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 Feb 2016 Bilford
"No one asks to die" she tells me.
I listen, eyes glistening as she pains
even just to feign an ounce of joy.
"And no one asks to be born,"
I answered curtly.
She laughed.
I thought it was odd, but decided
to continue on
"And no one asks for a peanut allergy.
one asks for a midnight shiver or
a hungry night or
a lifetime of accidents
or cancer."
And she stopped laughing. And she
looked at me, all serious, eyes shining,
and she sneezed.
Debris flew all through the room,
and a little got in my eye.
We laughed, and the hospital bed that held us up finally gave way to something
important. We stopped looking
towards my bitter closing end, towards
the tunnel and the light, and we
spent thirty seconds giggling about a poorly timed explosion of nasal debris.
Thank you, dust particle,
for a second of anything
but silence.
 Feb 2016 Bilford
Sad Girl
I'm confused on whether or not this is a storm or the memory of you leaving. The wind is so strong it's like you coming and going as you did before. The rain is falling so hard as the tears from my eyes fell when you said your last goodbye. Thunder so loud, just as loud as your voice would raise as you screamed and ran out the door. the wind picks up things that will never return to the same place as before, just as you did when you left forever. Lightening so bright almost as bright as your smile lit up a room. The sky, so depressing just like you said I was. So which is which, Is this a storm or just another memory of you leaving?
 Feb 2016 Bilford
Jathan Hall
I want you;
I want you to want me too;
It hurts me to know I can't have you;
Every message I send you I mean it;
Every word is true;
My heart only belongs to you;
I can't imagine myself with anyone else;
You told me you wanted to feel a sense of happiness;
I'd love to give you it;
Knowing that I can't have you and your heart is in a different place hurts me;
You're the only one;
I basically gave up on other girls;
You're the second girl I actually chased after;
Must of the time I talk to multiple girls at once, not this time;
I want you to be my baby and maybe later in life we can make cute babies;
Its just hard though yinno, falling asleep knowing that any other can give you more than I offer;
You're so gorgeous;
But really I ain't ****;
I basically changed my dog ways ever since I started talking to you;
Not asking for a chance, but I'm just letting you know I'm always here;
Even if we never have something special, it'll hurt but I'll know the chase was worth it;
All I really have for you is love deep down;
But always know its you, you'll always have a hold on me. I literally love you like a fat kid loves cake
 Feb 2016 Bilford
Maple Mathers
“I have something for you to remember me by,” said Tim.

    He held a little foam Hippo – the lone play animal supplied by the loonybin to patients in need.

     It was brand new – just as every Hippo looked – and I wondered why he’d chosen something seemingly impersonal in comparison to his other, odd gifts.

     However, what he did next made his hippo – my hippo – absolutely ideal. To people like Tim and I, that is.

     For, to my astonishment, he casually took the toy in his hands, twisted, and ripped it cleanly  in two.

     He ripped off its head, which he gave to me, whilst he kept the body.

    I will never get rid of that mutilated, foam hippo head. For he understood what no one else had ever come near.

     In this way – perhaps – Tim and I became synonyms. Synonyms for what ignorant perceptions would later christen ******, or merely, crazy (the latter - coined by those who remain too depressingly colloquial to invent unfounded diagnoses).

     These epithets, catalyzed post personifying such societal taboos as Tim or I committed, follow me still, and have yet to disperse.
     A criticaster disaster, personified.

     Yes; in this way – Tim and I became synonymously insane.

Chapman University destroyed my life.

(Edited out(?): My failed death-wish, and subsequent involuntary hospitalization, would render malicious and ignorant individuals to alienate and shun my entire existence. My former allies, friends, and peers - those who had "loved" and "supported" me - would soon slander and sabotage me simply to maintain their own fabricated facades.
     Associating with someone who failed at suicide is a social deathwish, apparently; yet, if I'd succeeded, they'd lament and mourn their "loss.")

(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)
 Feb 2016 Bilford
Maple Mathers
I crawled out of bed
Adjusted my thoughts
My heart on my sleeve
And my stomach in knots

I damaged my brain
To powder my nose,
The abyss of my conscience . . .
As the wind blows

I grabbed at my gloves
Pulled on my pretense
Confused and uncertain
Why life felt so dense

The life that I saw
On med after med
Now only exists
Within Maple’s head

In front of you, now
Gift wrapped and retouched
Hope you like what you see
Cause I don’t very much

Dressed and well-practiced
In subtle charade
I’ve nothing but danced
This stark masquerade.
All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016.
 Feb 2016 Bilford
Maple Mathers
Yet, where is the fun

When my best friends tonight
won't know me, come morning?
(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)

This is the epitome of interactions within Southern California's Top, private universities; when you're on scholarship, unaffiliated with Greek Life, and without an agenda and/or facade. Entities more superfluous and shallow than one could ever fathom, save for when in happenstance.
 Feb 2016 Bilford
Maple Mathers
to school
with me

(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)
 Feb 2016 Bilford
Maple Mathers
Rigid, my mind
Tight fastened in thought
Alone, save the loudest
Of volumes you sought;

A rhythm surrounds me:
The beat never stops.
My wrist – ever pounding
Sleeve dripping, nonstop.

These sounds are resources
You’ll never see bought –
So rare, and so special
Yet, mine? They are not.

“Gems?” You do ponder,
As pure as could be.
You hear not this beating?
Live hearts seal my sleeve!

I gathered each one
From men and from lovers
Then, left them undone
To never recover

These hearts I collect
As one might a stamp,
Each choking my wrist;
All broken and damp

As wet hearts do bleed
Each torn from one’s chest
The blood, you’ll not see
It’s ink they express!

“Now, why not your own?”
You wonder, distressed
But my chest is empty:
Forlorn, dispossessed.

My heart is no more –
I searched sea to see.
“How so?” You deplore.
‘Twas taken from me!

In place of a heart
I now hold a pen;
I’ll never be whole –
Likewise to all them:

I **** all these lovers
Must spare not these men
For one sole ingredient
Will satisfy pen.

Such hearts I do mention
Once, twice, and again
Draw ribbons of ink,
Gliding fresh to my pen

Rigid, your mind
Interrupting my thoughts
Becoming the loudest
Of volumes not sought

“Release and replace!”
A mere noise; you infest;
Oh, leave me alone,
Or your heart will be next!
Tales of a succubus: the cycle of abuse, as told by the perpetrator.

(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)
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