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Oct 2019 · 533
Sleepy Hollows Empty
Elizz Oct 2019

Ombre colored
           Pressed flush to bone

Hellions march
Witch tip  
        To cat tail

Rift n eager
           Expectations above meager
                                        Grammarly says this texts sounds dissatisfying


So upon couch I settle
Lights ground to the pestal
Twill flicker no more

So no knocks at the  door
Happy Halloween everyone be safe! (And aware Big Brother is watching)
Sep 2019 · 218
Allen 2.0
Elizz Sep 2019
Often rather than not
We have been resting
Shovels patting earth

Locking  away unspoken deeds
For the specks of dirt know
Its time to ration air

Staving out
The most resilient
Packaging it away

To spot upon whom
Would  break stone first

Rescinding from whence it came
Curling back into joints

Pasting itself to the keys once more
Jul 2019 · 314
Elizz Jul 2019
A slate
Missing half an edge


Down its scarred surface
Strikes scored into the face



The chalk caves into my fingertips
Jul 2019 · 321
Elizz Jul 2019
Four days

On the first
Pitch wolves cried out
Running away from the unruly threats

On the second
Demons left
Their human attachments behind

The thirds shade
Fell behind the tavern door
Systematically infusing its own atoms

With the roughened ale stained planks

On the fourth sun
Loved ones crumbled
The bell tolled eight

Every twin died

That's when the moon
Resplendent in the fade of sorrow
Quaked its mourn
Jul 2019 · 1.0k
U.V Ray Dismay
Elizz Jul 2019
The sun beats
Chloroplasts frolick
Greedy alcoholics

To the root stretch feel
Of growth

As neurons
Are ever attentive
Picking up new signs

Surveying others
Gentle kisses
Pressed from the lips of fall

Not a warning
More of a promise
Of a soon to return chill
My writers block is gone and this is all that appeared. It's been a while hi.
Jun 2019 · 320
Elizz Jun 2019
So there I sat
Watching the mat
Unravel and ravel itself

Confident in its weathered fibers
More stains
Than the weary could carry

Chills seeping out
From once passed
Winters marching in solidarity

Deep ruts of snow
Lovingly folding in on each other
While flurries fly

With a child brew mischief
Autumn swarays
Prancing ablaze

While the ladies abroad
Exhale their feathered haze
The gents down low

Noses alight with a healthy glow
When all has been honed
Only then will it show
May 2019 · 213
Elizz May 2019
I find it
The weight of silence

Still presses
Heavily upon one
In a room full of noise

While whitewashed walls
Stand firm
Keepers of every octave

That weight
Is sadness
Found it in my old notebook I've also been trying to post more frequently
May 2019 · 161
Transparent City
Elizz May 2019
Ghosts exist
I've seen my grandmother's ghost
Who she used to be

Before dementia snapped the reigns
And ***** took off with the carriage
I've seen ghosts

A whole room
Its only a projection

A happy family
Happier times
A mother

Who hadn't given her oldest the mantle
Who'd bake pies with me in the rise of dawn
Just before work

I've seen ghosts
But I can't remember
What I used to look like

Photos have been burned
There was no stamped vinyl
Of the voice I used to have

I've seen ghosts
Smaller frames ******* in a bag
Oh how small my face used to be

The ghosts are gone now
Rare times

They come out
I'd like to imagine when they do
They've come to say hi

Sorry for the way things have ended up
Sorry for the ever constant smell of decay
Sorry we weren't around long enough

I've seen Ghosts
But they're gone now

I'm the only one left
A skeleton
Looking back at specters
Random past bittersweet
May 2019 · 277
Blotted Sphere
Elizz May 2019
The sun was the first to fall
The winds still wafted gently
So no one noticed

When the brightest star in the sky
Furrowed it's brow in the mirror

The light tinted hue of gray
Proposing to its circumference
"Only for a day"


The days grew longer
Tinted grey
Dug in its heels

Turning itself to inked infinity
Lined tattoos
Arcing across the surface

A vortex
Around faint pulsating inferno

Just one more day
May 2019 · 219
Paper Breaker
Elizz May 2019
I've met my maker
The thin blue lines
That hold space on paper

Have busted
All bestowed
By the figure occupying the chair in front of me

Starred drops of laughter
And sea scented smiles
Wrapped and bound

By flesh blood and ligaments
I smile
Writers Block

Is what I've taken to calling him
But Tyler is a lot shorter
One week left of school... And then less than a year of school left
May 2019 · 319
Elizz May 2019
Totally captured
Heart fluttered faster
A constructed cage

