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1.0k · Jan 2017
yūgen -
Day Jan 2017
an awareness of the universe that triggers an emotional response too deep and mysterious for words
959 · Mar 2016
Sensual Springtime
Day Mar 2016
blue breezes and trees sway,
wind blows every care away.
cold twisting and turning to warm,
birds and bees begin to swarm.
never overwhelmed, just busy,
and playing until you're dizzy.
girls and boys will do no good
would play all day if they could.
sniffles and sneezes, a minor pain
who cares, now that winter is slain?
we cheer and shout that winter is done,
the frozen battle has been won.
victors are Warmth and Sunshine.
Summer and Winter intertwine,
bringing forth,
all for the pleasure of me and you.
I'm embracing the Spring spirit. It's just been a good few days and I'm happy. Just want to share my happiness with you all!! Enjoy!!
947 · Oct 2016
Day Oct 2016
Flashing lights sweep past your face,
illuminating something you don't understand.
A beat so deep your core is rocked,
and everything sounds like an oscillating fan.

A thousand people around you,
jumping out of sync to a song with so many meanings.
and for *just a moment
, you are not you,
but a lost soul glad to be home.
940 · Apr 2017
questions of a lonely heart
Day Apr 2017
Do I say I love you, ...
to hear it back?
933 · Oct 2015
who will you listen to
Day Oct 2015
my heart say "write about love and pain"
my mind says "write about logic''
my peers say "write about something cool"
my parents say "write about discipline"
my school says "write about knowlege"
my friends say "write about whatever"*

my hand says "just write"
i honestly dont like this but i guess ill see what yall have to say about it
Day Jan 2016
boys and girls
grab your knifes
rule the worlds
with me tonight
they say
love and words
is all you need
be we're trapped
by insecurity
so today
we'll change the rules
and blow 'em up
don't start a war
with passion
ablaze in
our eyes
933 · May 2017
You'll figure it out
Day May 2017
Broken, trying to decide
Seems unfair
So much.
All at once.
Day Dec 2015
now is not the time for
"I regret........"
now is the time to
*move on.
908 · Dec 2016
how to say "I love you"
Day Dec 2016
You are my little piece of heaven
and I sit here, laying in the grass
wondering how I ever got so lucky
as to reach up and*  
touch the clouds
Day Nov 2015
no one startles a poet
when writing
because everyone knows
a pen is a
dangerous weapon
and when used correctly
can strike so deep
that even the poet
cannot undo its ink
as is it was tattoo'd
onto the fabric of existence
a sign of rebellion and pain
a battle wound for all to see
and to secretly judge
because we all know
when no ones around
is when the true colors
of a poem
come out.
this day is okay
892 · Jun 2017
a collection of bad days
Day Jun 2017
How to stop the tears from freely flowing
(1) Grab a tissue for the eyes
(2) Remember everybody cries
(3) Try your best to push a smile
(4) Enjoy some music for a while
(5) Find something to help you cope
(6) Try your best not to mope
(7) Get up and go for a walk
(8) Find someone and try to talk
(9) **** it and cry some more
(10) Remember what you're living for
Don't give up. Even if youre the only one telling yourself not to
Day Oct 2018
i found you
chasing youth
and offered myself.

like candy
another piece
of this broken body,

f e a r
is nowhere to be found.

you've convinced me
sacrifice always smells
best over brunch.
883 · Jan 2016
Words like Knives
Day Jan 2016
Every word she spat at me in anger,
became another scar on my skin,
but she didn't care for she could leave
when the blood flow became overwhelming
leaving just me and my undersized bandages
882 · Nov 2017
Day Nov 2017
my darling left for battle
he kissed me on the cheek
i wished him all my love
not knowing what to speak*
te amo, mi amor
880 · May 2016
some sappy words
Day May 2016
quiet, calm and loving
your voice gives me life

soft, slow and caring
your hands give me love

all i ask is that you
never let me go
878 · Sep 2015
real weakness
Day Sep 2015
I'm scared of being weak,
Afraid that someone might see.
Someone might call out my flaw.

So I stand up and fight,
I hide behind words of spite,
All because of insecurity.

I never look behind and see,
Never see the trail of hurt following,
Not hearing the cries.

My name is Bully.
I make myself strong,
No matter what.

Turning my eyes away,
To afraid to say,
I'm sorry.

Because that would be weak,
And I'm not weak.
No matter what.
872 · Dec 2015
haunted wonderland
Day Dec 2015
*remember that even though
the looking glass
you'll never escape
Day May 2021
Slumlords sleep
while poor souls weep,
for bills won't meet
And children's feet -
growing and growing and growing.

Pressure's building.
Age not slowing.

I thought it would be calm by now.

But things are worse,
To God I curse.

Nothing is going as planned.

I'm trying to look at the positive.


