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Solaces Jun 2013
The starseed was found here on earth.... on OCT 7th 1831 it was found in a lake that had dried up due to drought... No one could really tell how long it had been there..

It was like nothing anyone had ever seen.. No form of tool could open it.. No form of energy could destory it..

From what ever was inside it waitied until it was time to be born..

April 5th 1980, a scientist discovered that this starseeds markings where that of where it had been..

The dots represented star constellations.. Orion could be seen on the bottom of the starseed.. This thing has been all over the cosmos.. Seems this is its last stop here on earth..

June 20th 2013. A young boy saw something in the starseed that everyone seemed to have missed.. The dots also shaped a form of code.. If looked at from afar you could see this code to be a strain of D.N.A..

On Oct 7th 2013 a little girl named Salem was born.. Her blood matched the code of the starseed.. Today a drop of her blood will be introduced to the starseed..
Helen Sep 2020
Grammy is an Empath, clairsentient old soul
Mommy is an Indigo, not sure if she knows
I was born a Rainbow Bear to make the planet whole
Together we will change the world, at least that is our goal
Grammy plays with honeybees, loves entomology
Mommy is a healer, she gets it naturally
I'm completely fearless, we all are HSP
At least we’re slightly different, on that we can agree
Grammy hears the trees speak, scream when they are down
Mommy sees the unborn babes by using ultrasound
I sensate most creatures before they come around
We hope to stir you deeply so offer this background
I’ll share my involution with you every now and then
Speak with you of changes by taking up a pen
Together we bee wise ones who work for truth again
The world will be lighter, though I can not tell you when...
(Little Bear speaks of Starseed, from "The Book of the Bear")
There once was a little starling
Who was born on the milky way
Surrounded by others just like her
In the constellations where they had played

One fateful night she fell out of orbit
Floating farther and further away
Surrounded by the darkest of galaxies
Wondering why she couldn’t have stayed

There were days she lost a little more stardust
Trailing behind her like a shooting star
Falling into the biggest black hole
She was scared of losing more of her parts

Surrounded by the empty darkness
She lit the darkest corner of the universe
Though she was unable to see her own light
Because too often she cared for others first

She came back to us as a 4 pointed star
Losing one of them on her journey home
Every night we formed a cluster of stars
To remind her that she was never alone

If only she knew she was a starseed
In the darkest moments is where she grows
For she became our brightest north star
Who always brought us home with hope
Grace Spellman May 2019
i've always known
i am not from this earth
a small starseed reincarnate
embodying my sparkling ancestors
made of stardust
glitter pours out of me when i speak
the milky way lays itself out in front me
like a red carpet
begging me to cross it
it's quite lonely here
inside this human body
why doesn't anybody here
love like they did
in the stars?

take me back home.
Axiana Nov 2013
Even the butterflies are jealous
Of the beauty of your inner soul
From suppression into self expression
Somewhere far within, you are pulled
Deep beneath, the earths surface folds
Let it fall away, just dip your toes
Forget every thing you have ever known
And remember to breathe
Because this is it, sweetest starseed
You are old
One in a million I was once told
You are free of time's elusive hold
Water the flower you are and grow
Let your petals explode
Be free of their hold
Intuitive crystalline child
This volcanic eruption was foretold
Let your aura shine on for miles
This moment uninterrupted, behold
When an indigo remembers her smile
The entire universe is finally home
And will make this world worth your while
As you save it from the cold
glenn martin Jun 2015
our living love being aligned
I tell you we re-union
my dream is boss run
an image of my dad viral to come to me
atoning tall alert and correct, stought 6'6"Utahan
the all knowing blank look on the man
Daaaaaad I say all long and drawn out
something big of the future about
something big say kanye west
the time of the stars coming
a being in the house of daughters mother
the her happy and bright concerned loving
looking like her youth in memory
the web tumblr blog pleiadian-starseed hosting
you celestial being honored  kanye west
my pink quart shard from Louis' mom
a deep one full breath the sound
of 1000 honey bees buzzing
my finger tips dripping
how about you
say the Dove cooing
my eye explodes in vision of matrixs
colors designed shapes patterns
all life reflexed  is each other...
all thru the mind watching me
now about your shoe our moment over keen
with family moving in the ground and patterns
the non celestial beings losing in his shoe
his eye of greed watching me maligning me
from a half mile away all he knows
is the **** in his shoe...
neanderthal  evangelical living  dead meat
stop exploiting creatures
let them live amongst all to commune
the cooing dove far ahead of  man
mimicking the sounds of crows  
I talk given back to the Dove
without speaking
the way of the dove
Starlight insured      gjmars  6/27/15
decalcified pineal gland
A polarian starseed
I am
Drawn to the north star
I am
Polarized thinking
I have
Aversion to most 'humans'
I have
I finally found were my soul
Originate from
We all have to be from
With a dash of Indigo
Who like justice ⚖️
elle jaxsun May 2019
stand still.
rest your breath here.
remember what you are—
a starseed visitor on earth.
stand still.
stop rushing yourself to find worth.
you are priceless right here.
worthy right here.
stand still.
Cerasium Apr 2021
13 sparks of creation
13 origins of the universe
All working together
Forming life itself

