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 Feb 2023 Andi
 Feb 2023 Andi
You brought me out of
The darkness
Dusted my heart off
Gave it a little polish
Until you saw me shine
You took the cobwebs
And tossed them to the wind
With this new heart
Now up and running
You reminded me of
The feelings I thought I'd forgotten
 Feb 2023 Andi
My Fat
 Feb 2023 Andi
When you hold me
I forget to be insecure
About my size
About my numbers
About my body
I forget to worry
About my lumpy thighs
About my jiggly tummy
About my pudgy arms
You stroke each limb
And kiss every inch
As if none of it matters
As if you don't care
That I'm fat
You aren't afraid to touch
My cellulite
My bumps
My pudge
The things
Nobody else wanted
Nobody else would touch
Nobody else saw as desirable
You touch them
You hold them
You kiss them
You make love to them
You flat out love them
Because for some reason
You don't care
 Feb 2023 Andi
Coleman M Lowe
Every day for the rest of my life,
You'd be the elixir of my life.
I know it sounds
Like a fantasy life.
To have someone love you,
Without no strife.
Everyday for the rest of my life,
I'd tell you I love you,
And you are my life.
Everyday for the rest of my life,
I'd tell you I loved you.
I'd make you my wife.
 Feb 2023 Andi
Not Lauren
The world sent me a girl as sweet as a peach
and as scorching as the sun itself.

In that moment,
I knew love as it was meant to be known.

In that moment,
I wished she wasn't 2,000 miles away.

In that moment,
I begged for my heart to let me down gently.

It didn't.
 Feb 2023 Andi
 Feb 2023 Andi
How lovely the days of spring—
thinking about you.
Listening to the birds sing and waiting for the day you’re here with me.
~ I truly miss you!
 Feb 2023 Andi
My All
 Feb 2023 Andi
In my hours of bliss
Here in this world full of words
In my time of grief
You’re my poem I’ll always write
and the story of my life
 Feb 2023 Andi
Janine Jacobs
My soul felt you immediately
and my heart quickly responded
All I want is to open my eyes
and see you next to me
To feel your warm embrace
I realize now no distance is too far
and closeness is not about proximity
Our connection knows no boundaries
I will wait for you through seasons
and love you across countries
Even if you were planets away
You are still my sun
 Feb 2023 Andi
New Age Traveller
Every good love story starts with a friendship and it's usually like that for a while.

until every word that escapes their mouth feeds your infectious smile.

Then eventually someone questions where did they go wrong?

Aimlessly picking up the pieces to discover you were perfect for them all along.
 Feb 2023 Andi
Love from afar
 Feb 2023 Andi
You're not mine to keep
But that won't stop me from loving you
So I'll keep on loving you
From a distance
Watching you
From afar
And hoping
For the best that you'll do
In life
And your future
I love you
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