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 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
I had a thought
A deep little thought
Some intruiging thought
The most beautiful thought

but then I forgot...
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
I asked you as a child

a very long time ago

If I left without a goodbye,

Would you let tears flow?

You held me tightly to your chest

Rocked me slowly back and forth

You promised me you'd never leave

I believed you, for all thats it's worth
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Bountiful bunches of baby beliefs
Flutter freely and flawlessly off frigid folios
To lavish lands where little logic is left
An alluring and angelic archipelago
In which wonderfully written words will make their whereabouts
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
1 Cat, black as night
2 Dogs, tan and white
3 Hens, with golden hues
4 Kids, who never wear shoes

All joined together to wake me today
In a yowling, barking, squawking, screaming
sort of way
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Crosshatched tower of black ropes
Spiral towards poofy marshmallow clouds
A tempation for each passing youth
To gather around in crowds
All together the creatures, they climb
Grasping rope and some stranger's limb
Bodies fall to the earth like potato sacks
No limits in order to win...
Passed by a playground structure in which there was a 50 ft rope tower that lead to a slide. At least 40 kids were scrambling up this thing trying to get there first ans every time this one kid got up she would scream "I WIN". Also while there some little boy fell off from like 20 feet up, got tangled in the ropes, and other kids trampled him until his parent rescued him. crazy how animalistic we are.
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