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Raphael Uzor Apr 2014
Slipping into my apron,
Hungry in body and soul
Humming as a song played...

I grab my knife and chop-board
Unsure of what to cook
Strange inspirations possess me
Filling me with *****!

My kitchen becomes a stage
In my hands- a plectrum and fretboard
Silver utensils- my live audience!

As I play divine recipes
Strumming master acoustic chords
Chopping fresh, colorful vegetables.

I dash to the remote,
Punch "Repeat" and dash back on stage
Landing on E♭ minor,
Scaling impossible notes,
I slice with razor-sharp plectrum,
On onions and other root chords
My fret arrayed with colors,
Of spinach, lettuce, tomatoes
Carrots, potatoes, olives
Pepper, cabbage and cucumbers.

I hear a thunder of applause
As I ignite the cooker
Butter sizzling in the hot pan
A staccato of sharp notes,
Ready to modulate innocent vegetables
Through spicy aromatic crescendos!

I fight hard to suppress a sneeze,
No sneezing on-stage! Unprofessional!
Multitudes of seconds rush by and…

I stand for a moment
Salivating, awed at my bravura!
Wishing I could hang it on my wall
Tis beautiful like art
But I can’t eat this cake and have it!

So I dig in…
Heaven and earth kiss for a moment
L U S C I O U S!!!
Luckily, it didn’t taste nauseating
Like my last attempt.

No time for ceremonies
I munch from pan to mouth
Pausing for what may pass for a prayer,
I relish every bite!
Not that I’m a foodie or something,
But nothing beats this combo-
Of good food and soul music.

And yes,
Music is indeed food to the soul!
I devour, in view- the next meal...

© Raphael Uzor
Inspiration came while cooking and listening to Ayo’s And its Supposed to be Love
Tell me I'm not a foodie :-)
JadedSoul Aug 2014
What a curious thought
to not be led into temptation...
as if I needed help!
As if I needed any assistance!

Lead me not into temptation
it's not needed you see;
I know the path well
it starts on Google
Incognito mode, savvy?

Press a few keys
and voila - temptation found!
My resolve defeated.

I wasn't led here
I found my own way
sadly, temptation bound.

Can I be blamed really?
Would you blame a starving man
for stealing food, offered freely?
Can you blame a starving man
for giving into such temptation
when he's denied the legitimate?
Sally A Bayan Aug 2018
Ask...and you shall be given answers
seek...and you'll be told where to look
knock...say, hello?...hello? hellooow?
a voice named siri replies:
"is it me you're looking for?"
i think,
the eyes, the mind, even the heart, need
clear, goggle-like glasses, for 20/20 vision,
to grasp, to discern,  be forewarned,
not to be overwhelmed by whatever
data unfolds on the screen

they say, there are contrived solutions,
for life's every complication
search engines are accessible to all
just press specific keys, and, Voila!
surf, play...easy games, easy friends
but, can they really answer all questions?
every human question?,
do elephants really cry? how did it occur
that they have excellent memories?
is Timbuktu modernized now?
are there still surviving cannibals?
will the remaining Bee Gees member,
tell us how to mend a broken heart?
do rosicrucians really possess secret wisdom?
what happened to you and me?
how do i save myself from emotional vampires?
how do i cook pad thai?
...and how do i get you out of my mind?
why does the rooster crow after midnight
how does logarithm work with poetry?
do dogs have souls?  do they visit their
masters?....i miss my dogs Misty and Tiny,
...and i miss you...what's wrong with me?
God, why do i even bother to ask?

my goggled eyes are blinded by grief
my goggled mind refuses to forget
this goggled life of mine feels empty
and it has nothing to do with technology...


© Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
    July 23, 2018
.......not just a silly love poem, my poet friends:))
...a piece that resulted from rainy days, while thinking of wearisome issues on a Monday:-]
Ari Dec 2011
“The most important scientific revolutions all include, as their only common feature, the dethronement of human arrogance from one pedestal after another of previous convictions about our centrality in the cosmos.”*
Stephen Jay Gould

Give me
vacuum tube torus Lorentz-Klein interference receptors
dual noble-gas maser integration processors
at least one
prosthetic Gaussian carbon-coated ribosomal Tesla coil
an anthropomorphic hierarchical temporal meme-pseudopod
support vector k-nearest neighbor algorithms
reverse engineered quantum optic die-cast silica motherboards
self-assembling three dimensional electro-active protein polymers
maybe even
a superconducting spectral alkali resonance analyzer
paired with
harmonizing piezoelectric kinematic thermal modules
dipped in
subzero Kurzweil-circuit nanite neurotransmitters
and voila!
Helen McKean Apr 2010
a coat of Naughty
a flick of Flirtatious
a dab of Daring
slick on Scandalous
with just a touch of Mischief

let's go out...
Rich Hues May 2019
Kettle on,
Packet soup
Snip, snip,
Waiting, waiting
Wait some more,
Kettle clicks
Water pour,
Stir, stir,
Yum, yum,
Drink too quickly,
Burnt tongue.
k e i Jul 2020
he met her at a very strange time in his life. no, scratch that. that was basically a quote from fight club.

but frankly, he did meet her at his lowest lows
when he wanted the vortex to **** him in so he could vanish and rest and maybe find peace-
for his girl was gone and left him to fend for himself in this chaotic world, scattering the past, present and future they’ve dreamt of in a hurricane before she did, one that ****** the life out of him
his girl, the girl of his dreams, the girl he dreamt with, the girl he dreamt for, the girl who shattered his dreams gone

he slowly opens up to her
and she slowly gets to know him
well mostly, his love story left to die with its tragic ending, another tale of an unrequited- now one sided- love
she doesn’t really mind for she’s known pain and misery,
known them enough to last almost half of her lifetime
she knows how having them as company turns living into the art of merely breathing
and so she refuses to take flight from this almost stranger who, because of the way circumstances have rolled she’s stuck with
misery loves company doesn’t it?

