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I carved
                    The shape of
The USA               on my wrist
       Asked God to
    Bless the occasion
                   And took the reds, whites
     And blues
with a shot of *Jack
 Oct 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
Youve asked me
To describe her
For you say you want
To understand her.

But all I can say
Is  that she
Is simply a poet
With a shattered pen.

Life's ink has stained
Her slender fingers
Dark blots cover her paper
But still she writes.

You cannot understand
Illegible scrawls
Scattered across
Once clean paper.

To you it seems as if
She's finally gone mad
Perhaps she has
Always been mad.

But she is brilliant
For she has hidden
Her broken pieces
Beneath those ink blots.

If you truly want
To understand her mind
I suggest you start reading
In between the lines.

 Oct 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
in this world
is reliable -
rain stops,
the sun hides,
stars die,
and the moon
cannot stay
in one place

so why did i
to rely
on you?
The killing fields
right here at home
are somehow different
from those that we've known
no longer war
on foreign fields
but there's a body count
this new war yields
students and teachers
professors and preachers
murders committed
by horrible creatures
are there no answers
to the question why
these monsters keep killing
causing mothers to cry
life is not ours to take
nor a game that we play
when will this madness end
will there come such a day
a day of beautiful peace
love shared man to man
the tools of killing laid down
would be a wonderful plan
but I know it's a dream
one that can never come true
and that thought and the stress
leaves me ever so blue
Doctor, oh doctor
Help me breath again,
Stitch up the lines on my wrist
And paint my desolate brain

Doctor, oh doctor
I couldn't feel my face
They told me I would be okay,
They told me it was just a phase

Doctor, oh doctor,
I feel like death
Everything hurts,
And I don't want to breathe again
 Oct 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
I have all of your screams and insanity engraved in my mind,
now deal with me and I knew I was blind,
you kept me in the dark,
you wanted me to never hark,
I have exposed you and you can't make me go away!

Your living nightmare,
no longer your liar,
I was slightly wiser,
you played me exactly like you wanted to...
I still cry tears in your name too.

You own me and the death of me,
for both will bring joy and set sorrow free,
I wish to die,
Why even try?
You shredded my soul and left a blackness in my heart.
 Oct 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
 Oct 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
God I promise I tried my best,
I long to be like you but I'm stressed,
I knew since I was conscious that I was blessed,
I'm a sinner that never takes rest,
you're always there who would have guessed?

Living in a land with temptation at every turn,
I know I have a lot to learn...
but you are too stern.
I live in fear and with concern,
instead of another flood can we just burn?

I have made you an enemy,
I have been my own enemy...
Upon death can I be in your presence for one second?
I would hope you can pretend to beckon.
My heart and soul belong to you only; you're my *family.
3rd Stanza inspired by "Enemy" from Flyleaf lyrics:
"I have made you an enemy"
"I have been my own enemy"
 Oct 2015 xXwallflower53Xx
What is happiness?
Everyone struggled to find
I remember feeling it as a child but
Where did my happiness go to?
Where did all your happiness go to?
I'm really sad today and I don't even know why
Nothing haunts us like the things we don't say
Mitch Albom
Another day of dying inside more every second
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