My psyche defiled, my emotions exiled
And when I put myself on trial,
I always give myself the death sentence
It makes my dark side smile,
Just imagining my breath endin'
There's got to be some way out, but I just can't seem to find it
And my past remains unchanged, no matter how I wish I could rewind it
These thoughts, they feel like splinters, in my melancholy mind
Seems like my moments of sorrow are greater than all the joyful ones combined
And my idea of "happiness" has never been well-defined
558 · Dec 2015
Barely Breathing
I don't know why it's so difficult
For me to break free from this shell
I don't know why I think so much
And put myself through hell
I don't know why it's so hard for me
To show you how I feel
All these insecurities
Have become far too real
I'll get around to living
Just as soon as I learn how
'Till then, I'm slowly dying
 No one can save me now

— The End —