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Feb 8 · 70
dead poet
Benzene Feb 8
I  sold my freedom to poetry
and never looked back.
let ink carve oaths,
oaths of lament, agony, affliction.

Every  relationship a writing prompt,
each goodbye an unfinished draft.
half-written verses crimsoned the margins,
monsters growling between the lines.

I revive old wounds for epiphany,
reshape anguish until it rhymes.
Every trauma, a metaphor
a sonnet dressed in ruin,
a haiku carved from ache.

And when the page is filled,
when the ink dries,
who remains—me, or the dead poet??
Dec 2024 · 563
I wasn't born a poet
Benzene Dec 2024
I wasn't  born a poet, the poet in me was born after you arrived.
Sep 2024 · 495
Benzene Sep 2024
If a poet fills his wounds with poetry, will his body become a masterpiece?
May 2024 · 416
fallen leaves
Benzene May 2024
Trees never cry for the fallen leaves,
they always welcome the new one .
Apr 2024 · 323
In Her Radiance
Benzene Apr 2024
In the cascade of light, she flows like a stream,
While I, with an old thirst, in her beauty gleam.
I've quenched my longing, with a gaze so deep,
Capturing her essence, in my heart, I keep.
With every passing moment, l linger in her sight,
Banishing thoughts of others, swiftly, out of sight.
For in her radiance, I find my endless quest,
To dwell in her presence, is where I find my rest.
Benzene Mar 2024
I want to leave this boisterous town of sadness and hate,
And shift my body to where my soul resides.
A place where I can hear the cascading waterfall
and see the serene green view of the evergreen forest.
The place which makes my heart flutter with the sound of the silent seashore.
A place where the morning begins with the soothing call of a peacock, and ends with the resplendent reflection of the moon in the lake.
The lake, in which I can see fishes breathing and witness nature healing.
A place where I can find my solace and peace.
I want to leave this boisterous town of violence and rage,
where symphony of honks and shouts fill the air.
And shift my body to where my soul resides.
Oct 2023 · 852
Benzene Oct 2023
the branch that left the tree , returned as an ax .
Oct 2023 · 325
Benzene Oct 2023
Within our souls , we carry love's greatest stories, unspoken but forever true.
Oct 2023 · 393
Benzene Oct 2023
As the cosmic tears fell from the sky , I wished for something that is beyond my grasp
Oct 2023 · 339
Benzene Oct 2023
I have left some pages of my book empty , in case if you return .
Oct 2023 · 352
Where do you dwell ?
Benzene Oct 2023
In the depths of my heart, a longing resides,
A yearning for you, where love abides.
Across the miles, I feel your embrace,
A bond that time and distance cannot erase.

Where are you, where do you dwell?
In my dreams, I hear your voice so well.
I search for you in every passing face,
Hoping to find you in this vast space.

Memories linger, like whispers in the breeze,
Your laughter, your touch, like melodies.
In the silence of night, I hear your call,
A beacon of hope, guiding me through all.

Across the oceans, across the skies,
Our hearts connected, no matter where we lie.
In the tapestry of life, our threads entwined,
A love that transcends, forever enshrined.

Where are you,  where do you dwell?
In my dreams, I hear your voice so well.
I search for you in every passing face,
Hoping to find you in this vast space.
Jul 2023 · 219
Benzene Jul 2023
meeting her and falling in love with her was destiny indeed . however getting chosen by her was the miracle that never happened
Apr 2023 · 324
B +
Benzene Apr 2023
B +
Sun rises to bless you with a new hope;
And moon smiles at you
To let you know that darkness isn't always a woe.
Stars dazzle to make you assure ;
that you still glow in someone's heart.

Clouds gives a huge whisper to make
you understand that not everything has a dirt.
And Every star houses a secret ,
a whispered wish from far below .
And all those hopes and dreams
are what causes them to glow .

