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It is not your touch
that unwillingly broke me.
But in fact,
it was your soul
that made me forget all the things
that I shouldn't.
And the undeniable spark of
your existence
that allowed my heart to
hold onto something
that no longer
F A T A L I T Y  A T  I T ' S  F I N E S T.
You were nothing like I expected. And I can’t help but reminisce over wanting the feeling of being close to you over and over again.
Just thinking.
She’s afraid of
reopening old wounds.

Scared of feeling
the burns
beneath her skin.

She’d rather feel
consciously numb
than ever have to
confess her self-reflections,
because she’s afraid rejection
will leave her lifelessly
My body's shaking,
my bones are breaking.
Something from many, many years ago.
Her heart broke into
a million pieces
that day.

She was tortured,
and drowning in
the depths
of her own madness.

she always seemed to remember
the one thing
that kept her going.

But in that moment,
it was too late.

Her mind was a walking time bomb.
Two lost souls,
one aching for peace;
and one aching to find comfort in everything.
Bitter sweet air fills my lungs with dignity and doubt all at once.
And although my head knows what needs to be done, the voice inside can no longer be contained.
It screams for a way out.
It’s not the desire
to be like them,
it’s the desire
to be better;
it’s the need
for control.
Please don't tell
me to stop,
she whispered.

My soul is
and this
is my only
It was your mysterious mind that kept me thinking.
Constantly thinking.
I’d constantly wonder.
I’d constantly dream.
Of the things I wanted, and the things I didn’t.
What I wanted to say, and what I wished you had said.
Only I could know these things, only I could know the thoughts that ran through my head.
Can anyone tell I get bored?
You are the creator of your own story,
the writer of your own path.
Nobody can take this road for you,
as this is your journey.
This is your destination.
for your words
has left

for your lies
that only
me truths.

And holding
onto truths
that only
your lies,
leave me wondering
I was never
good enough.
One minute you’re indulging in life’s empty promises,
full of light with a touch a glow;
and suddenly,
you’ve been consumed by the paradox of your own mind;
without a trace,
you’re dying.

M i N d

Is  S c R e A m I n G

f O r  A n

A n S w E r.

W i L l

It  E v E r

E n D ?
Being honest can either go two ways.
You can have everything,
or you can have nothing at all.
My soul is gasping for your everlasting touch.
An escape that has me begging for more time.
If only he knew,
how it felt,
to look beneath the ashes,
to look beyond his corpse.
I will no longer let you burn the flames that rages inside my soul.
It craves success, it craves accomplishment and it craves to forget your existence.
2018 me was mad aha
B i t t e r

S w e e t

I n n o c e n t

A f f l i c t i o n
we weren't
for the
we wished
were meant

just maybe,
we will
meant for
very things
never expected.
Life is a journey.
We fall,
we rise,
we struggle
and we heal.

We do unthinkable
unimaginable things,
and all in all,
we conquer
our fears and dreams.
I will win this war.
For I have won many wars
tougher than
the battle
I currently face.
I was in love.
But not with you.
I was in love
with the
and the
I was feeding
off an
of false hope
games that
haunted me
made me
more than
you truly
I lie here awake at night.

I will never be the same person I once was.
But I can only hope, that I will become the person I want to be.
The person I’m meant to be.
For I have escaped.

And what’s that you ask?
What have I escaped?
You will only know through the truths I’ve encountered.
For I, will no longer give in.

I fear lies.
and envy.

For I don’t want to mistake your promises for prophecies that will never exist.
You destroyed me.
Your destruction compelled me into believing that there was better.
And that the pain would end.
But it didn’t.
It grew stronger.
And so, I grew stronger too.

But I did from you.
I ran so fast, that I no longer allowed your lies to fool me.
You couldn’t keep up.
And you kept trying to take me away from everything I built.
From the new person I became.
And the new bond I had created within myself.

But it hurt at the same time.
And it wasn’t easy to destroy the walls I had built around everyone else.
For you were the only one I let in for months on end.

And eventually, they came tumbling down.
Because I had so much fight in me, that I believed I could escape you.

And for a minute, just a moment, I second guessed everything.
But I knew it was you drowning me, because you swallowed me whole.
For years.
And this was my year to thrive.
All my own
Overflowing tears fill her eyes,
as doubt fills inside her mind.
She is overwhelmed and confused,
she is exhausted and tired of being bruised.
However, one things for sure.
She will no longer let her demons get the best of her.
She will no longer stand for a life full of misery and torment.
For she’s now had a taste of pure freedom and forgiveness.
As she is now following her dreams.
Everything is falling into place,
and once again;
she does not want to lose how beautiful her life has become.
It's not
fate that created
this senseless

It was the
mere existence
you and me.
It's better to be be alive and thriving, rather than being consumed, sick and dying.
Daily thoughts by me
If     only                      you  knew

                 how         much

       your                                         presence

                           on                   me.

you knew

                               how      the          world            was

pushing                  ­  

Her heart remains,
heavier than her soul.
as pure as white and gold.
If only they could see,
the darkness that reaps inside my mind;
the ache in my heart that craves an everlasting escape.
If shadows
in silence
than why
am I
of you?
I spilt coffee

on myself

and stained

my shirt;


how I allowed

for you to stain

my heart.
utter ignorance
Starve your brain,
alluring pain.
An induction that never ends.
The longer you go,
there will be nothing but just a trail of hideous brittle bones.
As your body begins to deteriorate,
your body will eat your own organs and flesh.
Not so pretty anymore I see,
nothing but a disastrous mess.
How can it be? She whispered in silence.
That I have allowed my body, my temple, to be denied of the very things in existence that it needs to survive.
One of my favourite pieces that I've written.
There is nothing
without the promise
of your own fate.
Wipe your tears pretty girl,
there is no worth in something,
that remains so subtle and disconnected.
You are worthy of so much more.
You cannot punish what has already been damaged.
You cannot scar what has already been broken.

— The End —