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 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
she bloomed with beauty,
blushing and beaming,
fragile and true.
lips, a soft carnation pink,
eyes, a gentle green,
freckles stretched and strong.
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Have you forgotten about the love for each other? And replaced with the materialistic love for money and things.

Have you forgotten about the beautiful, uplifting, life giving, meaningful music in the past. And instead made ones of self-praise, boasting money and pride.

Have you forgotten about those who cares for you? And instead pushed them away. Dismissing it as childish and only would happen to a child.

Have you hated the truth, and love the lies.
Have you hated and never

What happened to loving God and ourselves?
What happened to loving each other?
What happened to being united as a Church, as people.
What happened to the connection between you and me, face to face.

It seems that being connected more and more makes us have less of a connection with each other, face to face, heart to heart.

Behind those screens, water in front of fire, or fire in front of water.

Dreams of money.
People wanting to be living barbies.
People wanting to be gods and be in false jolly.
Crying souls and loud cries and shouts.
But no one knew who was the ones crying for help.

O, Lord when would you come and save them all.
When would they ever stop suffering...
O Lord save us all, in this kingdom of darkness...
Save us...
Mat your Kingdom come Lord!! May your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven!!!
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Dying under my sins.
Dead already.
My destiny was to suffer and die.

But you had other plans.
You sent, you...sent your only Son, to die for me?
Lord, why would you die for someone like me?
When i already wronged you.
When i hated you.
When i ignored your whispers and pushes and pulls of your eternal never-changing love.

You allowed the rocks to press on me, crush me.
But you allowed your son to be burdened with my stones and needles.
You allowed the nails to pierce through your Son.
and it wasn't even yours to carry.
it wasn't your fault, it wasn't your nails, it wasn't your stones and mountains to carry.

O, Father. You are so amazing and beautiful.
Your love has no end.
Your grace carried me so far.
You want to spend time with little old me.
You still believe me.
Lord, your mercy and grace pull me into a galaxy of stars and into the peaceful depths of the Sea.

O Bearer of my Sins. You have given your life so that i could have mine.  You suffered that day so that i don't have to do so for an eternity.
Your faith in your Father is steadfast, unshakable.
You love me so much.
Lord, you hugged me and held me close when the lightning struck and the raindrops broke windows when thunder knocked down trees and left me bare.
You didn't regret your decision. To die on that cross for me.

O Holy Spirit, you preserve my soul, you remind me of the Father's love. You inspire and set me on fire for God.
You guide and lead me.
You remind me of who I am.

O Holy Spirit, Father, and Son. You are One.
hehehehe Praise God!! Your Kingdom come quickly! Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!! His Love is ahhh indescribable. Perfect Love :)
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
under my flat, in the film of blue, under the sleepy night sky, I walk, for a purpose. With a book in my hand. I had a plan.
maybe that was the problem.

children playing with sticks and stones.
they live in the third story,
their family I hardly know,
but a new story I know would unfold.

an extended loop of walking, she walked a whole way round and back.
he and she, they walked hand in hand in one straight line, their worries, not much on their children, their gaze and eyes were on each other.

people playing pokemon go, their eyes fixed on the screen.
When all I think they are talking about is the surface of the storms and Oceans in their hearts. Where in hearts, gardens of flowers and thorns, and with skies of empty space, and storms uncalmed.

looking for an aunty I knew.
her eyes embraced with the saggy skin of old age, missing where her flesh used to sit.
she has a smile so innocent and child-like.
she forgets what she says to me, but she remembers me. How interesting.

This is where I go sometimes when my heart is burdened with burdens and anguish from the Lord. Or where I had plans, or when I really just had to buy a pen...

a place i hoped would be filled with love and peace.
a place i hope would turn to the Lord.

Bukit Panjang Jelapang Road.
huehue God blesss yall!!!
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Benji James
Are you ready, keep it steady
I got a secret I want to share
Turn the radio up, turn the radio up
I heard a rumour
That is going around
It seems I've copped a lot of flack
For my last lyrical attack
The word is out
Now there's no going back
Watch the mirror as it cracks, oh

I'm not sorry
I'm not sorry
I'm allowed to tell
my side of the story
I'm not sorry
I'm not sorry

No more keeping it inside
No more running
Nowhere left to hide
This emotional ocean
Just exploded
And I'm the volcano

I don't need any safety net
Because I'm standing on the edge
I'll take all the hate
I'll take all the blame
I'll take all the shame
I'll even take the pain
Eh this is my form of communication
Was never any good
at the small talk situation
This here is my outlet
This is when I'm in my mindset