So when you're in the darkness
and you gaze into the black,
do not fear the emptiness,
nor the shadows at your back.
Nature and our surroundings give us hope and light , we just need to see them.
be positive : )
Apr 2023 · 643
Lost Poets
Benzene Apr 2023
Once many beautiful souls came here to share  
Their words of beauty, love, and despair
From every corner of the world they'd write
Pouring out their hearts with all their might

Their words would weave a tapestry
Of human life and history
But lately, something strange has occurred
those souls start disappearing, their voices unheard

No more verses from those who once wrote
No more stories, no more anecdotes
Their words have faded into the night
And their absence leaves us without light

What happened to those lost poets, we may never know
Perhaps their hearts grew weary, and they had to go
But their legacy lives on, in the words they've penned
Their voices still echo, in the hearts of friends

Yet still we hold a glimmer of hope
That one day they'll return and we'll elope
With their words and stories, once more to share
And their presence on the website, we'll again declare

So let us not lose faith in those we miss
For their absence may just be a momentary abyss
And one day we may find them, writing anew
Their voices once again joining the poetic crew
Dedicated to all those Poets who stopped writing or left HelloPoetry for some unknown or personal reasons . We all are here waiting for you to start writing once again and fill this website with your beautiful presence  . Hope it reaches to all those lost Poets .
Mar 2023 · 769
Lost Paradise
Benzene Mar 2023
The forest stood silent and still,
A melancholic hush over the hill,
The trees that once whispered to the breeze,
Now stood with a sense of unease.

The rivers that flowed once with glee,
Now ran dry and lost their spree,
The birds that once sang so sweet,
Now vanished from their retreat.

The flowers that bloomed with such grace,
Now withered and faded in their place,
The grass that once swayed with delight,
Now wilted, with no hope in sight.

The earth that once teemed with life,
Now barren, with nothing but strife,
The sky that once shone with stars,
Now dull and gray, without any bars.

The world that once pulsed with love,
Now drowned in tears and woes above,
Nature, once a bountiful gift,
Now a symbol of pain, a heartbroken rift.
Mother nature is dying
Mar 2023 · 224
Love is like !
Benzene Mar 2023
Love is like a long walk with someone.
Or just feel the rain from the window with just one hand out.
Maybe like the long mysterious pause in the rain with someone.
The sunrise in the winter mornings!
Or the first conversations, all night long.
Love is like a sudden crazy wind against your face.
Or staring at the night sky full of bright stars
A magical forehead kiss or even a sudden warm hug.
Seeing your children do silly things,
seeing your mom & dad grow old,
Even when leaving with so many happy memories to cherish for.
Love is what you cannot count on your fingertip.
So give love & take love whenever, wherever & whoever you get! Embrace it even if you don't get it all at once
Love is not about just two people , it's an emotion that we carry in our heart .
Aug 2022 · 803
Benzene Aug 2022

From first Hii ,
To waiting for your reply .
The bond which has developed,
is enough to fit in the envelope.

From long lasting talks to,
a great person be known to,
It's the time which nurtures the memories,
who knows we have nothing in the galleries.

Many may come and go,
But few remains forever from ago.
And those footprints of yours and mine
Can’t washed away by time.

A beautiful heart of yours ,
Hard to find flaws .
Be the same in life always,
If we ever meet after in the midways .
This is for all those who found their special ones
on a random website/app.
May 2022 · 1.3k
Evolving !
Benzene May 2022
We all evolve,
even the plants, flowers.
Think about the flower when it blossoms from a bud.
Such a pretty sight,
Ask the flower how much pain it's going through.
It's tearing itself open, getting ripped apart.
It's the same with certain events in life.
It's all right.
I feel like we are a generation of beautiful words, broken hearts and piles of hopes...It's kinda strange. I don't even have anything relatable but still I relate to every single poetry here......
Mar 2022 · 477
* * * * * * *
Benzene Mar 2022
The moment you left me
my heart was broke into two  ,
my eyes were filled with pain and sorrow .
And Now
I'm an incomplete poetry without you .

You left your footprints on my heart ,
Even the wave of time couldn't washed them away.
I have stored all your memories in a jar
with those I'm passing my days

I often remain awake at night ,
and keep gazing  those stars
and wish that
One day you'll returned to me like a shooting star .

