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I looked at the picture of you
I never felt my tears
Collect upon the plain glass
Collecting my emotions in the corner
A puddle of
Of not having you by my side,
"You left me"
"You deserted me"
"You left a broken heart"
After you
There is no life,
There is but loneliness
"I throw the picture"
Its frame shatters upon
But out of destruction
I see a written note,
"Your words"
I franticly
Tread upon broken glass
To read this moment frozen
Never spoken from lips till now,
"Dearest one"
"I treasured our moments"
"With each breath I breathed you in"
"I want you to remember the times"
"That mattered"
"Those times are your treasures"
"In the hard times"
"Read these words"
"I love you without hesitation"
"I will love you from a far"
"My love for you never went out"
"It still burns from a far"
"I will never leave you"
"look towards the heavens"
"Know that I am forever in your heart"
He was always the romantic
"I hold this note to my heart"
My darling, I will never give in
For one day we will meet,
With that day, it will be as if we were *never apart.
Loss of a loved one is not an easy path..
Bent and broken
on every word you left unspoken
on every broken promise you couldn't keep
on every lie you used to speak
on every faked smile you gave
on every escaped drops of tears.

How can you sleep at night
how can you be alright
knowing you destroyed someone?
I was crying in the dark,
Trying not to fall apart,
And where were you?
I needed your arms,
Keep me safe and warm,
But where were you?
You said you'd never go,
But you left me all alone,
And where were you?
Wrists and thighs bleeding,
My heart stopped beating,
But where were you?
I tried calling out,
But no one was around,
Cause where were you?
would it be selfish of me to say
          *i can't help...
     i hurt too much
it's a sad tale of
deep water
small boats
big waves
surrounded by liquid
dieing of thirst

of how the dull sky
and the water line are one

how the darkness never fades away
the bio in water
the stars above
they offer no solace
your death is all thats real

the creak of the gunwale
under the strain of
four hundred feet of rope
pulled taught
by the anchor
all for not

in a trance
not a chance
to make a stance
you an the boat
in the struggle
of a dance

the same line stuck in your head

"if the ocean were liqueur
an i a duck
dive to the bottom
an never come up"

of the big waves
the inky black
when i read of the kids that get lost at sea, it brings back the memory of what happened when our boat capsized 6 miles out.
how we just drifted, it was so dark, you really have to be there to know darkness without being in a cave. but darkness without touching anything.
being hit with wave after wave, never knowing when they are coming, its an emptiness that never leaves you.
He falls from my thoughts like
autumn leaves from the trees;
dancing away on a bitter wind.

I survive the winter, easy to ignore bare branches
whispering of ghosts buried shallow
in the cracked and frozen ground.

I continue; I forget to regret as
the dark nights draw in
whilst I thaw out.

No fear of green here, nor of light
bringing colour to what I now
admit I have lost.

But, even so, as the earth twists on its axis
thought of him still will flower;
loathe to grow back as the sun shines.
Old people were a baby
Babies will be old people
World is like a bus stop
Life is patiently waiting...
I can give you my heart , make it your home.

Its a little bit broken , a bit empty.

But maybe you'll stay ?

Do you mind if its a bit small ?

It never really had room for two.

Its rough round' the edges , do you think it will do ?

Do you think its enough ?

Maybe I can find a home in your heart too.
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