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 Jul 2017 Carlyy
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
In a mind where it
never stops chatting , I sit
in a boat and wave
Sometimes it can be annoying especially when anixety creeps in but  I'm use to it now. A nice walk outdoors and a goodnight sleep helps lots x
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
Ashly Kocher
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
Ashly Kocher
The thoughts in my head are bleeding out of my ears
I wonder if anyone knows what I've been thinking all these years
Sometime the noise is so loud I forget it's actually reality I am hearing
Where is the off button to shut out the world from all the ruckus that swirls around my head
Is it real?
Is it fantasy?
Word, feelings, images bouncing around trying to find a way to escape
For now I will keep it all inside of me
Until I figure out a way to stop the noise, turn the volume down and release the mysterious things that I have been through in my existence....
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
Zac C
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
Zac C
I consider it
rather optimistic
to view myself
as a small spec
in this large swimming pool
of a universe
it only encourages me
to be
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
Daylight 4U2C
Maybe I don't have a mind,
but at least I'm not crazy.

I fallen so many times,
so I'm so experienced.

I've been cheated and left behind;
I know my friends and enemies.

I hear the echos of memories;
they see how far I've come.
So I know I've come so far.

Don't have a lot of friends,
so music's number 1.

Would **** for solitude,
but then where is the fun.

Maybe it's complicated,
but that makes an adventure.

Sometimes the darkest times,
are ones we gladly venture.

Optimist living for a life we understand. We were never idiots; we have the upper-hand. Notice their all falling down the depths of agony, but we optimist live strong, proud, and free.
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
The Writer
stand against the sun
stretch towards its hopeful rays
and just feel its warmth
A happy haiku to hopefully brighten someone's day
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
Vale Luna
Toxic Ivy
 Jul 2017 Carlyy
Vale Luna
I was born with ovaries for a brain
And a cavity for thought
The predisposition
To put my hand down my pants
At the age of seven
But with a good berating
From my unconditionally loving mother
The putrid seed was recognized
Its stem ripped from my mind
Torn from my *******
Too late
Too oblivious
To notice that the roots still tangled around me
Its vines growing up into my ******
The **** that encapsulated my mentality
So the birds and the bees were my friends
At the age of nine
And that cute boy across the playground
Was cuter when I envisioned him naked
Only a mere three years later
And my susceptibility
Ignited the sight of cybersex
The capital ***
Or more commonly known as *******
But when my parents soon discovered
The poisonous vines of dependency
The toxic ivy of addiction
It was forced to an abrupt halt
Too late
Too oblivious
To notice the compulsive *******
That kicked in with the involuntary lust
For a pillow to trust under my hips
Before the age of fourteen
Securing the hypersexuality
So that the hot girl in the hallway
Was hotter when I envisioned her naked
And hotter than the boy next to her
So the bisexuality
Tormented my already demented desires
By the age of sixteen
Simply because
I was born with ovaries for a brain
And a cavity for thought.
 Jun 2017 Carlyy
 Jun 2017 Carlyy
Can i go back in time
And live again?
This time with my eyes open
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