You'll always  remain
alive in my heart .
Until the day we meet again
A child who lost her mother , A lover who miss his love .
Just tried to write something abt their emotions .
After listening a song which was sad and soothing at same time.
Mar 2022 · 1.0k
Benzene Mar 2022
I saw my friend still look at the picture of a girl, who he used to like in his school days, whenever he gets drunk.

I saw a Grandmother who herself is too old and sick  worries about her grandchild health and appetite more than herself.

I saw my batchmate wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning to talk to his girlfriend who lives in London.

I saw people falling in love online and putting enormous efforts even though they hadn't met for a single day.

I saw old couples holding hands in a crowded metro .

I saw a person who loves a girl selflessly without expecting anything in return.

I saw so many stories
And LOVE was in everyone
Hope you all are doing good....
Dec 2021 · 1.7k
Follow your Dreams
Benzene Dec 2021
It's time to change your living,
time to follow your dreams
Doesn't matter even it requires
passing through all streams.
Steps may falter,
Roads may be steep
But your dreams shouldn't alter
even if you gotta jump or leap.
I know it won't be easy
but it's time to decide.
There'll be people to pull you down
and foxes to mislead you
Turn them away with a tint of frown.
To your dreams you must always be true .
Hope you all are doing good .
Just keep following your dreams .
Nov 2021 · 490
Title ?
Benzene Nov 2021
I know
There is time when when you can't keep up with your smile .
People say "stay strong" ,
"stay positive ",
"everything will be alright" ,
Deep inside you know ,
you are tired of being strong
and there is nothing positive for you .
You question yourself "when will everything be alright?".
Only you know your story
only you know what you have been through
only you know how it feels to be you.
.You're not born to please others ,
you are born to be a WARRIOR .
Nov 2021 · 1.1k
Benzene Nov 2021
A very Happy DIWALI
All of you
Your family.
May godess laxmi
Lord ganesha
You with
Good health
Good fortune.
Oct 2021 · 497
Benzene Oct 2021
In between these honks and horns
in between these flowers and thorns
I searched peace
I searched it in the sand
searched in the dirt;
and found nothing
except that empty hand .

Some say  it's good to act ;
some say it's good to ignore.
I say it's good to watch ocean;
but from the shore .

Some live, to try;
Some try ,to live .
Let this life's river flow;
with no regrets to give

Here nobody understand the meaning
All we doing is just trying to hide the truth
living in world which is not real;
still calling it reality .
just few lines about our world .
we aren't living in a real world .
But how amazing it's that we think it's real.
Sep 2021 · 413
Benzene Sep 2021
She opened her eyes and looked at the sky
The sun was on the high, the heart throbbed to fly.

The society never accepted her
Nor left any chance to slur
But they pulled her back
Making her realize there's something she lacks.
She has a heart of gold
But she was emotionless and cold
All the time lonely and sad
To call someone her own- nobody she had.

Pitying her own situation
Day by day getting into depression
Never did they understand
Nor did they lend a helping hand
She still stood bold
Hiding the pain in multiple fold.

One day She encountered a child
For the first time in a while she smiled
for the child didn't judge her
and it really doesn't matter

It was like she got the Heaven,
her agony has lessen
She was happy
as she put the child to sleep with a lullaby
Sep 2021 · 293
Create a World !!!
Benzene Sep 2021
Create a World
Where you always
Carry the garden of happiness !
Where flowers in your head ,
Grow every time when  you smile .
Pluck one and give every person you see .

A world where
the light that was connecting  us
is still burning deep down in our heart .
Where river get filled with truth
and not with the rain of tears

Create a World
where lights along the paths
give hope .
where people aren't like shadows
who leave at darkness .
Jul 2021 · 1.8k
The War
Benzene Jul 2021
my mind and heart are constantly at
war ;
to prove to each other their
When I let my heart decide
my mind refuse to take my side
but ;
whenever I let my mind to score a win
my heart goes in a terrible spin.