I'm not sorry
I'm not sorry
I'm allowed to tell
my side of the story
I'm not sorry
I'm not sorry

No more keeping it inside
No more running
Nowhere left to hide
This emotional ocean
Just exploded
And I'm the volcano

I'm not taking any prisoners
I said I'll be letting loose
So maybe just don't go
and give me an excuse
To put you in my lyrics too
Maybe I was just a little mad
But I still don't feel bad
I needed to get it out of my system
Before my emotions caved in
Yeah maybe it was a bit too much
Maybe I hit a little bit hard
In the words that I wrote
That's just the road I chose to go

I'm not sorry
I'm not sorry
I'm allowed to tell
my side of the story
I'm not sorry
I'm not sorry

No more keeping it inside
No more running
Nowhere left to hide
This emotional ocean
Just exploded
And I'm the volcano

©2018 Written By Benji James
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Benji James
I'm going to write this one in blood
Just so you know it's straight from my heart
Where should I begin, where do I start?
Let me fill a new page with art
This was written in the dark
By the candlelight spark
****** ink spilt across the page
With all these things
That I just have to say
It all comes bursting out my chest
Just so you know I mean what it is that's said
So that this can all heal and mend

I'm sorry for the way
I let you down
In your emotions
I let you drown
I'm sorry for not speaking out
When you clearly needed sound
Someone to just say it's all gonna be okay
I just looked the other way
Only cared about me
And now that thought plagues my conscience
I'm sorry that I am stuck in selfish ways
Only thinking of my own feelings
And not much of yours
I'm sorry that I couldn't save you in ways that you had pictured
You thought that I'd be different
I let you walk that lonely road
Ignorant to your hurt
Our lives drifted in different directions
Now you're somewhere out there
beyond my detection
Just hope these sorries find their way to you

I'm going to write this one in blood
Just so you know it's straight from my heart
Where should I begin, where do I start?
Let me fill a new page with art
This was written in the dark
By the candlelight spark
****** ink spilt across the page
With all these things
That I just have to say
It all comes bursting out my chest
Just so you know I mean what it is that's said
So that this can all heal and mend

I'm an ocean of emotions
When we hit rough seas
That's when you don't see
The best parts of me
I'm sorry in my anger
I can get violent
Sometimes I just can't stay silent
I lose control when this rage stays caged
And that is one of my greatest flaws
Hurt people that mean so much to me
Out of anger and stupidity
I'm sorry for the bruises and marks
I'm sorry for all the hurting parts
I'm sorry for the damaged soul
I'm sorry I lost control of my thoughts
Let rage overpower,
still, decisions made in moments of regret
These are moments that weren't my best
Maybe that's why they say rage is blind
Cuz we don't see in those moments
What we become, It's only after it is done

I'm going to write this one in blood
Just so you know it's straight from my heart
Where should I begin, where do I start?
Let me fill a new page with art
This was written in the dark
By the candlelight spark
****** ink spilt across the page
With all these things
That I just have to say
It all comes bursting out my chest
Just so you know I mean what it is that's said
So that this can all heal and mend

I'm sorry for all the missed signs
and all of the misinterpreted lines
I'm sorry to those that I've offended
I'm sorry to those I couldn't connect with
I'm sorry that sometimes I struggle to find the line
I cross that thing a lot of the time
I'm sorry for the worries
I'm sorry for the tears
I'm sorry for filling you with fears
I'm sorry for the times I just couldn't bring myself to write
I'm sorry for all the failed lines
And mediocre rhymes
I'm sorry this took me a long time

I'm going to write this one in blood
Just so you know it's straight from my heart
Where should I begin, where do I start?
Let me fill a new page with art
This was written in the dark
By the candlelight spark
****** ink spilt across the page
With all these things
That I just have to say
It all comes bursting out my chest
Just so you know I mean what it is that's said
So that this can all heal and mend

Dear me, are you listening...
Most of all I'm sorry to you
And for all the things I've put myself through
I'm sorry for tearing myself apart for art
I'm sorry for holding out air from my lungs
I'm sorry for all the times that I've looked in the mirror
Only to call me ugly, a monster, a freak
Frequent hate to which most can relate
I'm sorry for all the self-loathing
I'm sorry for the sleepless nights
And the endless fights inside my own mind
I'm sorry for saying, I'll never be enough
I'm sorry for not being able to let myself love

