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2.8k · Nov 2016
a mermaid's day
koreen Nov 2016
to the girl who takes words out of people's minds
who speaks in metaphors, touches thousands of hearts
to the girl who aches for her prince to find
her poetry where it bled in the sea of rose quartz

to the girl who lived for two decades today
to the one who loves to the moon, back and around
the one who sits at the back of the cafe
writing for people whom she surrounds

happiest birthday my dear mermaid of poetry
you've been staying strong for twenty years now
it takes time to be the great person you want to be
you just have to keep your head unbowed

and things may be hard, may be tougher than this
and deadlines will keep trying to break you down
when the time comes you think you won't ever experience bliss
remember you're a mermaid, you can never drown

you've already been living for 7,300 days
eighty season changes in mermaid's time
you have survived all that crazy life chase
i think, my darling, you will be fine.
to my koala/mermaid/poetry goddess, madge,
happy birthday to you! stay strong okay :) this sem will be over soon and you will have your well deserved break. You are a fighter, you can get pass through this. I will always be cheering you on. I love you jm, a lot. Enjoy your special day ♥
2.6k · Nov 2016
From Wendy to Peter
koreen Nov 2016
"Yours and always will be"
I was sure from a long time ago
From the first time you made me see
That I was never on my own

"Just think of happy things"
Your eyes, your voice, the feeling of your hand
"And your heart will fly on wings
In never Neverland"

You flew with me from lowest lows to up above
And helped me walked through my darkest hell
Before I knew it, I was in love
But my dearest, I was the only one who fell

I won't ask for more, nor ask you to love me
You, unknowingly, already gave me enough
All I want in this life is for you to be happy
I'll always be here for you even when things gets tough

And it's inevitable, someday I will flee
We'll be apart, not just miles, but worlds
But when I said  "my heart's yours and always will be"
Expect that I will remain true to my word.

Being in love with you is an adventure, oh so lovely
Until now I am still falling from the sky
Even when I hit the bottom, don't you worry
For you, my Peter, taught me how to fly
Happiest birthday to my dearest, ljh, thank you for the 11 wonderful months of me being in love with you. Thank you for being born. Thank you for smiling, for singing, for working hard. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. I love you so much, more than eyesight, space and liberty.
1.7k · Jan 2017
Be kind (20w)
koreen Jan 2017
stop writing "be kind"
at the back of your hand
every single day
then forget about
being kind to yourself.

You can save the world but save yourself first.
1.2k · Oct 2016
A Letter to the Moon
koreen Oct 2016
I guess you are not aware
that the light you possess
takes away her being's despair
and clears her heart of all the mess.

I guess you never knew
about all the nights she spent
bleeding words of different hues
to express what her heart meant.

I guess you never noticed
how her eyes would adore you
and how she's easily pleased
by capturing you in the view.

And I think you're missing too much
of this wonderful mermaid girl
whose heart you have touched.
She's worth more than pearls.

I hope you don't stay blinded
while you shine your light to her.
With the darkness you're surrounded,
everything must be is a blur.

When your dark side shows
And you think you're being a bore,
when you're in your lowest lows,
I want you to remember ㅡ

there's a mermaid, strong but frail
To you, she's incredibly fond.
And she's willing give up her tail
just to get a closer glimpse of you on land.
to jm
I sincerely hope he takes notice of your love for him for it is pure and most beautiful.
1.1k · Oct 2016
koreen Oct 2016
As a kid, i used to love reading stories of princesses in distress waiting
for their prince to save them and give them true love.
I always thought I'd be a princess.
I believed that when the right time comes,
I'd find a prince and he'd save me from the misery I was in.
And I realized that I'm pretty good at waiting.

