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Jan 2016 · 312
I want to know you
Madalyn Jan 2016
I want to know you.
Your family, your childhood, your thoughts on love and religion.
I want to know you.
Your deepest, darkest thoughts, your fears, what makes you tick.
I want to know you.
Your favorite movies, songs that make you cry, books you love to read.
I want to know you.
The last time you cried, the last time you laughed, the last time you had the time of your life.
I want to know you.
Every inch of your mind, every inch of your body.
I want to know you…
Dec 2015 · 254
Madalyn Dec 2015
There is rain in my soul. Dangerous, treacherous rain that can't be tamed. So I just sit and wait for the day the dam overflows, bursts and washes me away.
Dec 2015 · 508
Changing Without Realizing
Madalyn Dec 2015
And I cried. Not for the things they said but because I realized I have changed. The way I think, the way I act, everything I do is based on their thoughts and opinions. I’ve let them infiltrate my being and fill my mind with poisonous thoughts. Thoughts based on their views. Views which I thought were good ones. How wrong was I? All they do is tear down people for living their life a certain way. You think smoking *** makes you cooler, cool, but don’t belittle me because I think it’s stupid. Newsflash, it doesn’t make you cool, maybe to the immature *** head boys with no clear future, but not to someone who respects themselves enough not to do things just because they make you “cool” Trust me, my “cool” is way different from your “cool”
Dec 2015 · 331
Madalyn Dec 2015
I've never had the courage to ask you about him. I remember feeling ashamed when Brianna asked "who is that baby in the center photo?" I couldn't muster up the courage to say, "oh, that's my brother." I think about that moment a lot. How I still can't muster up the courage to ask you about him. I know nothing about him. All I've seen is pictures. I've never told anyone about him, because I'm afraid to bring him up to people, like he's this big family secret. How can I tell anyone about him if I don't even understand what fully happened. I want to ask, but I don't want to bring you back to that dark time, even though I'm sure you relive it everyday of your life. You keep that locket around your neck with his picture as a reminder that he is always there. Just the other day you started sobbing in the middle of breakfast because you saw a little boy with the same curls he had. And in that moment, I wanted to cry with you, because you looked so broken. His birthday recently passed, the only thing I actually know about him, but I couldn't even tell you how old he would've been. I always wonder how different life would be if he was still here, but I guess we'll never know.
Madalyn Dec 2015
I said your name twice today. ******* it. god ******* **** it.
Dec 2015 · 299
Alone pt. 2
Madalyn Dec 2015
Being alone, it's horrific really.
You start to crave love like you see on TV.
Love that isn't real. Love that was written for a script by some woman or man who craves a love similar.
But eventually, these love stories begin to cut deeper and you realize you'll never have a love like the one portrayed.
Real or scripted.
Dec 2015 · 300
Madalyn Dec 2015
I’m tired of living in a world where my worth is measured in how many times I’ve blacked out or how many times I’ve made out with boys in bars. I’m done belittling myself for these people. People who only know the surface of my being. If I were to tell them everything about me all the darkness that resides in my soul, all the pain and misery that encompasses my heart, they would just shrug and call me weird or over dramatic. These people don’t know that I have galaxies in me that have yet been explored, that I fear will never be given the chance of discovery. I’m not depressed by any means, but I’m not happy either. I’m stuck in the middle, in purgatory, but it might as well be hell.
Dec 2015 · 279
Easily Forgotten
Madalyn Dec 2015
Don't worry if you don't remember me. No one ever does. I tend to be the one in the background, observing the situation. I'm an observer, not one who experiences. I think that will be my downfall.
Dec 2015 · 420
Forget Me
Madalyn Dec 2015
I am sorry for all that I have done. I truly am. I hope you have forgiven me and forgotten me. God knows, I deserve to be forgotten.
Nov 2015 · 466
I'm so not over it.
Madalyn Nov 2015
I was so over it. I was so over it. I was so over it. Why did you have to come back. I was fine.
Nov 2015 · 312
Hostage Heart
Madalyn Nov 2015
I've let you hold my heart for ransom all this time. But you didn't want anything in return. I think it's time I take it back.
Sep 2015 · 698
Madalyn Sep 2015
And in Autumn, even the leaves fall for you.
Sep 2015 · 468
Madalyn Sep 2015
Sleep away the sadness and loneliness. Maybe in the morning you won't feel so hopeless.
Aug 2015 · 244
Madalyn Aug 2015
I would learn every word to every Coldplay song ever written if it meant I could have just one day with you
Madalyn May 2015
I've finally understood the quote "some people feel the rain, others just get wet" I mean I assume I've always known, but now it just seems so clear. While some people feel nothing others feel too much. I am afraid that I feel too much as well as love too much. So much love, so may feelings, yet no one to share it with. Soon I hope.