he has turned her into his shoulder to cry on
changes taking toll with time’s passing,
yet their connection remains constant,
their unexpected friendship unfazed
two people with the same wavelength, gliding with the same frequency,
relatively similar to soulmates
and they could end up together in the snap of a finger, voila
as easy as how random they picked up
but nothing easy is ever worth having

and try as they, she might,
it seems like it can’t be

she’s always there for him
she’s seen him cry, beat himself up enough times
she’s aware that he could be quite a handful
perhaps ignoring his constant “i need you’s”
and “please don’t give up on me’s”
and evaporating one day into the air and blocking his number would be the best option;
letting go could be her salvation
before she chooses drowning over keeping her head up for one particular boy-
she’s the one consistently found on his side
she’s the one with the 2am jokes when the world decides to act as his shadow
and the one with the random spur of the moment topics that never fail to amuse him

sometimes he’s left wanting to lose the remaining sliver of hope he has for humans
so he makes her out to be just like everybody else
on those occasions when he wants nothing more than bottles of ice cold whiskey and packs of cigarettes from dawn to the late night hours, to cease existence
he expects her to appear and announce her leaving
and he’s left with this internal satisfaction all the time when she lets down his morbid expectation that she’s given up on him
she remains on her place in his life

but maybe she’ll never be the girl

even if she’s always with him,
always nagging him to get out of bed
and live this ******* up thing disguised as life
even when she becomes this bright light trying so hardly to outshine her darkness and his darkness
even when she manages to see the good in him
even after she lets out her “i’m here for you’s”
and “i won’t leave you’s”
and “i got you’s”

she’s still not the girl
there’ll always be this wall,
barricading the distance
no matter how little between them
all the while the lines get blurrier

she confuses him enough for him to get a grip
and even feel in the state of denial he’s locked in,
really looking through her remains his failure
even after it all, majority of her is still invisible
somehow she’s still a stranger,
just strangers who because of their own messed up loneliness,
bared their souls out to each other
and their needs and attachment
get in the way too soon blinding them,
thinking it could be something more,
something it’s not

maybe that’s all they’re meant for
Marie Word Nov 2013
An illusionist by trade, he
Could transport her from where she stands
To a magical spring rumored
To harbor manatees that turn
Into mermaids under the sun.

He needs only one volunteer
To help him spin the great machine
Until its wheels move too quickly
To see the metal spokes between
Its three hubs and rotating rims.

Two persons, four legs, and three wheels,
Travel through time and cross the space
Between the parking lot and springs –
Voila! All appear safe and sound
At the edge of Wakulla’s gem.

And in a moment – close your eyes!
Now open them to see the sun
Shining for the first time all day,
All the way down to the bottom
Where the manatees swim and dream.

The mammoth manatees awake
And begin to grow back their scales.
They transform and wait patiently
For the human girl to toss her
Wished-upon shell into the spring.

She finds the one and makes a wish,
Then closes her eyes once again,
While the practiced illusionist
Works his magic hidden by smoke,
And the shell falls from her fingers.

It floats to the coldest waters,
Slowly shifting back and forth as
Though it were swimming – and it is!
Transformed into a mystical
Creature, it sets the mermaids free.

The human girl jumps up and down
With glee at the beautiful sight:
Shimmering scales and flowing hair
Dart through water in their delight
And invite her to join and play.

The girl jumps in and kicks her feet
But must come up for air to breathe.
The illusionist watches this
From the sandy shore and he – ****!
Bubbles at her feet slowly form

Into one glittering green tail
And her hair grows several feet,
Turning to gold under water.
The girl smiles wide and dives to
Join the joyful, playful mermaids.

They jump and swim and practice tricks,
Splashing around under the sun,
But the girl missed her life on shore
And looked longingly at the sand.
The illusionist saw this, too.

Since she had been the one to free
The mermaids from their trapped bodies,
He thought to grant her one last wish
And with a puff of brim fire smoke,
She was transported back to shore.

Her adventure complete, she spun
The wheels of the illusionist’s
Magic machine and was brought home
With the help of her companion,
The great entertainer himself.
barnoahMike Jan 2011
How may I introduce these people  to YOU  ,  in a way that will Not make fun of them,  but rather,  just simply Identify them !               Identified by their present achievements and Job functions..              PERHAPS,    they are always this way__.                 SO, in my studies of Mankind,     HOW to Label All those who are  "FULL OF * S __! "                               Such as the following List ! !                                                                ­                            #1=STIFLESKILLSMAN=   A person who has been highly trained to Stop you from going the direction you were trying to go !                                                          #2= STIFLECOATING=   A spray you can apply ALL over your body to keep  a "STIFLESKILLSMAN"      away!!!!                                  ­                                       # 3= SHUNHAT=  A cap you can wear on days when NO one is paying  any attention to you,,AND,,"Thats the way You want it ! ! "                                                           # 4= SEEMEEARWAX = A wax placed on the surface of both ears that GLOWS in the dark and in bright Light it changes colors every "SIX" Seconds,  SO people will really pay attention to YOU ! !  __                 *W A R N I N G_____W A R N I N G *.        "Never apply *SEEMEEARAX  when wearing a  "SHUNHAT " !                                           #5= STUNNINGLOSS=  a spray for your hair and neck,   that as it Dries,  becomes like a Rainbow  and causes People to ask__"Where's the ***?"                                                            ­                           # 6= SWORDGAS=   The odor produced by people who must have come out of the swamp Just Recently...Because it *CUTS  so Deep.....   # 7= SWORDGAS=PAIR=  *TWO people of the SWORDGAS  squad,  SHARPLY Gassing their words in unison,  uplifting one another in Endless delight!.                                                        ­                                                        # 8= SNOOZESTOMPINGER =  A Device you wear like an Engagement ring,,to Keep YOU  awake  .                                                    ­          # 9 =  SIGHTGIMMICKLENS =    Glasses that only let you SEE what has been Pre=Programmed in the Lens,,{ a PC approved}..                        # 10 = STARTERSTALLS  Like band-aids placed right under your eyes to keep you from getting out of bed before it's time.                             # 11 = SWEATTYSLIDES = SPECIAL gloves that make it appear that you are about to LOSE control   { WHEN  actually,,puts YOU in TOTAL control of all situations for a 24 hour period ! }                                 # 12 = SUDDENLYSUPER = A really fast acting Spray that on days when you are just not QUITE up to Par!    Just a fast SPRAY_ and *VOILA,    Sudden appearance of doing just fine !!                                        * WELL,   I  have a list of Seven times Seventy, to add,,                                  *(PS)  Do You know any of  *"S"  TEAM ,,?
copyright 2011     barnoahMike                              Mike Ham
james nordlund Jun 2020
All saw united **** of assassin's Gov't's premeditated taking
a knee for 9 minutes on George Floyd's neck, the **** cop
calmly looking into the camera, an assassination for many
reasons, who's seeing past the 'show', following the $?

Ebony, ivory supremacies repeating their victory of 2016's
(Only) Black Lives Matters participation in the Int'l criminal
conspiracy's installing **** into the Black House, etc.,
determining their dividing the nation, in perfect harmony.

Like the bi-headed, Utin and Utin's ****, global axi of
supposed power has re-established, East, West, you're
either totalitarian or not-see, and if not you're murdered
by both, now either Black or white supremacist, or die.

For 15 years ebony has dictated Caucasians call themselves
"white", "be proud of being white", make believe they have
"white privilege", to the benefit of division, ivory, when
there's no "whites", and almost no non-repubs thought it.

That while the reality is their class war against the lower-
middle-class to poor, the boot on our neck, by the police/
military/intelligence complexes, is all 23 flavors of the
baskin + robbins of supremacies, usa, the global oligarchy.

Criminal insanity, that illegally installed the Int'l crime
family **** into the Blackhouse: repubs, conservatives, global
hackers, wicked leaks, J. Assange, usa intelligence/military/
police/prison industrial complexes, J. Comey, R. Barr, C. + K.