God, please
Is there a positive?
Day Oct 2016
my words have had little meaning lately
rushed and harsh
like a quickie in a poorly lit parking lot
meaningless and soon forgotten
but spoken for a reason
like the motives behind that backseat moment
wanted and waited for
but looking for something much deeper
something rooted and real
impatient and unknowing
just taking whatever comes first
and yes,
words and *** are not the same
but I want them both
in the exact same way
847 · May 2019
my name is a noun
Day May 2019
Racing arms and angry sneakers
in a concrete hallway -
my heart beat.

I can't feel my feet.

"This is the floor." I tell myself,

in auto speak.

Who are you?

I am running.
I can't tell if this one will make sense to anyone but me.
829 · Oct 2018
Day Oct 2018

Oh, Mr. Cocktail, fill me up! but
darling, p l e a s e  don't
bother me until
every last
is poured.
816 · May 2015
Day May 2015
I recently read a poem saying
Why can't the world be rid of emotions?
And I thought,
*Well, that would be boring.
Day Jan 2019
Seems way too good to be true
so for now, if that's okay-
I'll just keep loving you.
I appreciate you more with every sunrise
814 · Apr 2016
a solo in a world of duets
Day Apr 2016
nerves eat away the confidence I have left,
little butterflies  trying to escape,
knowing what a desperate soul *I am
just an afternoon thought I had
797 · Feb 2017
dreaming to touch the stars
Day Feb 2017
i am lying in the center of the universe, far as the eye can see
every planet, star, constellation all lying in the center of me

my breath ,moon dust, swirling in the oxygen i consume
,even filled with all of existence i will still make room

my heart overfills and spills the light of all the stars
yet, his space compares to that between the earth and mars

i never believed in heaven, but maybe a  celestial place
till a star fell from the sky and i looked upon his face

him and i, are nothing special, nor above the rest
but somehow the universe lies between his and my chest

we are lying in the center of the universe, far as the eye can see
every planet, star, constellation all lying at the center of him and me
thanks for all the love guys
793 · Oct 2015
Day Oct 2015
i have a bulimic personality
taking in
more and more
all at once,
i snap,
throwing up words
of regret,
then looking down
at what i've done,
Day Jan 2019

I thought I heard you today,
in the voice of a man
asking me for a cigarette.
A nineteen degree request;
faint on a cold, city street.
A memory of Sunday story
caught me off guard.
" Silver and gold have I none;
but such as I have give I thee."
I've since stopped attending
my scheduled worshiping.
Long forgot,
about an un-kindled burden,
but today I wondered,
are you still here?
763 · Oct 2015
hit me now
Day Oct 2015
when you're always the punching bag,
sometimes you just need,
to **punch back.
Day Oct 2018
How fragile my heart must be,
to shatter from one minor atrocity.

753 · Dec 2018
Day Dec 2018
   █                    ▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄   █
    █    █████    ▐ ▓▓▌▐▓▓▌  █
    █    █████    ▐ ▓▓▌▐▓▓▌  █
    █    █████    ▐ ▓▓▌▐▓▓▌  █
         █    █████    ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█✿ ✿
          █    █████ ___                     █(\|/)
_ make me feel _
like I'm
_  home __
752 · Feb 2016
the girl who went to far
Day Feb 2016
I relapsed
and went deeper then I should've
the blood spilling all over the concrete floor
the blade finding its way to the vein

I failed
and said more then I should've
the words spewing all down his bare chest
the secrets escaping my ever so careful tongue

I lied
and went farther then I should've
the clothes falling to the overseeing floor
the hands grasping for something he could never give

I cried
and screamed louder then I should've
the sobs echoing the empty hallways of a broken home
the tears falling from a heart heavy with shame and pain

I left
and closed the door harder then I should've
the handle thrown out of an angry hand
the frame shaking with the rage of a girl who

went father then she should've
Day Mar 2016
sometimes my brain doesn't work
quite the write way

the words twist on my tongue
and long for a pen
craving to been seen, to be heard


no one


to hear






we turn our head and convince ourselves that *"everything will be okay"

we use this awful logic that maybe, just maybe, if we close our eyes that nothing is wrong
and when faced with the blunt truth everything is falling apart we become a nation of ignorance
spewing meaningless hate words such as "oppression" and "priviledged"
not even stopping for a moment to realize the




who cares??

because while we fight about separation in our own country, people are being slaughtered without a thought in others
but as a nation of narcissistic bigots, each and every one of us, we clothe our eyes with rose-colored glasses
still yelling about being color blind




with petty "challenges"

as if

that could



stop trying to look for something that soothes your guilty soul





take care in how you determine our countries future
i pray that you





*because no one wants to clean up the mess of a negligent party
this is just some abstact thoughts on America today. Please don't take this as hate because that was not at all my thoughts when writing this.
741 · Dec 2018
Day Dec 2018
a flower needs
to survive
maybe some
to stay alive
add some fresh
she can thrive

a flower knows
she should go
and in due
she will grow
but do not
time goes slow

a flower learns
she's meant to be
but still she
its not easy
to live a
but only breathe
Day Aug 2016
I gave too much, for all too little
in the end, it was okay.
Nothing lost, nothing gained,
and nothing left to say.
बात सुनो