They both make me confuse with their advice  
It make me over think everything twice

You have to learn to let you mind and heart
and this is a wonderful art .
Sometimes They both give you strife ;
but this is all experiencing
Is this happen with everyone or I'm the only one to face the internal war? .haha , but I'm learning to let them be friends .Hope you all doing good , take care of your health and family .
Jul 2021 · 1.4k
Benzene Jul 2021
Creating art
is like letting your soul breathe
that once choked by doubt
that came to life after one verse .
"Art is just the image of your  soul"

Maybe that's why when I looked at you
your eyes looked like meteors showers
and your iris like moon ,
body barely holds
millions of shattered galaxies
beauty is in the shattered soul
which balancing its sanity .

Sometimes you looked  like a saddest yet beautiful piece of art
which lie at the corner of museum
having a thousand  of tales to tell
yet no soul to listen
maybe they know they won't able to bear it
perhaps it's meant to be that
not everyone is an artist
who can feel your soul .
" Not everyone can understand you because not everyone is an Artist "
find a soul and fall in love with it . which is ageless and Shapeless.
Jun 2021 · 5.4k
She is like Water
Benzene Jun 2021
She is like water running through the valley
drifting through the rocks
the rocks make unable to move
unable to grow
unable to flow
Takes away her ability to contribute,
Water is meant to flow to the Ocean,
Not to be contaminated,
By the pollution of your opinion.

She is like water
surrounded by things still finds ways
crashing every barrier comes in her way
She want to rehydrate the minds,
That have been compressed,
That have been dehydrated,
She want to refresh the dry ideology.
She'll nurture the barren land of old thoughts .
An Ocean looks so calm and beautiful but when you dive , you know how much depth it has and how much darkness it stores .
Inspired by someone's pain and experience .
you are peaceful like water
and become strong like its waves .
Jun 2021 · 2.0k
Happy Father's Day (papa)
Benzene Jun 2021
Many poets come and gone
and left golden words about mother
but no stories ,no poetries
and no thank you note to father
even the god have no words that can emote
his hard work  
This is an incomplete reality,
that mother's love is everything
There is some contribution from them too
without which we are nothing .
You will find many who will say that you are their moon
but you will always be the moon
of his sky
he always protect you
with his clouds of different hues
Father is like a coconut , looks so hard and strict from outside but from inside he's very soft and kind hearted .
A very happy father's day to all fathers and grandfathers out there .
Jun 2021 · 3.0k
Benzene Jun 2021
She is like different shades of rainbow
Sometime dark , sometime light
She is half agony , half hope
pushing herself to think positive
constantly remembering her soul to be optimistic.

Spinning the wheels of mind
she want just some sunshine
during her those dark nights
when her demons her holding her tight .

She's Suppressing her negative vibes  
but no matter how hard she tries
Sometimes situation push her back in darkest time


She will not defeat in front of her destiny
she will change the reality
because she herself is the author of her book
the dark curtains will unhook
and she will write a beautiful story
full of her glories .
we all are authors of our beautiful book called life ,
so write it as beautiful as you can .
Jun 2021 · 1.2k
Benzene Jun 2021
sometimes eyes become so heavy that its start rains ,
Sometimes lips become so heavy that we can't smile,
we can wipe someone tears
we can make someone smile.

during hard time  we should cope with it ,
and help others to do the same .
hope you all good.
: )
Jun 2021 · 819
Benzene Jun 2021
I learnt programming , I learnt science , I learnt history
still unable to solve your mystery
The mystery of your fresh air
the wind in my hair
as you (nature ) thrives
it's good to be alive .

You makes the world a beautiful place ;
and your by product(oxygen)  is essential for human race .
Humans evolved because of you;
yet being grateful is rare , times we thanked is few .

The sky clear and blue
the clouds of all different hue
The sun with its rays
makes our day.

Still ,we destroying you with our all strength
we are crossing our length .
In anger you shake, all we built fall apart;
A number of lives may depart .