West, J. Stein, 13 % of Bernie or Bust 'Bots voting **** and
another % that stopped the youth vote from getting behind a
"not perfect" Hillary, "boat loads" of organized crime $ from
Russia, Ukraine, white supremacy, sinos, linos, ginos, ainos,

dinos, Moore for hawking 'trumpland' entitled book for months
before the election while projecting **** "would win", a % of
the elite of the black supremacy, etc., just allowed the not-
sees, totalitarians to destroy, ****** at an increased clip,

now add premeditated pandemic, ebony/ivory dictated duality,
racial environmental justice "only my environment matters"
movement and voila, the end of the climate crisis movement,
total extermination of humanity to it's extinction, in a can.

It's not a coinky-**** that the "knee" was taken upon the
news that "Biden was considering not choosing a woman of the
right color, Black".  For Ebony figures "if they're not get-
ting a Black president now, through a Black VP pick, they

might as well just put up with 4 more years of ****.  Biden,
Sanders, Warren, etc., will have aged out, Booker, Harris,
Patrick, etc., will be sitting pretty for the 'once you go
Black you never go back' prez job.", same as it ever was.  

Even though the 'show' was able to pull a Mattis out of their
hat, supposedly legitimizing not just the military, but the
republican conspiracy, during this 15th anniv. of the 'use'
of Katrina to "clean out the bowl", and "let the river take

what's the river's", exterminate the lower-middle-class to
poor, gentrify, militarize NOLA by purposely not preventing
the failing of the levees by 2005, by Reagan "we got 300
buses but no drivers" Nagin, Gov. Blanco, etc., to the tune

of mass-murdering going on 3000 predominantly lower-middle-
class to poor, mostly people of color, like king george and
his ****, cheney didn't the terrorist attacks of 9-11-01 and
serial murderers masquerading as cops don't daily terrorist

attacks, their one-sided and continual coverage of the
"current controversy", as ebony and the 'Blackish' lead
actor called the premeditated murderer of some women, ******,
kidnapper of 100's more, B. Cosby, was suffering from, is

clear, keeping the faux opening news out.  No ebony racist
comments, like the Houston Police Chief who repeatedly stated
throughout the day that "the looters were white" only, were
even remarked on.  The lock, ebony and ivory, the fix is in,

if it ain't fixed don't break it.  All the smoke and mirrors,
song and dance, show, weapons of mass distraction, to take
the news cycles off the too early "opening of the country",
pandemic, by ebony for ivory, in the world can't change the

facts, even though it's death toll is only 111,000 by their
accounts, actually 122,000, and there's going on 2 million
infected, there will be an extra 100,000 murdered by ****'s
policies and lack thereof in handling his virus circus.

That there's more prisoners, defacto-slave laborers now than
the number of slaves at the height of the slave trade, here,
not spoken about because ebony, ivory are both the corporate
structure, global oligarchy that it enriches, won't change.

See how the assassinations of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor,
George Floyd, have paid ivory by ebony, like they did in 2016
to stop there being a minimum of 16 years straight of 'white'
prezs, Hillary and Tom.  Their deaths and the aftermath being

used now to cover up the premeditated ****** of 10,000's of
Blacks by ****, because ebony + ivory, working together in
perfect harmony to fill every news cycle now and for months,
want 'the economy open', to make them more $ now, instead

of saving all those Black lives who don't actually matter to
them at all, 'cause it's all about the benjamins, instead.  
Biden should pick a progressive woman to cement Bernie
voters, if not, then a liberal one of color, no particular hue.  

'De-funding police dept.s', etc., should wait until after the
election, unless ebony's insisting **** wins to get a Black
prez in 2024, instead.  The determined Winter of our death,
extermination to come, will surpass their class warfare's

liquidation of ases and assets of the masses en masse's
increased rate of blitzkreiging Gaia's kids to their
extinction.  Now it seems too late, their 'use' of pandemic
to subjugate the world to survival instead of alival,

exigency instead of humanity, has closed eyes, minds, pulled
the rug out....  But, "...we(e),..." can't be over-confident,
apathetic, cynical, complacent, nihilistic, pessimistic,
burned-out, for supposed anarchy is the global bi-polar axi

of supposed power's mutual modus operendi, to determine
la machine's chaos, and the division it causes, increases
vacuum-up economics to the global oligarchy, replicating the
'show' that must goes on, including colonialism, hegemony,

patriarchy, imperialism, supremacy, conspiracy, etc..  If you
didn't vote Hillary you voted Utin and his **** be installed
into the Black House.  There's public records of who did and
didn't do what, please stop them from doing it again, or die.

Protect, occupy, GOTV, "you can't dismantle the man's house
with the man's tools", Lordes, notseeism and totalitarianism.  
"The root of all oppression lies in (supposed) science",
Gandhi.  If you're not taking bullets you're making them.  
Viva la vida, solidaridad, la evolucion   :)   reality
The normal they want to return to, northern malaise, euro-centrism and projections of academia, a blood disease, have always flown in the face of necessity, progress and the need for humanity to even be allowed to exist.  Yet, now with coronaing of everyone going on, that desire for normalcy and return of norms takes on new hues; some very human and even desirable.  That while the purposeful too early opening of the country has already determined that being pandemiced is the new normal for at minimum a year (possibly permanently); until we get a vaccine or more life-saving treatment possibilities.  This has all opened many eyes to the disparaging realities of pre-pandemic America, where the life expectancy of people of color, and more so, the lower-middle-class to poor, were predominantly still only being addressed by their getting the establishment’s projected healthcare for them, eat st and die.  That goes for sociological maladies as well, for e.g., the lower-middle-class to poor suffering oppression from serial murderers masquerading as cops; police brutality tantamount to a incurable birth defect of all poor.  The injustice system and their dictating everybody accused of anything must plead guilty to a lesser charge or face the draconian rage of la machine’s dictating they get little lousy representation in fixed trials that most of the time determine ******* up or false convictions and incarcerations unequal to the reality of the circumstances that took place.  I wish I weren’t diffabled to the point where I can’t be at the front of these demonstrations for real change taking place now; as I had been for decades in the past- yet, still am doing all I can.  Thanx to you and All for doing all you do; have a great day    :)    reality
Cunning Linguist Aug 2014

Prepare for the magic act

Hypnotically launching attacks
upon the helpless masses

Won't pull a rabbit from a hat,
Rather false-flaggish gaffs
Practically exposed to radioactive madness
(Feel the hurt disappear like doves
Gloriously soaring out your ***)

Hijack these hijinks
Whilst laughing maniacally  
Tornado alley to the trailer-park mentality
I call this a helluva brainstorm,
High-velocity lethality
Compose yourselves
Are your brain-stems intact?  

-Okay. Now

the                                                            ­                                       swing
my                                                      ­                                    pendulous

p          e      ­    n          m          a          n           s           h          i          p

Drearily drift into dreamy trance,
While I attempt
to initialize a feat
of mass hypnotization
Enchantingly dip
into deep illusory corridors
of thoughts limitless

(Pay no attention
to any slippage,
Mental or otherwise
It's already dripping out your ears
& the seat of your pants)
Real ****,
no gimmicks!


