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At the break of dawn,
I turn, mumble, wake and yawn;
And turn to see
You, in our blanket castle.

The dainty sunshine bathes your face;
Of your matted hair, the breeze makes a menace.
I play with shadows of you-
And them I hold captive, in our blanket castle.

Now, the garden swallows twitter on the sill
A familiar longing, in me they instill.
The pillow feathers, the tickling toes, the warm giggles-
I realize- are but memories of you- in our blanket castle.
Suggestions are welcome!
Things that go 'bump' in the night
Should not really give one a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
That lets in the fear,
That, and the absence of light!
 Apr 2014 Adria Maria
Poetic T
A lie
till released,
and all see
the cracks in
the mirror you
tried to hide.
you can always see the cracks behind a lie...
I sometimes stand alone and stare
at time worn face and wayward hair
that frames green eyes with brightest red 
and do not recognise myself

Where is the girl that once belonged
to laughter, dancing, love and song
who always saw with lovers eyes
and sugar coated all her lies

She lingers somewhere far from here
a memory vague to those held dear
too long she has been kept apart
from you, the captor of her heart.
My body steeps in this hot sarcophagus,
Coated in fake butter topping.

I watch trollops quaffing hoppy-scotch,
Flipping wristwatches for moves to jump rope two-and-two.

Like when I was 10, and I saw this ***** white trash can of a man,
Fly out of a grocery store with a 40oz like he was Peter Pan.

But I knew deep down, in my swashbuckling soul of souls,
That Peter Pan got Wendy by being a gentleman.

So this fever, that has my mobile phone not shaking in my pocket,
I keep staring at every five seconds for you to call.

Is just another moment in my life to cherish, because if we should be married, And I want to talk. I'll just need to walk down the hall.
 Apr 2014 Adria Maria
annie rose
the one who you trusted
the one who you told your secrets to
the one who you loved
broke your heart in a flash
with just a few words

all of those happy moments
down the drain
all of those promises
are gone

vanished like a winter storm
now it's just another day
every single ounce of us
was broken with the lack of trust
It's too true. All of the stupid lies.
no matter how much he means to you
do not ever take a boy to all
of your favourite places because
when you are walking around your
old city and go to your favourite park
all you will be able to see is him
kissing you under the big fig tree
or his arms wrapping around your waist
by the pond where the ducks feed
and it will no longer be your favourite park
and he will have ruined yet another thing
that was so special to you.
You're caught in my throat
Partially in my sore lungs
You're why I can't breathe.
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