Found to be
A gold and black glaze
Just right

One night
To be held and had
Guided around hedged mazes

Weeping willows
Dusting smoke trails
Smudged shadows

Chasing dusk
And dawn
May 2019 · 352
Elizz May 2019
Out doors
Forboden shored
Pacific mist

Graceful fits


Entwined intellects
Heart of spades
Hollowed haze

Can't find the end of this maze
Cryptic graves
O forgotten staves

Twirled canes
lawless days
Forgotten Czars

Cross scattered scars
May 2019 · 146
Serene Ream
Elizz May 2019
Top fingers
Clacking clicking
Against the wall flesh of my heart

Seam reversed innards
Octaves that follow
The hollow wronged laugh

Wounded deep sorrow

I'll see you tomorrow
Had a blast
May 2019 · 802
Teetered Steps
Elizz May 2019
Sweeping falsetto
Wood shined
Somber glow

Curving phantoms
Bowed over bow
Cream candlelight

Wonderful frights
Sweeping over the dance floor

Perfume daintly teases cologne
Obviously prom is today and my boyfriend and I match (thankfully)
May 2019 · 479
Earths ode
Elizz May 2019
Twisted hips
Broken roses
Father dozes

Stale air
Circulates through these lungs
Blood vessels enlarge

Tears streak crimson
Staining dessert cheeks
We keep turning

The world keeps turning
The world keeps bleeding
Blood that's been shed

Runs throughout
The rivers of faerie

May 2019 · 207
Elizz May 2019
I've been waiting
The hue of your name
Has faded

Left out in the sun for too long
Crumbling off of my tongue
Favorite things

Have yet to walk out from my brain
Sick of being kept there
But not really being used

Old news
Sometimes I wonder

Did you ever have that talk with your dad?
Did you try?
Did you watch as the words shivered out of your jowls

Curls of anxiety
Wafting throughout your stomach

The idea of you folds itself out of the corner of a favored book
And I miss you
Other times

I forget you even existed
May 2019 · 412
Gray Frame
Elizz May 2019
Towards the hill
Where the sun rises
Ends curl up

Eager petals unfurl
Awaiting the daily process

Have fallen upon this vessel
Letters have become shy
Tucking themselves

Between these thin blue lines
Color leeches out
Imagery that was once used

Finds another place to be
Peeling itself
Off of this screen
Apr 2019 · 146
Elizz Apr 2019
A silence like no other
Withers through this tomb
Ensconced wistful wombs

Mother earth
Although weary
Not completely weak

Has still refused to succumb

Refuting a bend in this twisted end
Apr 2019 · 304
Elizz Apr 2019

Too high in the clouds
Icarus returns
An encore

Only to burn
For another turn
Apr 2019 · 178
Elizz Apr 2019
Summer keeled over
A horse who's heart busted in its chest
Running a race that it was never going to finish

Maybe that's what I tried to do
Running a race
Before the days slipped through the asphalt cracks

I thought if I obtained the properties of tar I could still slow down the days
Knitting them together
Alas time always flew by when I heard you laugh

Now I look into the mouth of a dragon
Objects are always closer than they appear

I gaze into the gaping maw of this beast
Apr 2019 · 265
Elizz Apr 2019
Sun rises
A trusted knight
While mother moon falls

For burned out children
Who still

Pinprick the sky
Apr 2019 · 247
Stuffed Smile
Elizz Apr 2019
Calico sits against this bone carved seat
Two black ears a brown patch next to the left


A pink nose
Obsidian stitched whiskers held high

A pink fox hides under this crypt
An adorable trade in
Heart skips

Content with this deal
End pieces smile in glee
It's not so bad having two plushies
Apr 2019 · 335
Elizz Apr 2019
Weathered round top
And a steady beat
Sometimes that's all you need

A metronome ticks
Reminding me of band
The curve of my French horn

This wasn't supposed to last
Finger printed love poems
Skip the fire stage

Straight to ash
It could've been fixed you weren't wrong
I know that I didn't draw these lines on this map the right way

Crooked and scrambled
I'm not going to say sorry though
Sometimes things aren't supposed to make it

And that's ok
Because it's just the experiences
That have peeked out from behind a rock
Sap covered lessons
That stick to us when we walk away

I'm fine
Happier even

Raven feathers descend
Upon this still pitched mirror
Ridiculously puffy clouds

Reflect back to this cornea
Everything is alright

And I will gladly indulge
In this tranquil water
For however long

It chooses to stay
Mar 2019 · 202
Sprouted Hues
Elizz Mar 2019
Smiles get wider
                       Streams increase
hair gets lighter

             Winds get  warmer
Water laps happily                    
             Sun waltzes me along

