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Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I'm not perfect
I have a lot of flaws...

I'm not perfect
I make a lot of mistakes...

I'm not perfect
I get easily unsecure
Or nervous as hell...

I'm not perfect
I'm very clumsy
And also very shy,
I don't even dare to touch
The person I like...

I'm not perfect
I never said I was...

I'm not perfect
I am trouble
And a mess...

I'm not perfect
Sometimes I act
Like a *****...

I'm not perfect
In some situations
I become childish...

I'm not perfect
I have a darkside
Which I hate...

I'm not perfect
I don't believe
That anyone could
Love me...

I'm not perfect
And never
Will I be...

I'm not perfect
But aren't you
Just like me?...
No one is perfect we all have our flaws and darksides which we try to hide from other people....
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I love you
Is the most
Terrifying words to say
If you ask me...

I love you
Is three words
Which everyone hope
That someone
One day will say
To them...

I love you
Is a way to tell
Another person
How much we care
About them...

I love you
Is three words
Which I don't think
That I'm ever gonna say
'Cause the first person
Who I honestly
Could have said these words to
He's no longer talking to me...

I love you
Is also
The only words
Which no one
Will ever say
To me
Because I am not
Worth loving...

I love you
I actually once had a dream
Where someone said it to me
In a bar
Right before he kissed me
But that was only a dream
And as we know
They rarely become real...
I'm one of those persons who can't say the words unless I really do love the other person....but if you try to make me say it by fishing for the words, then I won't say it...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Love doesn't like me
It never have
And it never will...

Love doesn't like me
'Cause it likes
To see me suffer...

Love doesn't like me
It doesn't matter what I do
I always mess it up...

Love doesn't like me
It hurts
And I've had enough...

Love doesn't like me
It has always been like this
You'll find me walking alone...

Love doesn't like me
Neither do I like
I wish that I had never found out what it means to love...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I'm confused
And my head is a mess
I got a hangover
And a giant headache...

But at the same time
I can't stop smiling
I'm so happy that I could die
'Cause he kissed me last night...

He was probably just drunk
And it probably didn't mean
Anything to him
But I'm still rolling around in my bed
Thinking 'bout what happened
While giggling
Like a teenage girl in love...
An old poem which I haven't made public before this memory only makes me sad... He really became a bittersweet memory...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Jeg ligger i sneen
Og føler ingenting.
Kulden rør mig ikke,
For den har allerede
Gnavet sig ind til mine ben...

Et ensomt snefnug falder på min kind,
Blidt det rammer,
Men jeg mærker det ik'
Hvorefter det langsomt smelter
Og triller ned ad min kind
Som de tåre
Jeg har grædt i tusindvis...

Mine fodspor i sneen
Er snart dækket af hvidt
Jeg tænker,
At dette ville
Du nok gerne have set...

Dette hvide landskab,
Der skinner så blidt.
Og jeg smiler,
Men kun et øjeblik.
Før jeg erindre,
At sådan blev det ik'...

Frosten bider mig i næsen,
Men i øjeblikket er jeg
Et halv-sociopatisk væsen
Og derfor
Ænser jeg den ik'...

For jeg ved ik' hvordan
Jeg skal komme igennem dagen,
Som uret snart slår an...

Den sidste dag, den sidste time,
Før du lægges endeligt til hvile.
Men lige nu vil jeg ikke tænke,
Ikke føle, ikke mærke sorgens lænke,
Der langsomt tynger mig ned...

Jeg vil blot ligge her i sneen
Før jeg går ind
Og lægger de sidste roser
På kisten...
Dansklæren gav en opgave om at skrive et digt om sorg indenfor det semantiske skema: fik 3 minutter og dette digt er mit resultat af den opgave.....sjovt nok beskriver det meget godt min følelsesmæssige tilstand lige for hvor jeg efter 3 hårde uger endelig tillader mig selv at gå ned med den stress, som jeg har gået rundt og kæmpet for at holde i skak...
Expect a lot of poems to be released since I have nothing else to do while being tied to the bed due to stress
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Like tea with lemon
It's not always
That I'm understood
People think I'm weird
And often avoids me
Or that's how
It used to be
Back in elementary

Like tea with lemon
Some people find me sweet
While other won't even dare
To get near me
Since they don't understand
The person I am

Like tea with lemon
You can drink me from a cup
And I'll warm you up
Or you can pour me out
In your sink
Never experience
The warm feeling
Which I might have left

Like tea with lemon
You can add sugar
To make me sweet
Or honey
If that's more
To your liking

Like tea with lemon
I'll only be tasty
When I am warm
So don't let me
Get so cold
That you won't
Drink me up

Like tea with lemon
You'll have to make me
From the bottom
Begin with water and leaves
But don't forget the
I gave myself a challenge a made a impro-poem based on the sentence "Like tea with lemon"
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Everything would be easier
If I hated you
'Cause then I wouldn't always have
To defend
When they talk about you...

I wouldn't have to make it clear
That I'm just as bad as you
When it comes to creating this mess
I could have rejected you...

Therefore I get ******
When people call me a victim
'Cause I had a choice
So there's no ******* way
That I am a victim...

But if I hated you
Then I would have spared
All the energy
Which I'm using on defending you
And that's a task
Which is really ******* me...

'Cause if I hated you
Then I would only approve
Of the awful things
Which has been said about you...

If I hated you
Then I wouldn't care about
That you're just as troubled
As I have gotten
As a consequense of this mess...

I keep telling people
That you're having a hard time
And that it won't help on it
If we keep speaking ill about the guy
Who only has as much of the responsibility
For this mess
As I...
Don't think that I see myself as a victim...
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