I'm going to write this one in blood
Just so you know it's straight from my heart
Where should I begin, where do I start?
Let me fill a new page with art
This was written in the dark
By the candlelight spark
****** ink spilt across the page
With all these things
That I just have to say
It all comes bursting out my chest
Just so you know I mean what it is that's said
So that this can all heal and mend

I'm sorry to the girls
Who wanted my love
I couldn't return the love they gave
Cuz I didn't feel the same way
I'm sorry to the friends that I cut off
I only did what I thought was best
I'm sorry that this life of mine is still a mess
I'm sorry to the girls that I hurt with words
Out of jealousy or rejection
I'm sorry for the lyrics that I wrote about you
May have been something said that hurt
I'm sorry I take so long to learn

I'm going to write this one in blood
Just so you know it's straight from my heart
Where should I begin, where do I start?
Let me fill a new page with art
This was written in the dark
By the candlelight spark
****** ink spilt across the page
With all these things
That I just have to say
It all comes bursting out my chest
Just so you know I mean what it is that's said
So that this can all heal and mend

I'm sorry that in my weakness I want to die
I'm sorry that I struggle with this life
I'm sorry for all the crazy things that cross my mind
I'm sorry for all the broken promises
I'm sorry I haven't achieved any of my dreams
I'm sorry that I'm inconsistent
I'm sorry that I claim I'm a victim
I'm sorry for the times I don't accept the blame
I'm sorry for the jokes I made that were lame
I'm sorry that this song is full of sorries
I'm sorry to all those people I've wronged
I'm sorry to myself for never feeling real love
I'm sorry for having no faith in a god above

I'm going to write this one in blood
Just so you know it's straight from my heart
Where should I begin, where do I start?
Let me fill a new page with art
This was written in the dark
By the candlelight spark
****** ink spilt across the page
With all these things
That I just have to say
It all comes bursting out my chest
Just so you know I mean what it is that's said
So that this can all heal and mend

©2018 Written By Benji James
It's taken me so long to write something completely new, but I finally did it, I sat myself down and finally just gathered some motivation to finally finish something. :P
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Stuck between spaces and memories,
my butterfly flies.
Wings of time.

no not one place where the butterfly flies to rhymes.
No sentences, no books written.

Messing up memory lanes, folding them up like crumpled paper.
The creases distorting signal lines,
and I couldn't seem to recognise the times.

Scribbled lines, blinding my sight.
my butterfly flies through my mind, my memory fading, lights dimming, house lights flicker.

fire still burning.
no longer in a pod.
Just living for God.

if i remember anything else.
only you God.
i want to remember.
i wanna be Christ-like
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
no, i dont need the fancy lights and studio lights.
no, i dont need the cheering crowd, the rushing sound, bursting loud.
no, i dont need the big halls, and palace *****, and studded jewels and rings.
no, i dont need people with the same beliefs.
no, i dont need a cheerful heart or a forced one.
no, i dont need a perfect home or a  have to have  ice cream every day at home.
no, i dont need a brain of intelligence or the wisdom of an owl
no, i dont need to frost the broken heart, or to force myself to light up a broken heart.

to praise the King.

He makes my heart light up.
He is where i want to be with.
His presence is better than being a heir to an earthly throne.
He is willing to be with me when I am lonely.
He is all I need.
Amen!!!! haha you guys should listen to Tori Kelly's new album! the messages of each song is so amazing! God bless all of yall!
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
another me
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
she is quiet-
no, she is
by the rows
of expectant expressions
pinning her down.

she is hopeful,
painting pictures with words
and narrating with implication,
for a future
she won't want to hide from.

she is honest,
but with only her pen,
who seems to understand
her every emotion
without even a spoken word.

she is
she is
she is
full of flames,
she is
he said to write about your true self, and i tried but... is this who i truly am or who i want to be?
 Sep 2018 a M b 3 R
Hey mom-dad, listen.
Hit me, hate me, throw me out,
But don't shut me up.
My dear mom, my dear dad,
Please listen to me talk.
You're the place where I can unveil myself and be true to who I am.
You're the place where I can pour my heart out and expect to be heard.
You're the place I want to spend my life talking and being heard.
Please don't tell me to shut up
Because I talk too much,
Because no one likes what I speak,
Because I talk *******,
Because no one would listen to me,
Because I need to stay silent sometimes,
Because nobody likes the stories I have to tell,
Please don't tell me to shut up,
Just because that's what I need to do.
Listen to me.
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