Just a little more
       a little

               I get a little happier
Red cherry blooms        
          Blued jays

                  Reflected memories
Glinting and Bubbly              
                Off the water  

Fawned leaves
                     Frolicking in wind
Titillatingly happy again
Mar 2019 · 185
Elizz Mar 2019
Once upon a time
I built a tower in the sky
Because I wanted to be closer to you

I crafted your glass
With careful hands
And heated  breath

I forget your stone
With broken bone
But no matter how hard I tried

My tower in the sky
Would never be close enough
My fingertips

Could never graze your pale facade
I sat in my tower

Content to watch
You set and rise
My lovely pale moon

Forever out of my reach
Mar 2019 · 665
Spiced Happiness
Elizz Mar 2019
Lately it's been tasting like a starfish
Dipped in starfruit

Coating my tongue like fresh strawberries
Chocolate follows after

Because things have been so busy
The main avenue of fifth street in new york
Caramel for slow days


Bits of sunshine when you're nearby
But I've managed to do without
The strong flavor of black tea

With a pinch of chai
And a favored glimmer of lemon
I haven't been around much

I'm sorry for that things have been
Hectic to say the least
An enjoyable

Fast paced briskness
I think I'm back now for a while at least

Lift that smile
Brighten those eyes

Cheery notes play throughout the skies
Hey its been a while. How ya doing?
Feb 2019 · 414
Valentine's Herbs
Elizz Feb 2019
Sugary morsels

How original
And romantic
I sigh
For the fourth time

I think
That I would much rather
Spend my valentine's day
Counting the flecks
Of grey in their eyes

How many times I've heard this laugh
I don't have a disdain for this love
That I've acquired
How many unfinished letters


That they'll receive
Glass droplets
Containing every sweet moment

For the moments that haven't been so sweet
Mint for keeping cool
Most of the times
And talking things out

Sage for the fights that we've come back from
A greater sense of understanding towards each  other
Lavender laze
For sleepy mornings

Hazy nights
For one's delight

I am going to kiss the moon tonight
Happy Valentines day ya'll! Wrap before you tap! (It's also national ****** day)
Jan 2019 · 221
Supressed Ember
Elizz Jan 2019
One day
He Will stop loving me
The looks of love
Will turn to annoyance
My laugh will cause a grimace

My presence echoing
Off the dismal decayed corridors
I have not prepared
The egg in my chest for this

I've  never known how to

I've tried

But it's been like a lighting bug
That flew too far out of my reach
But at least it still has a light
I haven't broken the cement around the habits we've made

Tonight I've wondered if I should
With holding a last text
To a completely different person

Unsteady heart beats
I thought
For a second
That I had lost that familiar friend



A knowing smile

Here I lay
Lay me down to sleep

We stay awhile
Staring at each other
Nerve endings tingling
Through our brushed finger tips

A small smile
I haven't forgotten
This feeling after all
It hasn't forgotten

A small bloom
Forms on  lips
As quick as it appeared
It's gone with another tear
Jan 2019 · 1.2k
Bittersweet disillusionment
Elizz Jan 2019
Featherlight suffocation
Leaden words weigh tongues down
Free range cage
Weary heart o mine

Sagging against restraints
Burning edges
I wish to tell you these words

Things you've already heard
Pressed into my vinly tongue
Scream the same three songs

1. I'm fine
2. We're fine
3. Our relationship is fine

Scalded skin
Boiling showers

To soak the worries away
To thaw out this anxiety
The insecurities
Its just me

Not everything seems
As polished as it was
Love still graces this heart
Love is a fear

Fear of fading
Falling out
Washing away
A castle crumbled by surf
Grains slipped
Mottled rib cages

Curled under a blanket
A sembalance of warmth creeping in
Mock comfort
Shells rattled by your breath

Turned over in these fragile hands
Committed to memory

As if it would be the last
Another sunrise
Another relief
A sight to hold dear
Throughout this day

Just inside the preferial
Of this skull
Just in my head
My head
My head

This fear that you'll disappear
Vibrancy  leeched out of this shell
Skin crisping

What if
You were
Never here

Just in my head?

The Last letter typed
Given form
To nightmares at the prow

How is it
So easy to breathe now
Dec 2018 · 247
Silent Eruption
Elizz Dec 2018
Twisted veins
Horrors around the corner
Of this chipped maze
Filled with gaudy roots
Smiles towed down by fish hooks
Skin ripping
Almost like Swiss cheese
Eyelids sag down
Flesh stretches
Clothes shrink
Feeling smaller
A glass castle
Fractures that spread from a raised voice
Poised dagger
Over a beating vessel
A knife in their throat
Frayed fiber
What happens
When another octave is raised?
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