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1.0k · Aug 2020
Leeeena Aug 2020
Upon the marble foundation
stood kings of light and dark.
Each towered above their noble men,
each watched from their royal mark.

The queens faced off where they stood,
while the knights mounted their horses.
The bitter players sat on each side
considering their forces.

The bishops were positioned beside the rooks,
the pawns in a line up front.
Up there they would take the attacks,
up there they would take the brunt.

The pieces were arranged in perfect order
the match was about to begin.
The players shook hands, one stone faced
the other with a stretching grin.

The pawns of ivory made their move
while the ebony ones looked on.
And so it went, one piece at a time
until most of them were gone.

There the queens were protecting their kings
before one made a fatal mistake.
With a slash from a knight, the queen was brought down
and it left the king to quiver and quake.

The pieces that were left quickly moved in
and the king was pushed to his knees
His crown fell off and rolled away
to the sounds of his dying pleas.
190 words
1.0k · Nov 2020
Monochrome Tears
Leeeena Nov 2020
our world had color
color in the sky,
color in the earth
and it all came crashing down
with your monochrome tears.

our lifes had splendor
beauty and magic
filling up our moments
and now its just dust
in our monochrome years

our names on each other's tongues
were spells whispered at night
incantations we held dear
and life was so much better
without these monochrome fears

our faces were books
held and read so easily
never blemished nor flawed
no matter what others saw
until those monochrome tears.
996 · Aug 2020
Take Me Back
Leeeena Aug 2020
Take me back to the days before
to the days long gone
to the days no more

Take me back to my grandma's house
with her sewing kit
and her flower blouse

Take me out by the waterfalls
bring our fishing poles
and our overalls

Send me off to a summer camp
to tell stories by the light
of a kerosene lamp.

Take me back and cure my ache
fill my cracks
and fix the break

Take me back to the days before
to the days long gone
to the days no more
838 · Aug 2020
Sticks And Stones
Leeeena Aug 2020
sticks and stones can break my bones
but words will never hurt me.

the kicks and slaps can give me bruises,
but the laughs will never reach me.

now say it back.

glares and stares can break my heart
and the words will make me fall.

the sneers and jeers will push me down
and the laughs will throw up my walls.

no. that's not right. naughty girl.

the only pain is the ****** pain,
there is no pain in the heart.

yes there is, yes there is,
it's been there from the start.

sticks and stones can break my bones
as well as the words they throw.

the kicks and slaps can give be bruises
as well as the secrets the know.


don't tell your children that crying is wrong
for you are just making it worse.

we've broken our children right to the core
just with an "innocent" verse.
not my usual style, but needs to come out.
788 · Mar 2023
Legacy of a Mayfly
Leeeena Mar 2023
Behold, I emerge from my slumber,
ready for the fluttering touch of another.
Who shall dance to the death with me?
Who shall fall in their peak to the voyeuristic sea,
and tuck themselves in 'neath the slobbering tongues
of the little fishies starving for the tastes of the young
that I gave my life to create.
They'll never get a chance to appreciate
all that I've sacrificed for the cause.
The world carries on, no grief and no pause.
All in a day's work, no thanks for the mother
who lives just to die for the meeting of another.
551 · Jul 2020
Leeeena Jul 2020
crickets chirping, locusts flying
flowers blooming, flowers dying
farmers working in their fields
locusts eating all the yields

crickets singing, locusts swarming
getting worse as the days are warming
chickens feasting on the pests
and we will feast on chicken *******

locust tobacco on my hand
locusts surrounding where I stand
catch the ****** things  in a jar
if i freeze them, then they'll make it far

save them all as winter treats
when we're all out of chicken treats
locusts swarming, locusts flying
flowers blooming, flowers dying
Not a bit of fiction in this. This is how my summer is going so far
431 · Oct 2020
Tastes Like Sugar
Leeeena Oct 2020
Tastes like childhood laughter
and sunlight smiles
Reminds me of times
better, now bitter.

Tastes like words of wisdom
dropped lightly, taken lightly
now I try my best
to savor them.