Gaze into my crystal ball
Mouths agape in awe
While I slay and lay waste
indiscriminate to the faceless plague
Come one, come all!

Phantom sorcerer I am, conjuring
unfathomable horrors
To the collective mind
procured through sleight-of-hand


Still with us?
Alright, hold your breath
until you finally wake up
And illuminate the bogus
Hocus pocus front

♠     ♥     ♣     ♦
Shuffle the deck,
Reset Earth's debts
In a fabulous show
of  m i s d i r e c t i o n
♠     ♥     ♣     ♦

Now, Ladies & Gents!
For my final performance
With this rope,
Suspended from the throat
I am going to bulls-eye myself
In the frontal lobe
In front of all you people
With this
.40 caliber desert eagle!

Graciously donated by our very own NWO
This one's sure to be mind-blowing folks.
Nat Lipstadt Sep 2013
It is where it is, not where you are...

Switched this week from ice coffee,
Back to hot, on September Thirteenth.

The chain busted,
No Adirondack throne, no audiences of
Southbound geese, my new ******* fans,
No **** arrogant deer
Pitying the stupid humans,
Occupying their lands.
No racing rabbits, crickets underfoot,
And in the house,
No raccoons bigger than a colt.

No just living, breathing eyes, seeing paradiso,
No place for god to come visit to chill,
And ask for atonement for chemical weapons

No bay waves soulfully soothing,
No sun, no cherries by command,
The breeze, voila, a nasty cold wind,
The bath-waves ain't no **** substitute,
Not-Near good enough,
No matter how hard I splash.

**** right I was worried.
I lifted up my eyes to the mountains—
From where will my poetry come from?

From men.
From women.
From you-reminding me,
It is where it is, not where you are...

It is here in the unread tragedies,
The wails so plain, repetitive,
The screams that never cease, the
Poems, yours, that deserve ten thousand likes,
But die ignored, despite, my best efforts.

It is in the newspapers,
Chroniclers of our daily,
And papal words, that lift a jew's heart,
That poems get birthed.

It is in the woman's dictums
About doing this and that
And where that is most preferred.

Point made. Quitting time.
It is where it is, not where you are...
That about sums up my morning...
whilst waltzing towards the purple moon
here's a bowl of lavender tea
swallow it up, tactfully
mulberry chill. Voila  !
afternoon revealed
Honeymoon concealed
Third Mate Third Jan 2015
for pennies, an app
to do the heavy lifting,
rhymes, pentameter,
all the quatrains ya ever needed

strained fever, emotions rampant,
insufficient and unnecessary conditions
for poverty poetry evocation,
even autocorrects insipid
really bad tiresome love poems,
après endless generation (degeneration?)

who needs you

you think
no such animal

you be write

for the art of life
cannot be mechanized

wrote a poem,
a wistful sad lament
on mothers losing children,
a prayer, a yelling, a condemnation,
the app was,
on this subject
un étranger
of silence
in all languages

you can buy love
but you cannot buy pain

too costly and
3D printers
give you plastic, disingenuous
wholly unsatisfactory

for a lousy $1.99
I'll write you customized,
supply the situation,
a few descriptive phrases,
60 minutes later,
et voila!

am you app,
am your scrivener,
don't do roses or violets
but yes to
rhythm and blues

will take
but no credit cards

you may take my words
as you own,
take my credit,
but I won't take yours...

I am app human,
bring me your lush, winsome,
plain vanilla, tutti frutti,
all acceptable,
for where the real stuff
comes from

I have only mined
the surface,
the veins beneath
richness for the asking
meet where the broad rivers both
empty and fill the oceans,
takers and givers,
swapping fluids constant,
loyal ******, from the sky, robbing,
selling what isn't theirs to the soil,

for this is the human condition,
the foaming eddys where
life becomes words becomes life
Andrew Parker Jan 2014
Wanted Ad Poem

I've decided enough is enough.
I'm putting out an advertisement on every dating website,
It will read at the top:

Man or Woman,
scratch that binary.
Regardless of gender or sexuality,
Seeking a person who can communicate.
Someone who chooses words wisely
and even better knows how to use them,
not to wound you, but to woo you.

Physical features need not apply
all stripes, squares, and bulges of variety are acceptable,
as long as they limit their smoking to while drinking,
I can't stand a cigarette smell on furniture in the house.
That was a simple request.

Maybe I should ask for something in greater detail.
Must appreciate new experiences,
whether of the culinary variety
or involving outdoorsy adventures.
Don't worry about being good at it,
I only know how to pitch one kind of tent after all.
Although I admit I am savvy with a spatula in the kitchen.

TV isn't a big deal, neither are books or music.
Those things tend to blend when you meet someone anyways.
But the really important one is to enjoy cuddling.
When I say cuddling I mean the Olympic sport!

Apply the golden standard,
have at least 2 of the 5:
car, apartment, job, schooling, beautiful smile.
A laugh that makes me smile is worth bonus points.
... whatever you're supposed to do with those - I have no clue.

Voila - It seems like I need to meet myself
and fall in love with what I see.
Because lately when I look in the mirror,
there's a stranger staring back at me.
Someone who I don't know or ask how he's doing.
Lately I don't even take the time to say hello.

I think this guy has a lot of potential,
but I'm scared to really let him into my life,
you see I heard he is insecure at times
and might not like me back in that kinda way.

I need to figure out a way to make him
fall deeply, madly, in love with me.

I should pamper him,
take him out to dinner just the two of us.
We don't need others' company after all.

I should take a walk with him outside
for no real reason at all..
We could even go somewhere in public,
maybe to a club or store at the mall,

I should just show him these things so he can understand
that he doesn't need others' company at all.
He is fine with just me in his life,
the best part is he'd have nobody else to please.
Nobody else to cast on him their needs.
Nobody else to keep him from being free.

It seems like all this stranger needs
is everything in my wanted ad.
It seems like all I need is me,
if I could just learn to appreciate my own company.
Tana Young Nov 2023
For all that ensues, I will heed

Drinking on individual circumstance
Apprehension swims
Manipulating his fluids

Liquid intentionality
Soaked in contamination
Justified with wounds

The wetness of iniquity
He is glossed in it

Questionably bitter.


After ALL this,
I'm still drowning in his adoration

I'm treading his thawed spine,
until his fleshy affections have (also) started dripping

My body, slippery with him
Readily tasting the drips

Somehow, his dampness is so candied
I'm honeyed with each lick

He is very, very vivid to all that is me
He managed to preserve his fragrancy

Unquestionably sweet.
Carl Halling Jul 2015
Early days as a flaneur;
I recall the couple
On the Metro
When I was still innocent
Of its labyrinthine complexities;
Slim pretty white girl,
Clad head to toe
In new blue denim,
Wistfully smiling
While her muscular black beau
Stared straight through me
With fathomless, fulgorous orbs;
And one of them spoke
(Almost in a whisper):
"Qu'est-ce que t'en pense?"
Then it dawned on me...
The slender young Parisienne
With the distant desirous eyes
Was no less male than I.

