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Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Let Me
Let me hold you here,
in my arms I hold you dear.

Let me kiss you neck,
Peck after adoring peck.

Let my love flow through my words,
make her see you were never hers.

Let me make love to you,
our eternal love sprawling through.

Let me take you into my hands,
Let me kiss you neck,
Let me adore very fiber of your being,
For all those nights we were apart,
Let me hold you closely,
forever here,
All I ask of you is to Let Me...
Dec 2014 · 692
Do you want to know a secrete?
A tale of foolish lies?
About how you will be worshiped, all you have to do is die?
Hold up a gun,
Polish your shoes,
Don't forget, spit and shine.

Do you want to know a secrete?
Make yourself a hero?
Ready for this simple mission?
Take your gun, and your uniform,
Take that man from his family,
Ignore the pleas from his family,
The children lie,
They pretend to cry,
His mother sobs,
But it is your job.

Do you want to know a secrete?
Come back a hero?
Set your family and your future for life?
All you have to do is guard that truck.
Tell the girl to stop,
Shoot anything that moves before that,
She does not listen?
All you have to do is press it.
This aren't tears running down her cheecks,
That's not fear in her eyes,
She knows what your about to do,
No confusion about how she dies.
She attacked you, that is all,
She drew her gun, you drew yours,
She was not a child,
She was a women,
No fear in her eyes,
As she fell to the ground,

Walk over to her body,
And plant the gun as proof,
it is not lying, she would have done it anyways.
In her arms you see?!
She did have something!
See you did not lie!
Just do not look into her eyes.

But what is this?
Why try and look?
You will not find anything but a corpse.

But what is this in her hand?
A knife? A gun? A ticking bomb?
What is this?
'Tis not a gun, or a bomb, not a knife to stab someone.
In her hand she held a photo,
Of her mother and her brother,
And other smile of a man,
Is it her father? Is it her uncle?
It is the man you took away,
The man who now lays
On the ground beaten and hurt,
All because you had your orders,

It was her father, foolish one,
He was a brother, a very fun one.

It was a mistake they said to say,
He attacked you, you could not look away.

But she lays here in your hands ,
All she wanted was to understand,
Why you took her idol away,
A man who would never hurt or slay,
Only because you had your orders,
What does that mean for all the others!?

All she wanted was an answer,
She never ment any harm,
But why does she lay on the ground?
A precious child, sent from above,
No more than 5 years spent on this planet,
Yet everything she cares for has been taken.

So tell me why?!
Why did you **** her father!?
He never hurt anyone,
Yet you hurt him,
Beat him with guns and sticks,
Had the audacity to *** on him for humor?!
He is but a man like you.
So why hurt not only him, but his kids and family?

Are you better than him? Is that why?
He is just trash,
No need to explain why.
Now you go back home,
A Hero Of War
For taking a little girls father,
And treating him like dirt,
For staining your hands with an innocent souls blood,
Nothing more than a simple Coward !
Look at your daughters eyes and imagine her asking why.
Why they took her fathers life,
With no explanations, leaving her to wonder why.
Then one day she gets shot, all because she saw that man,
Who her fathers life ended by his hand,
And lays on the ground with an unanswered question hanging from her lips.

*Please Mister ,I want to know why
Dec 2014 · 705
Hang Me Like the Sun
Hang me like the sun,
A never ending light
Illuminating the sky,
Yet never questions why.

Hang me like the stars,
Floating with no demise
Holding on until they realize
All the questions are just lies.

Floating like the summer skies,
Nearing them just to die
An unconventional lullaby,
Is the last thing floating through the skies,
Only one request remains , that's why
I want to be hung in the sky,
Hung like the sun,
A never ending light
Illuminating the sky,
Yet never questions why

hung like the sun in the sky,
Never questioning or wondering why,
These stars have no demise,
Then near the skies just to die,
Listening to you last lullaby,
The last start of the old beginning,
Just do not speak and wonder why.
Nov 2014 · 447
In the Arms Of his love.
She looked down at her crimson covered hands,
His eyes still shinning with life as her's seem to darken.
"why?!" She screams as his body grows cold.
Looking around she see's No one
"Hold on.!" She screams at him as her hands shake.
Slowly he blinks and smiles.
His lips form words but nothing seems to come out.
Shh.!" She whispers, holding her hands over his exposed chest.
Looking up to the sky she cried silently as prayers surround her.
She was never much of a prayer, so why now?
Smiling he lets his eyes close,
Dying in the arms of his love.
Nov 2014 · 763
If Only You Knew
If only you knew,
the times she had screamed for help,
The times she helped others,
when no one was there to help her,
The times she smiled,
When inside all she wanted to do was cry.

