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Ava Bean Feb 2016
He takes photos.
His books are filled
With spilled coffee.
Wavy sun ray hair
Lime green citrus eyes
Sturdy safe shoulders
Rich, melted dark chocolate voice
Pouty peony puckers
Stolen lenses
Quirky movies
Oversized sweaters to cover his quivering hands when he cautiously holds hers.
He reminds me of a child's desk
That was personalized by doodles dinged and carved into it over the years
The desk that his parents probably adore.
He is a collage of all the things he photographs.
He takes pictures of anything and everything
To make himself whole.
about a very beautiful person
Ava Bean Feb 2016
She was so bubbly
Saliva like soda
Her eyes were so bright you could hear them pop
You could give an audience to the sugary syrup in her voice
You could feel the carbonation on her lips
And you could taste the sweet fizz on her tongue.
She was so bubbly
Before you came
Now she tastes flat.
what abusive relationships can do to a person
Ava Bean Feb 2016
Tik Tok
You're the clock
The one that strikes noon
Begins to make me swoon
But once it's past three,
You get up and leave.
make up your mind about me. I can't keep watching the clock
Ava Bean Dec 2015
You tell me all the great things about me
And you text out all the wonderful things we will do together
But I am not the one for you.
You are simply lonely and lost because you are so detached from others.
You are in a cold tundra of confusion
And I looked like a warm security blanket to grab onto.
I am a manifestation of what you want:
Something that is warm
Wraps you up to shield off chills
Brightly colored like my cheeks in the winter
But I am not what you need.
What you need is someone to brush the snow out of your hair
Someone to treat your frostbitten fingers
Someone to nurse you back to health
Someone to cradle you in their arms...
And a security blanket cannot do that.
Ava Bean Dec 2015
I am a therapy of sorts.
I can listen to your woes
Massage your tired feet
Perhaps make you some cookies
Or other kinds of treats.
But I am not medicine.
I cannot cure all your worries,
Or stop the consistent aching in your heart.
I cannot stop you from going over the edge
Or tearing yourself apart.
"My dad thinks I'm depressed and says I should be around you more because you make me so happy"
Ava Bean Nov 2015
Say all you want
Whatever happens to roll off your tongue
Just remember to add that I was the warmest place you knew
And you caused a blizzard
That left snowflakes on my eyelashes
And sharp icicles in my heart.
I was the warmest place you knew
And you froze me over.
Ava Bean Nov 2015
Even as he spilled over with confidence
While his tongue smoothly ice skated across the chalice of my pelvis
I was not fooled.
I could still feel his caged heart race and buck
As he laid between the cradle of my hips.
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