Being screamed at in Pigalle,
And then howled at again
By some kind of wild-eyed
Drifter who told me to go
To the Bois de Boulogne to seek
What he clearly saw as my destiny;
Getting ****** in Les Halles
With Sara
Who'd just seen Dillon as
Rusty James,
And was walking around in a daze;
Sara again with Jade
At the Caveau de la Huchette.
Cash squandered
On a cheap gold-plated toothbrush,
Portrait sketched at the Place du Tertre,
Paperback books
By Symbolist poets,
Second hand volumes
By Trakl and Deleve,
And a leather jacket from
The flea market
At the Porte de Clignancourt.
Metro taken to Montparnasse,
Where I slowly sipped
A demi blonde
In one of those brasseries
Immortalised by Brassai;
Bewhiskered old man
In a naval officer's cap,
His table bestrewn
With empty wine bottles
And cigarette butts,
Repeatedly screeched the name
"Phillippe!" until a bartender
With patent leather hair,
Filled his wineglass to the brim,
With a mock-obsequious:
"Voila, mon Captaine!"
I cut into the Rue du Bac,
Traversed the Pont Royal,
Briefly beheld
With its gothic tower,
Constructed only latterly,
In order that
The 6th Century church
Might complement
The style of the remainder
Of the 1er Arrondissement,
Before steering for the
Place du Chatelet,
And onwards...Les Halles!
"Tales of a Paris Flaneur" is a relatively new work in its present form, having been based partly on a story written in about 1987 (and subsequently destroyed), and partly on material written specifically for what became the autobiographical novel, "Rescue of a Rock and Roll Child".
nd Aug 2021
I guess, lately, poem has no rule.
You can write every words in it and voila, it is poem.

Like this one.
Swetank Modi Sep 2015
Barbarians, and archers, and goblins oh my !
Restless in army camps for the raiding is nigh.
The builders are busy setting up my next plot,
Deciding where the mortar can pull off the best shot.

A chop and a cut, and voila ! More land to use,
Setting up decorations, all cast as a ruse.
I look to my shield, and the icon says “none”,
If I don’t request troops soon I’ll surely be done!
I prepare to attack, but don’t like what I see,
So “next” I press, and hope for a camp that’s easy !
Aha! I exclaim as I find a weak prey,
Gold walls or not, I’ll be claiming victory this day !

Giants come rumbling, to cause some destruction,
Followed by wall breakers to remove all obstruction.
With holes now aplenty, in come the rest of the crew,
To pilfer and plunder and do what they do.
100% !!! And 3 stars the finale,
Plus 35 more trophies to add to my tally.
Mission completed, I set back to my camp,
A smile on my face feeling like a real champ !

The day’s at an end so off goes the phone,
In the middle of the night I hear a familiar tone.
I reach for my ipad and what do I see,
****** ! I’ve been raided by PãRāß@pk !!!
With shields now up for the next 16 hours,
My resources are safe and I can upgrade my towers !
And thus ends the day’s tale of cast spells and flighted arrow,
Don’t worry Clash of clans, I’ll be back tomorrow !!!
Butch Decatoria Jan 2019
... he points his toes
like a swan stretching its neck :
smooth shaved calves in fish-nets
to slip into stiletto heels,
        performance art of a deceptive nymph

... grace on fine-point tips : his gift - gentille lace
Stage lighting and mace
impersonation or personification of feminine beauty
leporine lithely limned
delicate dancer
       it is almost as if floating across water
       he mimicked once more before
some inner mother's nature took over

façade of savored tastes - savoir faire
voila! a star in it's place ...

... It is her face when the night creates a cape
borne with Van Gogh plumes sufficed with self
she paints upon his face : starry nights
sun-flowers, irises covering the welts...
comparably museum worthy, imitation flames
yet like any other canvas
          beneath it could lie disappointment and mistake
          drafts of inspiration, cover-ups of cynicism
          another creature - some creation unlike him
what was before / behind soft curtains / kept behind his in-betweens unseen (*****) stage hands spot light polishing knobs “my name is Job…”
but what if ...
... the truth and what presently others see
Diva or DILF
     to believe or not convincingly
could be / only amateurs who attempt:
moments unfeeling under layers & layers
of blush / trial and errors / sharp contempt
Sunken cheeks of graveyard sheep
Lip syncing nubile twinks insomniacs
Dry shave stubble style…

      would you wipe away Mona Lisa's
      smile so devilish with wicked secret
just to uncover blemished a masterpiece:
an ugly Danish duckling underneath ?

To  prove his swan-lake / a gent

... to evolve from broken eggshells
become a song sung timely
hummed & remembered well
(hells bells and *****)
Drag queens’
priceless history / murals' on passing face
No broken naughts
While performing down his lace
      define yourself, she affirms her mirrors...
The harsh flight of life from the embers,
      happiness pursuant to tender
Fully free with goddess grace,

it is the power of creativity / the spirit's ability
to overcome adversity
the art of divinity - that is
what he is practicing  
                                 This trumpeter
                                 swan in stiletto heels...
Repost final edit.
Adam était fort amoureux.
Maigre comme un clou, les yeux creux ;
Son Ève était donc bien heureuse
D'être sa belle Ève amoureuse,
Mais... fiez-vous donc à demain !
Un soir, en promenant sa main
Sur le moins beau torse du monde,
Ah !... sa surprise fut profonde !
Il manquait une côte... là.
Tiens ! Tiens ! que veut dire cela ?
Se dit Ève, en baissant la tête.
Mais comme Ève n'était pas bête,
Tout d'abord Ève ne fit rien
Que s'en assurer bel et bien.
« Vous, Madame, avec cette mine ?
Qu'avez-vous donc qui vous chagrine ? »
Lui dit Adam, le jour suivant.
« Moi, rien... dit Ève... c'est... le vent. »
Or, le vent donnait sous la plume,
Contrairement à sa coutume.
Un autre eût été dépité,
Mais comme il avait la gaieté
Inaltérable de son âge,
Il s'en fut à son jardinage
Tout comme si de rien n'était.

Cependant, Ève s'em...bêtait
Comme s'ennuie une Princesse.
« Il faut, nom de Dieu ! que ça cesse »,
Se dit Ève, d'un ton tranchant.
« Je veux le voir, oui, sur-le-champ »,
Je dirai : « Sire, il manque à l'homme
Une côte, c'est sûr ; en somme,
En général, ça ne fait rien,
Mais ce général, c'est le mien.
Il faut donc la lui donner vite.
Moi, j'ai mon compte, ça m'évite
De vous importuner ; mais lui,
N'a pas le sien, c'est un ennui.
Ce détail me gâte la fête.
Puisque je suis toute parfaite,
J'ai bien droit au mari parfait.
Il ne peut que dire : en effet »,
Ici la Femme devint... rose,

« Et s'il dit, prenant mal la chose :
« Ton Adam n'est donc plus tout nu !
Que lui-même il n'est pas venu ?
A-t-il sa langue dans sa poche ?
Sur la mèche où le cœur s'accroche,
La casquette à n'en plus finir ?
Est-il en train de devenir...
Soutenu ?... » Que répliquerai-je ?
La Femme ici devint... de neige.