Madalyn May 2015
I think I'm always gonna be that girl. The girl who no one knows but knows everyone's name. The girl that no matter how hard she tries will always be let down. Even by people who claim to be her friend. I think I'm meant to be alone. I've never been the type to have friends. They always leave for some reason. Maybe it's good though because who wants to be around a girl that hurts this much for no reason at all. A girl who thinks everybody that looks her way is in love with her. A girl who will never have a boy love her. A girl who tries so hard to pretend like she doesn't need to a boy and tries so hard to be okay with being alone. The girl who keeps her feelings inside so often that one day they just burst from the seams of her skin and she can't control the Avalanche of emotions. A girl who wants a tragic love not some stupid fairy tale. I want a love that hurts my soul when it's over. I want to feel the pain of love. Because right now all I'm feeling is hurt over no one. Hurt over boys who don't even think about me ever. Boys that have other girls. There will always be other girls.
May 2015 · 307
First Person
Madalyn May 2015
At least I'll always be the first person he met at school. At least I mean something to him.
Madalyn May 2015
Apparently getting drunk won't help me talk to you either
May 2015 · 502
Madalyn May 2015
My friend told me I was eclectic today. I didn't know what that meant so I asked. She told me it meant unique, quirky, different. I said thanks, I like it that way. Why try and be like everyone else when I can be my weird self.
Apr 2015 · 387
An Ass Out Of You and Me
Madalyn Apr 2015
I know I shouldn't feel this way but I can't help myself. I feel like we had a strong connection and I had a feeling you felt it too. At least I had assumed you felt something too. But you know what they say when you assume, right?
Apr 2015 · 431
Madalyn Apr 2015
I've never been one to need someone. I like to be alone with my thoughts. It gives me time to try and piece together who I am and what I want out of this life. However, my days are numbered and I'm beginning to feel I may be alone forever. It's really starting to affect me.
Apr 2015 · 795
Blonde Bombshells
Madalyn Apr 2015
I am nothing compared to the blonde bombshells of the world
Apr 2015 · 2.5k
Victim To Charm
Madalyn Apr 2015
I fell victim to his charm, and God that's all I'll ever be.
Apr 2015 · 398
Madalyn Apr 2015
I collect bruises like you collect girls
Apr 2015 · 692
The Idea of Being Conquered
Madalyn Apr 2015
All those girls who want you only see you as prey. They want to conquer you. All I want, is to learn every inch of you. But you love the idea of being conquered.
Apr 2015 · 375
Madalyn Apr 2015
Alcohol. It's a poison. With every sip I take I hope it doesn't **** me. Last night I was crying because it hurt so much. I don't know if I should blame the alcohol or myself. I let myself pour my heart out on the side of the road and I don't like when I do that because then they know. I succumb my true feelings so often that I hit this point where I just burst, like a balloon with too much air. I tell someone everything I've never said and it's scary. I don't like people knowing.
Madalyn Apr 2015
So, I can't sleep. I'm to busy thinking about how I left without hugging you one last time. I wanted to be friends, and I mean I guess we are acquaintances, but not in the way I wanted. So, goodnight, I guess, though I'm sure sleep found you quickly tonight **
Madalyn Apr 2015
So now you're about to turn twenty and you haven't accomplished much. Yea, you made it through high school and almost two years of college now, but what does that amount to? Congrats! You've done what everyone else does. You're about to turn twenty and you've never had a boyfriend , you've never done anything worth something. You always make excuses for not doing something and you've missed out on opportunities that could have helped you. Now you're about to turn twenty and you have no idea what you want to do with your life. You don't know what you can do with your major you're wasting all this money on. You know nothing, but now that you're twenty you're expected to know this **** because you're an adult and when you do find your job, you'll have to pay your loans that you used while earning an education. But it's okay! everyone does it. Now you're about to twenty and you can't even invite a boy to the bar because you're scared of what he might think of you. You're about to turn twenty and you can count your friends on one hand because you always lose them and you have no idea why. They just leave with no explanation. You're about to turn twenty and you're not happy with the way your life has turned out. You're insecure about stupid things and the only people that love you are your family members and that will never be enough for you. So now you'11 turn twenty, and as much as you want to, there's no stopping it.
Apr 2015 · 6.6k
Sleepless Nights
Madalyn Apr 2015
I still can't get you out of my head. I try to ignore the feelings but once I lay down to go to sleep
I start replaying that night and I yearn for more like it
Apr 2015 · 417
Middle School Crush
Madalyn Apr 2015
And when I saw you, I didn't think anything of it. That is, until we made eye contact, and I spoke to you for the first time in eight years and all those feelings rushed back
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Love is Madness
Madalyn Apr 2015
It's not just love that will drive you mad, it's the idea of it too

— The End —