Tastes like happiness
and something melancholy now.
Reminds me of all I took for granted,
tastes like sugar.
49 words
327 · Jul 2020
Leeeena Jul 2020
tiptoeing lightly on tiny feet
fidgeting quietly in your seat
snowflakes dancing through the air
imagine them landing in your hair

fingers tapping on your desk
eyeballs darting over your test
snowflakes laughing at your troubles
they laugh so hard your stomach bubbles

pencil markings from pencil tips
erased so hard the paper rips.
snowflakes watching the whole ordeal
while spinning around like wagon wheels

write your name, turn it in
let the outside fun begin
snowflakes dancing through the air
now they're landing in your hair
Hey everyone. I'm new, and I would love some tips for better writing.
310 · Oct 2020
Leeeena Oct 2020
Still waters of vast and calming blue.
Endless waves churning to a certain
Rhythm that you feel in your deepest self.
Enthralling siren songs, easing your heartache.
Neutral counselor of lost souls.
Incarnation of peace and safety,
The ocean will hold you like a mother.
Yesterday is past, tomorrrow is soon, but now is serenity.
Leeeena Mar 2023
She looks like she tastes like pure sunshine
I think if I kissed her, I'd burn from the inside
Her hand must feel like the petals on a flower
I'd know if I took it, but I'm too much of a coward

Their voice has the rhythm of a Shakespearean sonnet
I'd like to catch each word and safekeep it in my pocket
They have the deepest eyes in which I'd love to drown
I'd let the colors pull me close, those greens and greys and browns

His laugh reminds me of wind between the leaves
I hear in him the crashing of a thousand seas
He loves me as though I've never committed sin
I wonder, if he knew, would he love me then
To love all is to get the best of all worlds
261 · Oct 2020
Set In Stone
Leeeena Oct 2020
In my mind I hold memories of you.
Thousands of memories
of you just holding my hand.
So you cannot fathom the number
that I store deep within the catacombs of my mind.

Your features have been carved into stone
on the walls of those deep caverns.
Your laugh still echoes long after you finish.
Words of love lead me through the tunnels.
Words leading me to you.

My hands are molded to fit around yours.
My eyes have been trained to read yours.
I could never forget the thing that I live for.
I could never forgive myself if I ever did.
You will always be what I live for.

That is, of course, an empty promise.
The memories I have are empty spaces.
For you and I will grow old.
And the memories of you
will fade like the sun fades at nightfall.

Stone erodes with the weather,
so my tears shall wash away your face.
Echoes die eventually,
and the sound of your laughter
will be replaced with my sobs.

Words are too small for an old mind to keep.
Just like names, faces, smiles, eyes.
I will forget all I have of you,
and no matter how hard I fight it,
one day you will become a stranger.

The children we gave to each other,
The places we took each other to,
The time we spent making love with our souls;
all wisps of something
I just can't put my finger on.

I will always live for you and love you,
until I can't anymore.
That point must be when
I cower before the stranger
that I once claimed as mine.

I will always remember the way you laughed
the way you smiled, the way you felt.
It will always be in the back of my mind.
For though the words erode away,
the stone they were set in remains.
memory loss
238 · Sep 2020
Growing Up
Leeeena Sep 2020
dancing round the tiny room
looking like a flower bloom
smile growing as you spin
turning quickly to a grin

hair undone and flowing down
show the world your princess gown
music filling the tiny space
music, hair, bows, and lace

watching through the foggy glass
spacing out inside your class
shoes kicked off beneath your desk
try to hide your bubblegum breath

teacher drones about geometry
hate it as much as geography
try at least to take the notes,
review them when you get back home

showing off your "special friend"
assuring he is "just a friend"
dinner shall be awkward now
awkward now that he's around

see a girl and feel quite odd
but never think that you are flawed
date a girl, date a boy
date whoever brings you joy.

packing up your childhood
can't do the things a child could
off to find your rightful place
off to find your steady pace

get a job, get a house
get yourself a caring spouse.
have some children, have some fun
before the time you have is done.

Or don't.

buy a car and travel around.
decide to come back homeward bound.
live a life without destraction.
hear the mighty call to action.

go to college, or just don't.
we won't judge, no we won't.
Adult is now the name for you,
and with such title, do what you do.

dance around the room at night,
love a girl, if you feel its right.
leave your toys just laying about,
you know I'd never throw them out.
224 · Aug 2020
If Only
Leeeena Aug 2020
If only I had been


If only I had been


If only you had loved me,
then perhaps I could have loved you,
and then you would have


If only people were


If only they had


If only they hadn't broken your trust,
then you could give it to me,
and then you would have


If only you were still


If only I had the guts to tell you


If only I had seen what was going on,
then I could have helped,
and then you would have

188 · Aug 2020
What A Sight It Was
Leeeena Aug 2020
what a sight it was
to see Death in the field
scrutinizing the daisies and
inspecting springtime's yield.

what a sight it was
to see him stoop down low.
to make a crown of flowers
which then he did bestow.

what a sight it was
to see him hold the hand
of the brightest, kindest, fairest maid
in all this forsaken land.

what a sight it was
to see him lay that crown
upon the hair of gold
so long it brushed the ground.

what a sight it was
to see her smile at him
to see the fairest Locks of Gold
smile at the Reaper Grimm.

— The End —