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The tip of the blade as it touches my skin
Is the ecstasy of pain, now let the pleasure begin

I crave the dance of emotion as contact is made
The depraved breath in, as my skin you degrade

Don't stop now, the sensation is real
Give me pain for my pleasure
Till it's rapture I feel

Stroke my irritation till the blood gently flows
Wrap yourself around me, does my desire now show

Slide along my skin, now it's slick with my blood
Your crimson body now like my lifes new drug

Is this what you wanted, has your soul been freed
Because if you make me want, you better feed my need.
 Nov 2017 Joyfulgurl
 Nov 2017 Joyfulgurl
Nobody ever taught me how to love myself.
I was never told to love the way my hair falls into light curls,
or the healing scars on my wrists, hips, and mind.
I was never told to love my stomach, my eyes, or my lips.
I was criticized all my life for the size and shape of my body.
Ever since I can remember I was told not to like myself,
to think of myself as nothing,
to always put others first.
I was never the number one priority and I never wanted to trust.
Even at home, I was told by the ones I loved the most that I was not good enough.

This is where the question originated: do the ones I love actually love me?
Maybe it was just an illusion in my mind,
that maybe they really don't.

I pictured my relationships with my family members as I thought they should be.
I thought that because they were family they would automatically
say "I love you",
support me through it all,
respect me,
keep me safe.
But it's not like that.

It took me quite some time to realize that just because you are related by blood,
all of these aren't automatically there.
It took me quite some time to realize that maybe they don't love me,
that if these things are lacking... it is not love.
It took me quite some time to realize that I was wanting the love and attention that all desire,
yet not all receive.

I was taught from a young age not to love myself,
which led to my thought that I was not loved as I grew older.

Maybe if I was taught to love myself then I wouldn't be the wreck I am now.
Maybe I would have more self-respect and wouldn't destroy not only my own body,
but my mind.
Maybe I would have avoided those toxic relationships.
Maybe my first love wouldn't have been able to take advantage of me,
and neither would have the other four boys.
Maybe I wouldn't have ended up in that hospital,
more than once.

Maybe if things were different in the beginning,
I wouldn't be so damaged now.
 Nov 2017 Joyfulgurl
Sara Jones
It's the way she holds her head when you talk
The way her eyes light up when she sees a dog
The way her hair frizzes around her head like a halo
The way her body will melt into you when you hold her
She's beautiful

It's the way she talks to the voices in her head
The way she walks
The way she talks
The way she takes care of you

It's the way she holds you when you've had a long day
Or how soothing her voice is when your demons come to play

She's beautiful
But you never told her.
At an age where I was so fragile
You took to me with more than I could handle

A hand to the neck, my head through the wall
What did I do to make this anger on me befall
In my room a sock I forgot to pick up was all

You screamed in my face till my brother intervened
It was far worse than anything I could of ever dreamed

Through the years the anger kept on coming
And it turned me into the ***** I was becoming

The time I curled up on the chair
You kicked and punched me, pulled my hair
I may have misbehaved but that punishment was so unfair

You say you gave us kids everything
You did along with heartache and pain
We learnt how to be violent
For that you are to blame

Two of your children are so violent it's sick
Two others it was drugs that they picked

Drugs is the reason that one is dying
And the other one can't stop on alcohol relying

You say you've had such a hard life
It would have been better if you'd been a better wife
A nicer mother to your children
But even they took to you with a knife

I wonder sometimes what would have become of me
If "I love you" had been said to me
Would there still be all this debris
All that's left of this family

My anger at you is still so raw
But unlike you I don't need to settle the score

I've taken my own family and given them love
I give them everything I always dreamed of
It's all I had needed when I was young
But from now on you and I are done.
Ah yes, i too wish to be by the sea
So at night my soul can roam free

Riding the waves in the ebb and flow
While my mind is caressed by the gentle wind that blows
The sand between my toes makes me smile as my tension goes

The beach is everything to me
I love the sound, the sight, the sea
It gives me peace and makes me feel free.
I can see the shadows ahead of me
Cast adrift on this raging sea

Sleepless inside this insane mind
Forever in this turmoil confined

I take the pills 1, 2, 3, 4
Try to pick myself up off the floor

Plaster a smile upon my face
I hope that i don’t disgrace

When no ones looking the tears start again
I’m just so empty and full of pain

I hate what’s become of me
And hope no one can see
That inside me it’s grown so dark
The drugs don’t work
And it’s tearing me apart.
Alone in my head, it's dark, i'm scared
Shaking in fear, can i be repaired?

Long days and thoughts fighting for attention
Body wired so full of tension

Alone again with my twisted thoughts
Such anger at myself
And this emptiness haunts

Letting hard to do
It's not so simple to be made anew

Frustration in myself with things i cant share
Cause there's no one here
And i'm stuck in thinking "who would even care?"

Sharing my darkness,...such a hard task
Not wanting to burden those that ask

Ive been this way since i can remember
I stoked the fires and tended the embers

Taken away all im left with is my pain
Im wrapped in glass and held down by chains
All i want is to feel safe again...
 Nov 2017 Joyfulgurl
 Nov 2017 Joyfulgurl
Nervous.... When I enter a room... Do I look okay?
I fidget with my bracelets, making sure my battles are hidden...
What will they think.... When they find out...
I'm not okay... I'm a loose *****... A walking wreck...
Held together by barb wire, the rough edges pierce my skin...
Will you hear my pleas? Will anyone answer me?
Or just pass by like a blurred figment of imagination?
Believing the smile on my face, the joyful laugh I make,
misguiding you? That I'm always this pleasant and easygoing?
But I'm not, never was, but I'm trying to hide and show you
all at once... Can you see me?
When i write poetry i am stripping for you
Exposing my inner self
And laying it bare for all to see
Sharing my innermost thoughts and feelings
So i am fragile and naked before you
So you can gaze upon my words and understand
How i see the world and who i am deep inside
This act is a sharing of my soul
An open unashamed expression
Of trust between me and you
And i offer it to you with no expectations.
 Nov 2017 Joyfulgurl
Keyana Brown
My enemies are like mites
they crawl inside your skin
and they know where to bite...
My expectations, dreams, faith, or anything.

Those bugs are nothing,
but blood thirsty thugs
they had me this close
It wasn't enough.

I had to fight it out
even if it seems rough.

Every bruise, scrape,and scar
after the attack of the enemies
I'm surprised I got this far...

I can't just quit!

After every time that I get bit
with their hate and arrogance.
I can still fight and have a chance.
Another option would be to use bug spray. Lol! Jk :p
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