Sitôt qu'Adam fut de retour
Ève passa ses bras autour
Du cou, le plus fort de son monde,
Et, renversant sa tête blonde,
Reçut deux grands baisers joyeux ;
Puis fermant à demi les yeux,
Pâmée au rire de sa bouche,
Elle l'attira vers sa couche,
Où, commençant à s'incliner,
L'on se mit à se lutiner.
Soudain : « Ah ! qu'as-tu là ? » fit Ève.
Adam parut sortir d'un rêve.
« Là... mais, rien... », dit-il. « Justement,
Tu n'as rien, comme c'est charmant !
Tu vois, il te manque une côte.
Après tout, ce n'est pas ta faute,
Tu ne dois pas te tourmenter ;
Mais sur l'heure, il faut tout quitter,
Aller voir le Prince, et lui dire
Ce qu'humblement ton cœur désire ;
Que tu veux ta côte, voilà.
Or, pour lui, qu'est-ce que cela ?
Moins que rien, une bagatelle. »
Et prenant sa voix d'Immortelle :
« Allons ! Monsieur... tout de ce pas. »
Ève changea de ritournelle,
Et lorsqu'Adam était... sur elle,
Elle répétait d'un ton las :
« Pourquoi, dis, que tu m'aimes pas ? »
« Mais puisque ça ne se voit pas »,
Dit Adam. « Ça se sent », dit Ève,
Avec sa voix sifflante et brève.

Adam partit à contrecœur,
Car dans le fond il avait peur
De dire, en cette conjoncture,
À l'Auteur de la créature :
Vous avez fait un pas de clerc
En ratant ma côte, c'est clair.
Sa démarche impliquait un blâme.
Mais il voulait plaire à sa femme.

Ève attendit une heure vingt
Bonnes minutes ; il revint
Souriant, la mine attendrie,
Et, baisant sa bouche fleurie,
L'étreignant de son bras musclé :
« Je ne l'ai pas, pourtant je l'ai.
Je la tiens bien puisque je t'aime,
Sans l'avoir, je l'ai tout de même. »

Ève, sentant que ça manquait
Toujours, pensa qu'il se moquait ;
Mais il lui raconta l'histoire
Qu'il venait d'apprendre, il faut croire,
De l'origine de son corps,
Qu'Ève était sa côte, et qu'alors...
La chose...

« Ah ! c'est donc ça..., dit-elle,
Que le jour, oui, je me rappelle,
Où nous nous sommes rencontrés
Dans les parterres diaprés,
Tu m'as, en tendant tes mains franches,
Dit : « Voici la fleur de mes branches,
Et voilà le fruit de ma chair ! »
« En effet, ma chère ! »

« Ah !... mon cher !
J'avais pris moi cette parole
Au figuré... Mais j'étais folle ! »

« Je t'avais prise au figuré
Moi-même », dit Adam, paré
De sa dignité fraîche éclose
Et qui lui prêtait quelque chose
Comme un ton de maître d'hôtel,
Déjà suffisamment mortel ;
« L'ayant dit un peu comme on tousse.
Vois, quand la vérité nous pousse,
Il faut la dire, malgré soi. »

« Je ne peux pas moi comme toi »,
Fut tout ce que répondit Ève.

La nuit s'en va, le jour se lève,
Adam saisit son arrosoir,
Et : « Ma belle enfant, à ce soir ! »
Sa belle enfant ! pauvre petite !
Elle, jadis sa... favorite,
Était son enfant, à présent.
Quoi ? Ce n'était pas suffisant
Qu'Adam n'eût toujours pas sa côte,
À présent c'était de sa faute !
Elle en avait les bras cassés !
Et ce n'était encore assez.
Il fallait cette côte absente
Qu'elle en parût reconnaissante !

Doux Jésus !
Tout fut bien changé.

Ève prit son air affligé,
Et lorsqu'Adam parmi les branches
Voyait bouder ses... formes blanches
Et que, ne pouvant s'en passer,
Il accourait, pour l'embrasser,
Tout rempli d'une envie affreuse :
« Ah ! que je suis donc malheureuse ! »
Disait Ève, qui s'affalait.

Enfin, un jour qu'Adam parlait
D'une voix trop brusque et trop haute :
« Pourquoi, dis, que t'as pas ta côte ? »

« Voyons ! vous vous... fichez de moi !
Tu le sais bien,... comment, c'est toi,
Toi, ma côte, qui se réclame ! »
« Ça n'empêche pas, dit la Femme,
À ta place, j'insisterais. »

« Si je faisais de nouveaux frais,
Dit Adam, j'aurais trop de honte.
Nous avons chacun notre compte,
Toi comme moi, tu le sais bien,
Et le Prince ne nous doit rien ;
Car nul en terme de boutique
Ne tient mieux son arithmétique. »
Ce raisonnement était fort,
Ève pourtant n'avait pas tort.

Sur ces entrefaites, la femme
S'en vint errer, le vague à l'âme,
Autour de l'arbre défendu.
Le serpent s'y trouvait pendu
Par la queue, il leva la tête.
« Ève, comme vous voilà faite ! »
Dit-il, en la voyant venir.

La pauvre Ève n'y put tenir ;
Elle lui raconta sa peine,
Et même fit voir... une veine.
Le bon Vieux en parut navré.
« Tiens ! Tiens ! dit-il ; c'est pourtant vrai.
Eh ! bien ! moi : j'ai votre remède ;
Et je veux vous venir en aide,
Car je sais où tout ça conduit.
Écoute-moi, prends de ce fruit. »
« Oh ! non ! » dit Ève « Et la défense ? »
« Ton prince est meilleur qu'il ne pense
Et ne peut vous faire mourir.
Prends cette pomme et va l'offrir
À ton mari, pour qu'il en mange,
Et, dit, entr'autres choses, l'Ange,
Parfaits alors, comme des Dieux,
En lui, plus de vide odieux !
Vois quelle épine je vous ôte.
Ce pauvre Adam aura sa côte. »
C'était tout ce qu'Ève voulait.
Le fruit était là qui parlait,
Ève étendît donc sa main blanche
Et le fit passer de la branche
Sous sa nuque, dans son chignon.

Ève trouva son compagnon
Qui dormait étendu sur l'herbe,
Dans une pose peu superbe,
Le front obscurci par l'ennui.