Oh nature , you are a wonder
with all love we call you mother
we must promise not to hurt you further
for your beauty and strength , words aren't enough to fit  
let's revive you bit by bit !!
Today is world environment day ,
hope we all try to revive our environment in any possible way .

keep washing your hands time to time ,
and don't forget to eat at time as some are only drinking water .
May 2021 · 932
She and Depression
Benzene May 2021
She opened her eyes and looked at the sky;
The sun was on the high, the heart throbbed to fly.
But the society pulled her back;
Making her realize there's something she lacks.

All the time lonely and sad
To call someone her own- nobody she had
you can see pain in her eye;
all her smiles are lie.

She has a heart of gold
But she was emotionless and cold
Pitying her own situation
Day by day getting into depression

Never did they understand;
Nor did they lend a helping hand.
She still stood bold;
Hiding the pain in multiple fold...

For the first time for a while she smile
It was like she got the Heaven,
her agony has lessen.

cause she prefer battle with depression and pain  
instead of suffer with them;
Because, she is  a person with a heart of a gem...
Do not suffer from depression, fight it and overcome it. I think the most beautiful heart goes through depression once in its life. you can conquer depression and motivate others to do the same .
Don't forget to drink enough water .
May 2021 · 416
Benzene May 2021
Now days how impatient we are ?
at the time of problems we just try to flee
problems will never stays forever
but if you lose hope they they will stays like perennial river

Life never meant to be a perfect road ;
but teaches us to smile even at times of load .

In this world no one cares ;
because everybody is busy dealing with theirs
so stop wasting time on somebody
and accept the fact that in their life you are nobody

Therefore start learning tolerance and control your anger ;
fight for your life by putting away danger
just look around everyday
life will make you smile in different ways
don't afraid from problems ,
problems come and go ,
but humanity must be constant
May 2021 · 1.2k
Mother's day (Maa....)
Benzene May 2021
She 's the  most beautiful woman of  my and your life ,
listen , she's not mine and your wife.
All lover and their stories are nothing
in front of her love which is still expanding .

She always sacrificed her dream for family
still never cried and live happily

She is one who started loving you before your birth,
she is a living angel on earth .

She is the one
who change all your sorrows into fun .
She is always there for you ,
only her love is unconditional and true .

She goes to bed when everyone sleeps
She cares for you when you weep.

You kicked her in her womb
still she taught you how to walk ,
because of her today you are able to bloom.

You made her go through the pain at the time of your birth,
and still she helps you know your worth.

A blessing indeed is being a mother
It is an honor like no other .
Wishing you all a very happy mother's day .
Maa is not a word , It's an emotion , just feel that ...
May 2021 · 752
Benzene May 2021
She is an ocean of all her emotions
so quiet and peaceful from above ;
her feelings so deep
but no one knows when she weeps.

She flood others with love ,
and never let other sink.
Her tears make her salty ;
and still she makes others happy .

She always bounce back like the wave
and wipes out her all problems
just like the waves do .
She is an ocean , no one can make  her finite .
May 2021 · 548
Benzene May 2021
If prevention is better than cure .
Not falling in love is better than heartbreak.
It's just a thought  that hit my mind when I was reading news.
Such kind of thoughts hit my mind daily, may be I'll post such more thoughts.
Apr 2021 · 472
threads of memories
Benzene Apr 2021
those memories are still fresh
those memories are still in me
don't get out of sight , my friend
don't just pass by like a cloud.

our thread of connection should never break
this thread of many memories
this thread should never break
this thread of delicate promises

my world was complete because of you
It felt incomplete without you.
I came to know this very late
this thread of many memories
this thread should never break
just inspired my a song , this is for all friends and their friendship they share with each others
Benzene Apr 2021
Often  in fear we close our eyes and  we say that the darkness has surrounded us. Just open your eyes dear you have closed them , nothing dark is there .
open your eyes and come out of the darkness .
Apr 2021 · 280
What's poetry ?
Benzene Apr 2021
poetry is an ocean
of all emotion
in one motion.

poetry is an art of weaving words
and making a blanket to soul.

Poetry is a journey within us.
Poetry is when emotions found it thoughts
and thoughts found its words.

Poetry is like a painting
painted with words .

