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Bianca Reyes May 2016
I write
Write some
Write so
I start
On pages
Continue writing
I forget
I write
About you
Shared on Hello Poetry
May 16, 2016
Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Bianca Reyes Oct 2015
To close my eyes and dream of space
Narrowed vision of open eternity
Stars and planets surround brightened space
All I see is darkness and its eternity
To close my eyes and ignore my space
A clear escape from all this eternity
Sufficated to know of this space
To have misery in vast eternity
© Vast Eternity by Bianca Reyes
Bianca Reyes Mar 2017
Please remember to break me gently
Take your sharp tongue and slice me tenderly
With your offenses destroy me lovingly
Never allow yourself to confuse abuse with love. Love yourself above all

Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
Endless love
Held on fingertips
Waiting to caress your cheek

Confession of love
Lingering on my lips
To dance with yours they seek
Bianca Reyes Jul 2017
You were born in the constellation of Orion
I thank the gods for the flesh i lie on
There are remnants of stars in your eyes
They align with my hopes in the skies
Worlds form at the touch of our lips
I feel the heat of suns near my hips
Our memories orbit the body of habit
Moons praise our newly born planet
Black holes have threatened us before
Yet our love like galaxies we uphold
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
Bianca Reyes Nov 2015
It's funny how our lives go to waste
Our bodies nothing but machines with preset functionalities
Our minds nothing but prisoners to all the things we'll never become
While we're busy here planning how not to miss a single thing
We miss everything
All this thinking and no living
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
When I'm done with this body and leave in a hurry
I don't want you to cry nor to stay up and worry
Don't be sad, you know how easily I bore
Your love shook and rattled me to my core
In my departure the last vision I'll see
Is of you smiling right back at me
Do know I leave only because I must
That our love transcends all I want you to trust
When I'm done with this body and start a new journey
Remember that your love is engraved deep within me
Goodbye for now
Bianca Reyes Jul 2016
I can renounce love and mock it for now
But one day I'll fall to my feet due to love
I'll smile at myself at the beautiful thoughts
Sigh every time my heart wakes up sore
From how much it exercises around you
When you whisper in my ear my reflex will be
To catch myself from falling head over heels
Rubbing my tummy to calm the wild flutters
That your presence is sure to elicit
I'm trying to stretch my tired legs
Before I run after love
Shared on on HelloPoetry on July 12, 2016.
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Bianca Reyes Oct 2017
I'm a martyr
I've never seen it as kissing your body
It was kissing my faith
I'm a martyr
My desire burns like a witch at the stake
Causing hysteria within you
I'm a martyr
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
Blah blah blah
You know the deal
Bianca Reyes Jul 2016
In January I felt so free
Wanting to explore vast infinity

In February I started school
Ditching classes like any fool

In March I was at work and met you
A man with brown eyes and a gaze so blue

In April my heart did sing
With all the love you did bring

In May I felt brand new
******* for the first time in front of you

In June I was so uneasy
Fearing that you'd up and leave me

In July you ended it all
Telling me you'd never call

In August I wept through the season
Feeling like my life had no reason

In September I regained my strength
Deciding to cut my depression's length

In October we met again
Darkness in your eyes did reign

In November you tried to play with me
But your false words didn't drown me in misery

In December you told me about your cheating
When you found your heart wounded and bleeding
Shared on Hello Poetry on July 25, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
Before I die, I wish to have written a few words that will be etched in eternity.
Then, my soul will live on forever because something I said mattered to someone enough to say it to someone that mattered to them.
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
If you were a beautiful thought, I would hope you were conceived in my mind

If you were the most awe-inspiring work of art, I would wish to have been the artist

If you were the finest jewelry to ever exist, I would want you on me forever

Everything about you is beautiful
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
There's been a miscommunication
Between my heart and my mind
Electrical impulses at every synapse
Scream your name in adoration
In every neuron they will find
That there has been a collapse
It's caused by my love for you

All that I know to be true
Is that there has been a malformation
A terrible replication of some kind
The one that courses violently perhaps
It fills my mind with all this information
To all else I've gone blind
A neural take over that I can't surpass
Because my body knows that I love you
Written and shared on Hello Poetry on January 19, 2016. Copywrite under Bianca Reyes. All rights reserved
Bianca Reyes Feb 2016
You are the words I speak
The pause in between
Where I linger for a while

You are the thoughts I seek
The inspiration from within
Where I submerge denial

You are my heartbeat at its peak
The blood rush through ravine
Where all is cleansed of vile

You are the irrationality I tweak
The insanity that was forseen
Where I lose myself and smile

You are the glow that leaks
The inner beauty that they all mean
Where it paints all I see mile by mile
Shared on Hello Poetry on February 9, 2016
Copywrite under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
Bianca Reyes May 2016
You were the water
   I needed to quench my thirst
   When the desert inside me was too cruel
You are the water
   Found overflowing in my lungs
   Collapsing my breathing, ending my life
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
Shared on Hello Poetry on
May 28, 2016
Bianca Reyes Jan 2016
It kills me to think of your innocence
In how you loved everything
In your belief that everyone was good
Then I barged into your life
Ruined you in ways unimaginable
I swear I loved you but I couldn't show it
I tried to tell you I was broken
But this pride wouldn't allow me

I can't apologize and I can't console you
I restrain myself from trying to see you
You'll move on and everything will be okay
The memory of me will be nothing more
Then a blemish on your perfect skin
My perfume will no longer intoxicate you
It'll blend with your scent and attract everyone
You'll find someone deserving of your love

I will cover every part of my body in shame
Hiding the scars left by your loving touch
Strands of my hair that twirled on your finger
Grey every day losing their pigment
I can smell you everywhere I go
Like a stain that set and cannot be removed
Your whispers of promises and happiness
Are now haunting voices driving me insane

I'll continue to be made of rotting material
With a memory of love I never deserved
You'll be this glorious human being
Who realized never to settle for the worst
Bianca Reyes Dec 2015
They wonder why the flowers in your garden are losing their glow
But they'll never know that all of my butterflies drank your sweet nectar and later died from its poison
My butterflies wanted to love your petals and watch your garden grow
But your beautiful flowers were rotten at their roots
They were never meant to give nor receive love
Bianca Reyes Nov 2015
If your love was never meant to reside in the depths of my soul
Then what has all of this been for?
Bianca Reyes Feb 2019
do you ever ponder me
from being in love with
do you ever dream me
hand in hand through life's
Bianca Reyes Oct 2016
Your eyes are as blue as the sea
Matching the raging ocean inside of me
My crashing waves calm in your presence
I wish to drown in your essence
Shared on Hello Poetry on October 20, 2016
Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah

— The End —