Почуй мене

If I speak, will you listen?
Playing around a bit, see if you can detect the languages, see how to say them, see what they mean.
734 · May 2015
For now
Day May 2015
Someday* I''ll wear a genuine smile,
but for *now
I'll just wear this one.
smile depression sadness cut pain hurt thoughts
731 · Oct 2015
thoughts of a starving poet
Day Oct 2015
sitting at a keyboard,
as if these words,
could really ever make a difference.
but never giving up,
because some who are,
most appreciated,
were never around to see it.
i sit and wonder,
maybe being,
is better,
maybe being,
is better,
but always feeling,
because without,
What would I write about?
fogotten for now, remembered forever.
721 · Oct 2015
anyone out there [10w]
Day Oct 2015
is what i need,
just a hint,
**someones listening.
everybody wants to be heard
717 · Mar 2016
thoughts escape me
Day Mar 2016
searching for a word to explain my mood right now; not antisocial, more of just *withdrawn
Day Nov 2015
my pen is deadly* \ but it cannot stop
the force of a bullet
my words are sharp / but they cannot stop
the blow of a bomb
my thoughts are strong \ but they cannot stop
the anger of men
if i could a sow peace around the world
with just a pencil
i would
but like i've said
my weapons are strong / but no match for  

i mean really,
what can a word-hungry poet do
blood-thirsty warriors?
701 · Apr 2016
Day Apr 2016
three letters

that don't really mean anything

but somehow describe

*exactly how I feel
lost in the letters of an unsung love song
698 · Apr 2017
midnight tune
Day Apr 2017
in your bed, i dance
your eyes-my disco ball
your breath-*my song
691 · Oct 2015
notes to anyone who cares
Day Oct 2015
if i dont make it,
don't cry because i didn't get there,
because i made it this far.
don't cry because i wasn't strong enough,
because of the strength you gave me.
last night was rough
Day Nov 2015
i can't afford to be weak
because when i'm weak
people get hurt
and i can't bear seeing you
in pain
i've lost everyone
i can't lose you too
687 · May 2015
My Little Sister
Day May 2015
The way she hangs on everything I say,
As if every word that I speak is a revelation to her.

And the way she needs me to hold her hand when she is scared,
As if I can protect her from any danger, lurking in the shadows.

The little tear she sheds when she's tired,
Even when she tells me she's not.

And the smile she radiates when shes exited,
Even though she tries to be calm.

I just hope that she knows,
I hope she understands how precious she is.

How even when she doesn't think that she is enough,
That she will always be enough.

I hope that she remembers that smile,
That beamed on her face as a little four year old.

That smile that reached into my heart,
And stole it the day she was born.

And I hope that no matter what,
She will always be, My Little Sister.
I wrote this for my amazing little sister, who though frustrates me at times, is the most amazing person I have ever known.
684 · Jan 2016
tick tock
Day Jan 2016

all this time
is quickly

strength is wearing

time goes by
much to fast
nothing ever seems to last

death is calling

breathe in
breath out
no time for doubt
675 · Oct 2017
dream of me
Day Oct 2017
in your bed
the sweetest of sleep
in your arms
the truest of peace
close my eyes
hear, please dream of me
I always do
670 · Nov 2018
Depression does not care
Day Nov 2018
I think that I am blessed with life.
This morning I woke up warm and safe,
with a kind man next to me to kiss on the face.

I have been granted the ability to work.
I have a welcoming space to earn a living,
with a wonderful boss who is kind and giving.

I still have the privilege to text my mother.
She is a sweet woman with a kind heart -
loves who I am even though our beliefs sometimes part.

But today I woke up and my heart still feels heavy.
I feel unworthy of this body I've been given,
and my mind overworks without my permission.

Depression does not care about my positive days.
Even though I am blessed I struggle with pain,
and constantly still I fight with this dreadful brain.

But day after day I will never give up.
For too many people are counting on me,
and encouraging that one day I shall be free.

So *******, Depression!
Today I woke up and continued to breathe
and while sometimes it's hard I have faith in me.
668 · Nov 2019
Day Nov 2019
take a pic
or maybe, 26!

Show my smile.
Stay still for a mile.

A picture's worth
a thousand words
I don't have
a clever caption.
I almost hit a homeless man with my car while scrolling #haha #irony #firstworldproblems
663 · Jan 2016
dirty jeans
Day Jan 2016
you carry my heart in you're back pocket
only taking it out
when it's convenient for you
655 · Feb 2016
things I never say
Day Feb 2016
When I told you
"i don't want to talk to anyone"
you didn't hear me whisper
"except you."
so you walked away
never knowing.
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