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 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
one of the best feelings in the world is when you hug someone you love, and they hug you back even tighter
It's a happy New Year
But all I could remember is the depression of my old years.
It's a happy New Year.
But all I can hear are my old thoughts.
It's a happy New Year.
But all I could see are my old scars.
It's a happy New Year.
But all I could taste are old tears.
It's a happy New Year .
But all I could smell is my constant despair.
It's a happy New Year.
But all I could feel is nothing but sorrow.
It's a happy New Year.
But I'm still stuck on the same old page
This is my personal poem. Happy New Year everybody.
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
i am black and white,
boring and plain
no one recognizes me
as if i was
coat me with colors,
bury me with paint
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
“tell me one last thing,” said Harry.  “is this real? or has this been happening inside my head?”

dumbledore beamed at him, and his voice sounded loud and strong in Harry’s ears even though the bright mist was descending again, obscuring his figure.  

“of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” -dumbledore
My weapon is our memory
Is a  language of the undead
To the tuning base
And the clock ticks to
Midnight as
We kiss
its really late and i don't know where else to go
all of my friends are starting to think its all for show
but why haven't i been able to clear my head
why do i feel so empty in my own bed
my mind is the scariest place I've ever seen,
over the years i had managed to keep it clean,
but your name and that laugh is stuck to me like glue
and everything reminds me of you
and it’s all seeping into my skin
and the more i wipe it off the more i'm reminded that it's there
and i'm so scared to look myself in the mirror and see what I've become
my heart is still beating but i'm so warm
how am i numb
am i living or is this a dream
i can't even tell anymore
everything keeps spinning
i'm scared to close my door because i'm scared i'll lock them in,
they've already nested in my mind,
why am i sick this time.
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