Ève s'assit auprès de lui,
Ève s'empara de la pomme,
Se tourna du côté de l'Homme
Et la plaçant bien sous son nez,
**** de ses regards étonnés :
« Tiens ! regarde ! la belle pêche ! »
- « Pomme », dit-il d'une voix sèche.
« Pêche ! Pêche ! » - « Pomme. » - « Comment ?
Ce fruit d'or, d'un rose charmant,
N'est pas une pomme bien ronde ?
Voyons !... demande à tout le monde ? »
- « Qui, tout le monde ? » Ève sourit :
« J'ai dit tout le monde ? » et reprit,
Lui prenant doucement la tête :
« Eh ! oui, c'est une pomme, bête,
Qui ne comprends pas qu'on voulait
T'attraper... Ah ! fi ! que c'est laid !
Pour me punir, mon petit homme,
Je vais t'en donner, de ma pomme. »
Et l'éclair de son ongle luit,
Qui se perd dans la peau du fruit.

On était au temps des cerises,
Et justement l'effort des brises,
Qui soufflait dans les cerisiers,
En fit tomber une à leurs pieds !

« Malheureuse ! que vas-tu faire ? »
Crie Adam, rouge de colère,
Qui soudain a tout deviné,
Veut se saisir du fruit damné,
Mais l'homme avait trouvé son maître.
« Je serai seule à la commettre »,
Dit Ève en éloignant ses bras,
Si hautaine... qu'il n'osa pas.

Puis très tranquillement, sans fièvres,
Ève met le fruit sur ses lèvres,
Ève le mange avec ses dents.

L'homme baissa ses yeux ardents
Et de ses mains voila sa face.

« Moi, que voulez-vous que j'y fasse ?
Dit Ève ; c'est mon bon plaisir ;
Je n'écoute que mon désir
Et je le contente sur l'heure.
Mieux que vous... qu'a-t-il donc ? il pleure !
En voulez-vous ?
Non, et pourquoi ?
Vous voyez, j'en mange bien, moi.
D'ailleurs, songez qu'après ma faute
Nous ne vivrons plus côte à côte,
On va nous séparer... c'est sûr,
On me l'a dit, par un grand mur.
En voulez-vous ? »
Lui, tout en larmes,
S'enfonçait, songeant à ses charmes,
Dans le royaume de Sa voix.
Enfin, pour la dernière fois
Prenant sa tête qu'Ève couche,
« En veux-tu, dis ? Ouvre ta bouche ! »

Et c'est ainsi qu'Adam mangea
À peu près tout, Ève déjà
N'en ayant pris qu'une bouchée ;
Mais Ève eût été bien fâchée
Du contraire, pour l'avenir.
Il a besoin de devenir
Dieu, bien plus que moi, pensait-Elle.

Quand l'homme nous l'eut baillé belle,
Tu sais ce qui lors arriva ;
Le pauvre Adam se retrouva
Plus bête qu'avant, par sa faute.
Car s'il eût su plaindre sa côte,
Son Ève alors n'eût point péché ;
De plus, s'il se fût attaché
À son Prince, du fond de l'âme,
S'il n'eût point écouté sa femme,
Ton cœur a déjà deviné
Que le Seigneur eût pardonné,
Le motif d'Ève, au fond valable,
N'ayant pas eu pour détestable
Suite la faute du mari.

Lequel plus **** fut bien chéri
Et bien dorloté par « sa chère »,
Mais quand, mécontent de la chère,
Il disait : « Je suis trop bon, moi !
- Sans doute, disait Ève, toi,
T'es-un-bon-bonhomme, sur terre,
Mais... tu n'as pas de caractère ! »
And then I found a writer in myself
When my happiness cuddled me
When my sorrow engulfed me
When my heart prayed, words bubbled
Then my pen on paper scribbled
Voila ! Poetry was born.

And then I found a writer in myself
When I heard winds whisper, read earth's verse
When I listened to rivers sing, woods converse
When I dipped in waters of my soul
Then my vocabulary danced on paper
Viola ! Poetry was born.

And then I found a writer in myself
When my tears, laughters discovered a vent
When my imaginations, thoughts found emancipation
When my soul dictated, poured and positioned words
Then I articulated on paper.
Voila ! Poetry was born.

And then I found a writer in myself
When I eavesdropped on my conscience
When I recorded notes from my heartbeats
When I breathed fragrance of spiritual perfume
Then I inhaled emotions and exhaled words
Voila ! Poetry was born.
K W Blenkhorn Feb 2013
I wish inspiration could be injected
intravenously, without delay. That
I could wrap a rubber band around
   my arm and pull it tight with my
teeth. Then give myself several swi-
ft slaps with my middle and index
fingers to the inside crook of my arm
to pop the vein. Then without look-
ing, (because I am afraid of needles)
slowly insert the thin metal spear in
my skin and puncture the vein. Draw
back a bit of blood and watch it mix
with my concoction. Then voila: ins-
   tant inspiration.

        If only I could buy words by the bot-
tle, so I could guzzle them down by
the quart. And they could mix and
swirl, swash and stir, with all my
other ****** fluids. They could seep
into my veins, via my stomach lining,
and warm my body with a toxic glow.
The words would blur my vision, mu-
ddy my senses, and stumble my step.  
Then, after I consume more words th-
an I can handle, I would projectile vo-
mit and spew the words all over the
page. Then the next morning I could
rearrange the words into something
   remotely coherent.

But there is no such luck.

Instead I have to go toe-to-toe with
each word, each syllable, with the
utmost precision and vigilance.
And let me tell you, these word “St-
ing like a butterfly and float like a
bee”. I give a left jab, a right hook,
a shot to the kidneys, but it does
no good. Most of the time I am on
   my heels; forced to be on the defense
But of course I take a hit, or twenty-
two. Until I am punch drunk,
and everything is brilliant to me.
DiamondGirl Aug 2014
I am not that far
Put on your play list
Open a coke
And Voila!
Matloob Bokhari Sep 2014
Matloob Bokhari

Come, aye Come!
O the beauty of heaven!
Night in richly coloured dress is welcoming, come!
O the glory of stars!
Night stars like diamonds are welcoming, come!
O the ornament of moon!
In your absence, bright moon is welcoming,
O the queen of sky!
Scented air in night freshness is welcoming, come!
O the north polar star!
Moth orbiting around light has utterly consumed
Without form or body, is a part of beauty, come!
O the queen of light!
Carol of birds is playing melody sweet in tune.
My heart beating; cold callous gale started blowing.
Night has rolled hours away; moist has dampened my heart.
Come, aye come!!


Kristen Scott: I love this very VERY much.  This is hauntingly beautiful and  each word of the poem is flowing in my  veins  like the poetry of my favorit  poet, Federico Garcia Lorca..
Vern Ford : I can almost hear Buffy Saint Marie singing your absolutely breathtaking poems!
Laura Oliva Palacio:  Magnifique voila!!!! What a beautiful poem! With simple words, but of great significance make one clearly perceived the sweet and sensitive young hearts have inspiration in the bright universe of love and the infinite .. Thank you so much for sharing  Matloob !!!
Laura Grillo Laveglia: I love your poem. It is written in Edwardian style and this I adore!!!
Neil Perry :Refreshing and magical.

