It's holiday
Now I can heal the wounds
Which you gave me
Not so long ago
I won't have any tears
Hiding behind my eyes
Just because of the reason
That I saw you pass by
I won't have this awful feeling
Of something heavy
Stepping on my chest
Who knows
Maybe I'll finally be able
To get some rest
The fact that I
Don't have to see you
Means that I can start to forget
And reset myself
Back to before we even meet
But don't begin to think
That I hate you
I'm just hurt
And hurt feelings
Are hard to show in a positive way
But the fact that I am
Angry, bitter and sad
Is only a confirmation
Of how much
You actually means
To me
Or else
I wouldn't even care
To waste all this energy
On those feelings...
Holidays... This will either be a struggle to get through the days or a struggle to put everything behind me and start over...