Poetry is an art for some,
for some it's sky full of feelings
for some poetry is a medicine .
Apr 2021 · 881
She's Shakti
Benzene Apr 2021
                                      She's                    ­                 the
                            begin         ning                    She's          the
                      ­  end                       too.          She's                  whole

                       ­                                       She's
                    ­                                        comp
                    ­                                        lete.
                   ­                                      She's
                                                        cel­estial ,
                                                      she's cosmos.

                                                       she's divine
                                          She  is  mightie­r  than  Shiva.
                             Let we  all bow our head in respect of her.
                                           She's in every girl and woman    
                                                     Sh­e is shakti.
if you reading this in pc then you can understand it . but if you are using mobile , I suggest you to read this in desktop mode of your chrome browser then you can understand it completely
Apr 2021 · 291
Benzene Apr 2021
I'm that someone who finds it hard to take my eyes off you.
I'm that someone who wants to know your library of thoughts and pages of your vulnerability.
I'm that someone who wants to know every letter in every chapter of your life.

I'm that someone who won't judge you no matter what.
I'm that someone who long for the shortest moments of pleasure.
I'm that someone who might fail to express in words
but my eyes says it all.

Thank you for the friendship you have offered,
I'll treasure it in my heart
and will always remember in my life I've known someone like you.
Friendship is much better than relationship.
Apr 2021 · 1.8k
Benzene Apr 2021
love is the thing she need
but the world  has it's own greed

her eyes say it all
every time a drop of tear falls
every pain she recalls

everyone say she writes poetries  very deep
but no one know  her tear is the ink ,
her pain is her inspiration to write
that's why she cry to make herself sleep

one day she'll bounce back
and give the answer of your all attack
till then wait for her comeback.
may be I used this title many times .
Hope you all doing well
stay safe
because corona  in your  area
Mar 2021 · 388
Just Smile
Benzene Mar 2021
Tears are in her eyes
fire in her heart
but neither the tear extinguish that fire
nor the fire dried the tears.

But she doesn't know that
the light of the fire and
those crystal like tears will make
a rainbow in her dark room.
Those tears  which are rolling down from her cheeks ,
passing through her body
will heal all her  inner wounds .
Have you ever woken up between 3 and 4 o'clock, at which time the sky is much darker than night, because it is the last stage of darkness followed by sunrise. Do you understand anything
Mar 2021 · 288
Light house
Benzene Mar 2021
will you be a beacon ,
a lamp of true love .
On the shore of sensual sea
Just like the light of light house
which sits high above
just because others might see
and not lost in the darkness.
Jan 2021 · 572
Benzene Jan 2021
I have galaxies inside me
that form constellations of love
when you hold me ;
Your eyes look like Venus and Mars
And your tears feel like
Meteor showers.

I  always carry star  ,
and whenever darkness will surround  you
I'll lit them up and make a small universe
that will make you  feel the beauty of night.
Jan 2021 · 4.1k
You can
Benzene Jan 2021
They will laugh
But that won't stop you
They'll point out
Don't let that block you
Know your thing
And just keep going
Through the hard times
Slowly growing .

And restless be
See what others cannot see
Know what you want
Keep researching
No one knows for what you're searching
You define your own life-story
By your actions reach the glory
They will laugh But don't gain fear They'll point out Just fight, my dear
Jan 2021 · 335
She is pheonix
Benzene Jan 2021
She hides  her wounds in shadow;
Bandages wrap up the thick cuts
Of a love gone very wrong.
She submits to a blood transfusion;
As if she's the one with the confusion.
But to begin anew
She must clorox Her heart;
scrub away the tears, The fears
and the lost years...
And finally today the scars have healed;
She emerges as a Phoenix. Visiting the grave of those memories
Buried is the past.
She says a proper prayer for what was lost. And smile.
Then, Walks on.
Dec 2020 · 468
Hard time
Benzene Dec 2020
I know you'll we back soon from that far  away world
Where you no longer remember yourself
I'm here to hold your hand
And tell  that it's going to be okay.
And I know
This hard time changed you
But don't allow your pain to define you.
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