Gary Leikas: ahhhh . . . . mesmerizing music and thought . .
Kevin M. Hibshman : Amazingly beautiful...
Seul Décébale et nul Autre, me dis-tu, pourrait de sa dague d'eau bénite
Eteindre le feu qui couve sous ta carapace douce et soyeuse!
Décébale le Dace seul aurait la fougue et le courage nécessaires
Pour te faire tournoyer
Et tu dis encore que toi et Décébale ne font quasiment qu'un.

Je ne suis pas jaloux !
A Décébale ce qui appartient à Décébale
A Nul Autre ce qui appartient à Nul Autre.

Moi, comme Nul Autre pareil
Je veux juste apaiser ton feu
L'apprivoiser, l'amadouer
Pour qu'il ne te brûle pas.
Pour cela il faut que je me muscle :
Affronter le feu de Décébale n 'est pas rien,
Décébale c'est dix hommes à la fois.
Je pourrais, s'il le fallait, convoquer dix diablotins,
Dix chats-huants pour me porter assistance
Et défier Décébale en combat singulier.
Sur l'échiquier de ton corps
Mais ce serait tricher
Et tricher n'est pas jouer.
Et à vaincre sans péril on triomphe sans gloire

En conclusion :
Je cède en vertu du droit d'aînesse
A Décébale le feu. A moi le sirocco, la glace !
Pistache, coco et rhum raisins si tu le permets !

Vois-tu ce sont tes lacs glacés que je veux réchauffer,
Tes pics et tes pitons enneigés que je veux faire fondre
A petit feu sous mon vent de braise
Et que la chevauchée prenne des lustres à se consommer
Je veux que partout où tu es
Tu saches
Que je suis là au fond de toi !

Je nage comme un saumon ivre dans tes eaux glacées.
C'est seulement dans ces criques et ces fjords que j'arrive à nager
Je fais du crawl, de la brasse, du ski nautique, du paddle.
Je suis casse-cou dans tes eaux
Comme jamais je ne l'ai été.

Je fais même du surf, du plongeon
et du water polo.
Tant que tu joues avec moi
Je flotte sans bouée
Tant que tu es généreuse
Je dérive
Tant que tu te donnes sans compter
Dans notre nage synchronisée
J'existe de figures en figures.

Et pendant que je te dis tout ça
Voila que ce fieffé diablotin lève la tête,
Bombe le torse,
Et se prend pour Décébale.
Ce n'est qu'un petit pétrel diablotin,
Un simple et infime cottous à peine sorti du nid
Mais j'ai beau lui dire
Qu'il n'est pas multiple de quatre
Il se prend pour Décébale
"Tu n'es pas Dace ",
Lui ai-je pourtant dit cent fois ce matin
Mais il persiste et signe.
Il chante même à tue-tête l'hymne :
Je suis Dacien, voila ma gloire, mon espérance et mon soutien
Progress leaps, amid lulls, for three wed muses:
Innovation, imitation, contest

Imagine, visitor, a vast room full of bits of straight string
People stand all around, some scratch their heads, none moves,
Until our brave hero approaches slowly one little length,
Gives her a twist, and voila!
A circle.
A room full of straight strings, and one circle.

Seeing, some other soul thinks, aye! Crass,
Wrong, how unperfect!

Makes a circle too, from another pair of ends—
Look, look! He cries, much better!

On and on likewise, go men and strings,
Til not a single straight string remains,
Only circles, and men
Scratching heads, in none the foggiest idea
What’s to be done with a room full of circles.
ConnectHook Oct 2015
dash off an incoherent free
verse paragraph
     // moan
into a void of meaningless
superficial / pain using / random line
breaks and no caps
add some graphic words:
now add some ☠ weird symbols ω
mention yourself a lot, and then
honey-drenched //
like a dog ☃
your confused prose
        into  ☮
a poem: voila!
It's EZ ! (and boring too ☻)
but it gets READ oh yes it does
Butch Decatoria Apr 2016
... he points his toes
like a swan stretching its neck :
smooth calves in fish-nets
to slip into stiletto heels,
        performance art of a deceptive nymph

... grace on fine-point tips : his gift - in stiletto heels,
impersonation or personification of feminine beauty
leporine lithely limned
delicate dancer
       it is almost as if floating across water
       he mimicked once more before
some inner mother's nature took over
façade of savoir face - voila! a star in it's place ...

... It is her face when the night creates a cape
borne with Van Gogh plumes sufficed with self
she paints upon his face : starry nights
sun-flowers, irises covering the welts...
comparably museum worthy, imitation flames
yet like any other canvas
          beneathe it could lie disappointment and mistake
          drafts of inspiration, cover-ups of cynicism
          another creature - some creation unlike him
what was before / the curtain / is unseen, but what if ...

... the truth and process to what presently one sees
or believe
could be / only an amateur attempt:
moments unfelt under layers & layers
of trial and errors / contempt?
      would you wipe away Mona Lisa's
      smile and devilish wicked secret ?
just to uncover blemished a masterpiece:
an ugly Danish duckling underneath

to prove that swan-lake
a gent

... to evolve from broken eggshells
become a song timely hummed & remembered well
priceless history murals' on passing face
all spoken thoughts performing down the lace
      define yourself, how the flight of life from embers
      happiness pursuant to tender
Fully free with grace,
it is the power of creativity / the spirit's ability
to overcome adversity
the art of divinity - that is
what he is practicing  
                                 This trumpeter
                                 swan in stiletto heels...
DieingEmbers Oct 2012
Take two glasses of wine
add one lit candle
a dash of soft music
a pinch of amour
and let simmer all evening

add kisses to taste

and voila

One romantic evening for two.
Matalie Niller May 2012
A beautiful ******.
Watch the delicate movements;
the serenity of spirit,
the feminine grace in her gait.
She raises a glass of water to her thirsty head,
crystal coolness against youthful lips,
curious tongue.
Vital and charming, she eludes all hunters.
She outsmarts and outruns the vikings who wish
to steal her mojo, her soul.
They want to skin her,
to feel her pelt against bare, sweaty flesh;
they want to mount and stuff her
full of formaldehyde and polyester batting from Wal-Mart.
They want to lock this majestic, innocent creature
in a cell
without padding, only harsh, cold bars
and stare at her nakedness with crooked grins on grimey faces
and **** her of her will to be whole.
Even worse:
they want to love her,
to hold this creature's hands
and write intense poetry of devotion.
These lunatics want to love this poor, hideous beast
who does not want the attention.
She is a monster,
a ******* abbhorred abomination of existence,
and they wish to court her like a little lady.
Pristine. Pure.
But they are only seeing a siren, a mythical form
better left to starve on the jagged rocks of eternity
than to be admired and held in soothing arms.

— The End —