After all, I've waited for you all my life
and when I finally found you,
I waited for you all over again.
ljh, i would wait for you for a thousand years even if that means i'd only spend a moment with you
1.0k · Dec 2016
0.2 cityscape, he, somewhere
koreen Dec 2016
There was a time when he and I shared the same somewhere.
He walked around the skyscrapers that always watch me and saw the sceneries I stare at every single day. He got lost in the same alleys that I know like the back of my hand, wandered around the streets that hold me when the city is too busy to care about a lonely girl. The same wind that blew through my hair that morning whispered him goodnight that evening, kissed his face like I wish I could have.
If only I was aware and already deeply in love like I am to him now, I would have blown a kiss to the wind and sent it to him. I would have whispered a prayer to the sky and asked it to guide him while he wandered around the city. I hope I could have but I never got the chance to, nor was I aware. Nonetheless, I hope the streets held him like it does to me when I wish he would. I hope he found solace in the city that comforts me whenever I wish I'm exploring it with him.
He may have found the pieces I left in the same ground we have been in but he never found me, nor I him. But maybe, hopefully someday, I'd get lost too in the same place he knows like the back of his hand. And maybe someday I'd really find him in the same somewhere.
I wrote this for tamia. Thank you for the three words, i enjoyed writing this while reminiscing the times when they were here in the same city I live in. I hope you like it and I hope this would remind you of him :)
1.0k · Nov 2016
koreen Nov 2016
These letters I write for you, my love,
will remain unfinished while I'm still alive,
because for you I would write a million sentences
and still feel like I have express none.
I love you more than eyesight, space and liberty;
I love you more than love allows.
My dearest, I promise you all of the words I have written
ㅡ and also my unwritten ones.
I will love you for as long as I could,
for as long as my heart lets me love.
And even though you will never write back,
I'm afraid I won't ever stop.
812 · Dec 2016
0.1 ethereal, loving, kind
koreen Dec 2016
People tend to like the pretty people. Those with big eyes, cute nose, long hair and rosy cheeks. People with skinny stature, flat stomach or long legs. People who perfectly coincide with the society's standards of beauty. And she's not a pretty person. She can't make people turn their heads when she walks in the room and she can't make boys swoon with just one smile. She's the kind of person you would label as a friend but never as a lover if you're one of those who never truly sees people's worth and heck, she's a treasure, a precious gem. People are so ******* blind not to see how she's a blessing into this world. She's loving and kind and her heart is made of gold and yet she goes around offering it to strangers she meet at cheap coffee shops downtown. When she smiles, her eyes form crescent moon shapes that the night sky envies her. When she speaks, the mountains roar and the ground shakes in fear for her thoughts echo louder than any silence has. And she may not be pretty to other people, but God, she's ethereal to me.

ㅡ *
him when he was asked to describe the person he loves
761 · Oct 2016
koreen Oct 2016
If I were to pick my favorite time of the day, I'd pick the midnight.
It's when I'm in between the yesterday and the tomorrow.
It's when I'm in between loving you the most and loving you even more.
687 · Dec 2016
koreen Dec 2016
a year ago,
a girl fell in love
with the way his eyes crinkle
whenever he smiles.

a year ago,
she started falling,
and to this day,
deeper, she does.

a year ago,
she knew love
in the form of a man
beyond her reach.

a year ago,
she loved him,
and for more years later,
she still will.
To alice, my sunshine :)
Happy first anniversary to you and your man! I hope your love would grow more beautifully than it already is :)
670 · Oct 2016
koreen Oct 2016
I feel sad whenever you get treated badly

ㅡbecause I know in myself that I would cross oceans for you.
I would cry you not just a river but a waterfall
because if it's you, then it's worth it.
I would build a house for you,
on top of the highest mountain to bring you closer to heaven,
where you belong with the angels.
I would give you all that you truly deserve and more if I can

And I feel so ******* sad when you don't get what you deserve because you,
You are the person I love most**.

I would give you the whole universe
if only you'd let me.
I feel sad because I know I can treat you better.
631 · Oct 2016
Habits (20w)
koreen Oct 2016
Of all the little things you do that I noticed,
My favorite is that you always make me the happiest.

