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 Mar 2018 Olliver
Ellie Geneve
Hey you, poor little fella
trapped in the "friend zone"

I'll tell you something I bet you didn't know
Don't think for a second that she's clueless about your hidden love for her

she knows
girls always know

they're just good at not letting it show
And don't take it as an offense

the only reason she locked you in the zone
is because deep down she knows that boyfriends come and go

And she wants you to *stay
 Mar 2018 Olliver
BertJane Perez
The friend zone is a painful place to stay
A place you will be trapped in for longer than a day
You will feel the hopelessness of being just a friend
The never ending feeling of having to pretend

You never know which day you'll finally be free
So I'll share a little secret between you and me
The friend zone is a jail cell, so stop wasting your time
It's almost like manslaughter, if wanting someone were a crime

You've got what it takes to finally leave
But you think they like you, is that what you believe?
The friend zone is higher than Mt.Everest and harder to climb
You're wasting so much effort, money and probably time

Turn your back on people who have so many to choose
Just take your pride and walk away, you've got nothing to lose
If they put you in the friend zone, it's almost never reversed
So don't be someone's second choice, if they are your first.
 Mar 2018 Olliver
Friend Zone
 Mar 2018 Olliver
I wanted you before I even knew who you were
You made me weak and took me to new highs
I ran for you before I could walk
You were the truth before I could comprehend lies
I listened to you even though I couldn't hear you
You became an addiction, so I chased my dragon
I kept your secrets as you kept mine
We will be more than friends, less than lovers, till the end of time.
 Mar 2018 Olliver
Layla Thurman
I look at you
and I can't help
but see all of the
wonderful things
Like the way
your smile
lights up a room
Or the way
you feel so warm
even though
we're barely touching
Often times
I find myself blushing
not mentioning
that I notice
the way your eyes
sometimes glance
Sometimes I think
about how perfect
we'd be together
But then
I return to reality
and remember
that She loves you
and He loves me
and We
must just remain
 Mar 2018 Olliver
Cara May
I'd be yours,
past, present and future,
I'm bound to you.
Is this love?

I still remember that night
when you're in despair
I came to you
to be your pill.

I'd be there,
I'd wipe your tears,
I'd cuddle your pain away.

In your 4 walls,
we shared laughs,
we shared tears,
we shared stories.

I'm content
by your child like laughter,
your deep blue eyes,
your chestnut hair,
tho your heart is not mine.

We used to sit,
gazing the stars,
and I realized,
your face luminous the most.

I'll be yours,
tho she kept your heart.
 Mar 2018 Olliver
James Woods
A countenance of almost unmatched beauty. Soft, sweet- smelling hair, eyes teeming with the intellect of someone far beyond her years, and a smile infectious enough to melt the heart of the most hardened and dissociated soul.

Too bad she just wants to be friends.
 Mar 2018 Olliver
Tori Jurdanus
Ahh, the friend zone.  Have you ever been there? Stuck between wanting and not being wanted by who you are certain must be the love of your life? Well don't you worry your lonely little head any longer, because experts have finally developed a fool-proof way to escape this unfair wasteland void of affection.

Step one:
Admit what has happened.  You, friend, have been friend zoned.  For some unfathomable reason, girl has deemed you, undesirable. Do not be discouraged when she calls you brother.  Instead, accept the challenge of making ****** seem appealing.

Step two:
Spend less time with her.  Make her feel as if she values your company more than you do hers.  She will begin to feel confused and lonely. When she calls, do not pick up until at least the fifth ring.

Step three:
Up your flirting game. If she doesn't respond positively, send her a sarcastic remark via text guilting her into giving you more attention.

Step four:
Change. Change everything about yourself until you lose the person she first befriended.  When she sees you, it will be like looking in the face of a stranger.

Step five:
Break the touch barrier.  Invading a woman's personal space with unwarranted physical gestures is a sure way to make her used to your dominating body movements.  Soon, she should submit to her instincts, and to you.  

Step six:
Stop doing things for her.  You can't expect a girl to want to date you when you already give her everything a boyfriend would and she doesn't even have to put out.  (I mean, the only reason women even have *** is to keep their man around).  Instead, tell her to do something for you, like making a sandwich.

Step seven:
Explain to her why her boyfriend, girlfriend, other love interest, or singleness is not right for you.  I mean, her.  She is, after all, incapable of making her own decisions, or else she would not need to lean on you for advice.  Understand that you are better than anything else she could want, she just doesn't know it yet.

Step eight:
Date other people.  Women easily become jealous of other women.  This will make her small mind react territorially.  Much like step two, this will lead her to feel insecure around you, and she will begin to show you only her most formal, prettiest parts.  

Step nine.
Confess your feelings for her.  Humans in general can never tell when someone is romantically interested.  Overstep boundaries, tell her how you are almost too good for her, and she will never find someone like you.

Step ten.
Congratulations! You've done it.  You, sir, have escaped the friend zone.
She does not look at you when she walks by. She does not call.
You, are no longer her friend.
After Kait Rokowski's, How to Cure a Feminist.
 Mar 2018 Olliver
Brittle Bird
when you told me how you broke
my mouth and my eyes were sewn
at first I just thought
you might be made of stone
when you told me that
you were stepping off your throne
I thought we bound our ropes
until your safety cover was blown
I guess you just
didn’t want to be alone
I thought you might drop me
after your secret was shown
we kept on talking
late nights on the phone
**you made me repeat your name
until I forgot my own
I have no idea what this is about, but it came to me, so... here. Take it.
 Jan 2018 Olliver
Nobody thinks what I think
Nobody dreams when they blink
Think things on the brink of blasphemy
I'm my own shrink
Think things are after me, my catastrophe
I'm a kitchen sink
You don't know what that means
Because a kitchen sink to you
Is not a kitchen sink to me, okay, friend?
Are you searching for purpose?
Then write something, yeah it might be worthless
Then paint something then, it might be wordless
Pointless curses, nonsense verses
You'll see purpose start to surface
No one else is dealing with your demons
Meaning maybe defeating them
Could be the beginning of your meaning, friend
-Twenty One pilots

What they're trying to say, is that, when you feel that life has no purpose, and aren't living for anything anymore, then make something, weather it be, a poem, a song, a painting, or anything. As long as it matters to you, and you know what it means, then you have purpose, because if you die, then who else is gonna know what it means to you?
Poetry has become my self harm,
I only write at my lows...
Instead of blood I see words,
Instead of a blade I have a keyboard...

I want to write about...
The wind dancing with the sea...
The way you smile and it lights up your innocent face...

I don't want poetry to be my self harm,
Because poetry is beautiful...
An art...
Judge away... I'm trying to not care... No matter how much I do ...
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