If only you knew,
Of the days when she hid under her bed,
The days when she witnessed the silent cries of the unheard,
The days when she held his hand  through the pain,
The days when she held her cheek to calm the stinging sensation that seemed to grow with each blow,
The days when she closed her eyes and hoped for the best.

If only you knew,
Of the boy who fell in love with you,
Of the boy who wanted to stop the tear from falling down your cheeks,
Of the boy who hid in the shadows that cried along with you,
Of the boy who's whole world came crashing down years ago yet still has faith in the world,
Of the boy who sits on his roof, hoping for your life to get better as he hears his mother's cries.
Of the boy who has scars inflicted on his skin by the people he defends you from.
Of that boy with the unbreakable spirit that seems to only grow,

If only you knew
Of the days he cried after the burial,
Of the times he has watched the crimson liquid flow,
Of the moments he has run away,
Of the silent whispers he sent to you,
If only you Knew . . .
Nov 2014 · 760
He never saw her skin,
Porcelain and pure with scars running up and down them.
Never did he ask her why.
He never saw her frown,
If he did then it was a mistake and never said a word.
He never asked her why,
His problems seemed to be bigger than her's.
He never held her close,
His friends were always near, no time for affection.
He always said later when problems arrised.
He never knew she had died, inside not out.
He never asked her Why
So why did he come back?!
He never cared, only was afraid of being alone,
He never asked her Why
So she decided to die
Not a tear was shed for the girl who was blinded.
Blinded by love,
Blinded by her emotions,
Blinded by his problems,
Blinded by the unspoken question...
Nov 2014 · 747
Today's Tomorrow..
Smile for the camera,
Snap! Snap!
Smile for your family,
Smile for the pain,
Smile for ... Yourself?
Why ?
What is the point?
When have you ever done something for yourself?
Always for them,
Waiting 'till Tomorrows end.
But when will that be?
The cameras are watching.
Do not want to disappoint the family.
Cut for the Pain,
unbearable and self detained.
Do not let them see,
Do not let yourself be,
Just wait until tomorrow by the sea,
Let the ocean currents run up your body,
Let the oceans swallow you whole.
No Worries
Just waiting until **Today's Tomorrow
Nov 2014 · 414
Remember Within...
I remember her smile
so peaceful and meek.

I remember her love
so easy to seek.

I remember her comfort
never needing to peek.

I remember The Cup
the last happy thought

I remember their hands
they never got caught

I remember his* * eyes
so vicious and satanic.

I remember his * voice
filled with profanities.

I remember the *whip

markings stories on my skin.

Stories of this unwanted sin,
inside my soul,
beneath my skin,
they cut my wings,
and these scars continue to sting.

Multiple times I have tried to forget,
but nightmares is all I seem to get.

The stories on my skin are my only friends,
as they do not judge me or pretend.

But I do remember,
I remember it all,
sadly the world will never more
get rid of these stories that circle within,
because we all remember..
remember within
Just remember..
Nov 2014 · 924
Masks of the Unkown
"How are you" ,they ask almost monotone-like.
"I'm great " she responds.
Her smile fades as soon as there eyes close.
Her heart breaks just as images flash in her brain.
Holding her head she lets out a silent scream.
Can they not see?
A smile here.
A tears there,
Always disguised,
Never to let rise.
Holding in her demons,
But how long will she last
Before what she fears, lashes back at her.
"I'm fine..
I'm okay ...
I'm alright...
I ....
Ever felt this way in the clutches of everyday life...?
Nov 2014 · 520
Spill Your Treasures
Spill your treasures young child,
for your tears are not in vain.
Your smile will no longer bring pain,
no longer will you experience the horrid rain.
Just remember to look at the moon’s beauty,
for it is your reflection flickering back.

— The End —