592 · Jan 2017
koreen Jan 2017
If all things happen for a reason,
if someone omnipotent has a plan,
would loving you might mean
that somewhen, somehow,
my fate will find yours
and will forever be intertwined?

That maybe the reason why
I still fall for you every day,
why I see stars dancing in your eyes,
why my heart calms with your voice,
is because someday you will too
and feel the same way that I do.

Or maybe that's all that it is ㅡ
to show me how wonderful it's like
to love someone endlessly,
unselfishly and unconditionally
even if that someone can never be
the one destined for me.
to my dearest ljh,
i don't regret you one bit.
589 · Oct 2016
koreen Oct 2016
if you would choose me,
you would have my eyes
to look at you with much adoration,
to open every single morning with you in mind

if you would choose me,
you would have my hand
to hold yours when it's cold outside,
to perfectly fit where your fingers are vacant

if you would choose me,
you would have my heart
and all its every beat
until my last breath comes

if you would choose me,
i will love you with every fiber of my being
i'm saying this with much certainty,
because my dearest, *i have been
574 · Jun 2017
koreen Jun 2017
"Permission to be happy, Captain?"

Her hand on his is warm and soft, comforting and feeling like home, but unlike the atmosphere that surrounds them and what is yet to come. *Captain
. He closed his eyes and repeated that word again and again in his mind, trying to engrave the endearing nickname in his memory as this might be the last time he will hear that word in her voice. Tears started to well up in his eyes as memories of them together come back to him like a tidal wave. A pause, followed by a deep breath, then he opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"Permission granted."

With that, he let go of her hand for someone else to hold.
This might be the beginning of an era.
471 · May 2017
notes to self
koreen May 2017
For the times when you feel wrong for loving someone who won't love you back:

One, love is never wrong.
It hurts, it heals,
but never should you feel
that you're doing something wrong
for loving someone too deep, too long.

Because Two, the world is unkind.
But still, it gave you someone
who can shine brighter than the sun,
giving color to your world,
to love with all your words.

Three, so cherish him with all that you have.
Stop wasting time thinking about
things that just burn you out
and let him be the center
of this love where only he matters.

Four, for you are just tangled red strings.
Time is ticking,
the string is untangling,
then sooner or later, he will only be
at the back of your mind, a fond memory.

Lastly, Five, he may not love you back.
But I swear to the universe that he is worth it,
all of your tears, your words and your heartbeat.
In exchange for the happiness he endlessly gives you,
Love him the most now and do the things that you can do.
this one is for myself who gets insecure.

LONG TIME NO WRITE!! I keep on running out of words and it's frustrating, please send help :(
443 · Oct 2016
koreen Oct 2016
Why are you hurting when we're talking about your future with him?*

Because this is all it will ever be, a conversation. There won't be follow-up steps or updates, nothing. It will all stop here. We'll just make plans but i won't ever be able tell him about these nor will he be able to make them happen.

This is all it will be ㅡsome hope to hold on to but it's too fragile to carry my heart. And it's better to be hurting now than to hope and be hurt more later.
349 · Nov 2016
koreen Nov 2016
People say that when you fall in love, you will experience a slow motion moment with the person of your interest ㅡ as if the universe suddenly decides to stop time for the both of you to cherish that moment when both of you are infinite.

But the first time I saw you, I experienced something different. I saw my life flash through before my eyes. I saw the life I want to have, five, ten, twenty years later. Everything went by me so fast that I feel like I couldn't move. I couldn't speak. You're just standing there, and I started to see how I want to live the rest of my life right before my eyes.

There was no slow motion.

And it occurred to me that maybe i did not just fall in love with you. Maybe you are more than that.
267 · Nov 2018
for H
koreen Nov 2018
How your eyes look at me,
And how your words can heal.
Radiant as the sun, you smile brightly;
Vibrant as a city, you make me feel.

Every little thing about you is wonderful beyond compare,
You, my love, are my greatest answered prayer.

— The End —