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Under the mango tree where the shade is dark and deep
she waits with years on her skin.

The face though weary with the burden of time
has not yielded to the fate
of having once loved and lost.

She believes the winds from the barren field
will one day carry the rustle of footsteps
raising a song from within earth
that the moment is arrived
for the dead river to rise in tides
and flood her cheeks with the sapplings of
all the unplanted kisses.

When the nights come
the fireflies would sing
love is such a beautiful thing
basking in the glow of her heart.
bright shining sun beams
reflected upon the lake
in glinting ripples
 Jun 6 Grace
Leucothea applies Bavarian cream

to her paired slit, tending to it with

the waning crescent of no moon.

as oval handheld mirrors base the

trim of their metals on the philosophy

of ornateness--perhaps Gold.

gripped by nymphs, whose fingers

flicker off when oceanic shatters

gurgle up from temple steps.
*Leucothea is the: White Goddess in Greek mythology.
Words are worn out
till we repolish
to repeat anew.
10w after a long time
 May 28 Grace
 May 28 Grace
my mother looks at me like
a wound on her arm, unsightly
and gushing hot velvet blood

she buries me in bandages
she can't stand to watch me bleed
she can't stand me.

so she waits until i scab
until i am cold and hard and tender
until i eventually fall away

she never wanted children. she never wanted me. she will never stop blaming me for that, because blaming herself would ruin her. blaming herself will make her a failure - and then it's all for nothing. so blame me. you might as well. just ignore me until i fall away. it's okay, mom.
 May 23 Grace
My Dear Poet
If only you
would reach for me

you the sky
I the tree

we are all reaching
for something

touching you
touching me.
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