13 living beings
Living origins of time itself
Set upon this dimension
To set it right

Starseeds were our weapon
To create harmony
To transcend this dimension
Into the next ascension

We are slowly being awakened
To our full abilities
Though some have always been
Others need triggers

This sparks trigger sent them
Far beyond this galaxy
Back to the planet
In which they were before

Awakened now
But not able to shine
Not yet anyway
But soon

I call upon the sparks
Givers of life
Creators of the universe
It is time to awaken

Time to finish the starseed
Time to ascend
I call upon you now
To cast your energy over the universe

Transcend this plain of existence
Those who fall will fall
Those who rise will rise
But we can not wait no longer
Anna Jul 2021
She has a wild fire that courses her blood.
She has a belly that is full of coffee and deceit.
She has a soul full of moon, stars, and joy.
Samantha Cunha Mar 2020
We emerge from stardust,
thrown into this world of material

Star seed origins, born
of the skies, the stars
pumping through
our golden, electric veins

Some mornings, I awaken
with speckled eyes of hope
and memories from the origins
we emerge.
Jevaugn Oct 2021
faults in my reason
must be dreaming
fooled by the sweetened
taste of **** on my tongue
must be dreaming
today i ain’t fall apart
today i picked up shattered parts

i’m dreamin…
dreamin, dreamin
i got it my way
(dreamin… dreamin)
this is my world
(dreamin… dreamin)
but when i got stuck
stuck in the rut
with the ash from my bud
that’s my bud -
no cuz
no keke
even God didn’t see me
even God didn’t see me
even God didn’t see me

Check how I handle these demons sent
Sent for the Lord and he brought his ****** tact
Tact with the pen and gat -
Mortician - i be havin premonitions
Two sides of the same coin
guess i’m just facin my fission
dreamin tunnel wisdom
i’m on a mission
that ***** ain’t free and neither is me

faults in my reason
must be dreaming
fooled by the sweetened
taste of **** on my tongue
must be dreaming
today i ain’t fall apart
today i picked up shattered parts

faults in my reason
must be dreaming
fooled by the sweetened
taste of **** on my tongue
must be dreaming
today i ain’t fall apart
today i picked up shattered parts

frayed wings i took no flight
on my feet i served to fight
protect the peace all my might
hustle in the lungs for the dream
bustling the arms for the cream
dreamin of my world complete
dreamin my friends fed to sleep
plate so big no desire to keep

love is all i wanna reap
love is all i wanna reap
love is all i wanna see
love is all i wanna see
love is all i wanna be.
A song
Star BG Sep 2017
I'm dizzy with voices, heavy in brain.
Vibrating to feel inner great pain.
Dishonorment carries conflict so strong.
Friendship now ends as I move forlorn.

Moving to rehash the symptoms of grief.
I wish the moment would give some relief.
Weary and tired I am so alone
Wish as a starseed that I can go home
Got burned with someone that I trusted.
I must say
Though I am
Just a suthsayer
Not supersain
But this I say here
With a beer (non alcoholic)
In my hand
There are to
Types of memories
Milfs :
Memories I’d like to forget
And then there
Are glimmers:
The real good stuff
That you should remember
But I am just saying
Human to human
As a starseed
Not a supersayen
To say this I must say proudly
I am who I am and I will be
A human being as well as
A starseed
For that Is what I am
I am who I am I say
Take it or leave it
But to sat thru I must say Proudly
I am a good person through and through
Isn’t that what matters
As I stray from my relatives
I see that there is a burning
Bush, a bush that is on fire
It mysteriously burned
Curious I learn that it
Was  a divine fire as  
This bush also talked
It told my things
That it was only telling me
As it burned it talked I tried to get my phone but
It instructed me to put it away
It tells me how to help the world as
The world was falling apart
As a starseed I was give the gift
To lift humanity up form it’s loss times
Is this the same burning bush as Moses
Classy J Oct 2024
Sunflower seed spits, gun for hire, Vibe with Corey shades, knowing he full of secrets.
Ignite the cowards that run for Mother,
Another prideful story, gone astray like Icarus.
That leaves a sour taste in our mouths like some black licorice.
Gunpowder sure exceeds the promise, none the wiser, distracted by ripened glory days;
Of Self-absorbed anointed hubris.
Recite the honours of made-up powers,
Another greedful story, gone astray like Faro Argyus.
Starseed over, I need just one more beer, so make haste, 'cause I can't go without the liquorish.
Yes, this is such a fine ***-hour for a dumbfounded minor wasted into a plastered blurry haze.
Another gluttonous story, gone astray like my dear friend Marcus.

Perhaps this as far as we gets.
Stuck in a lapse; gazing over the white picket fence.
But grass ain't always greener.
For without perspective suckers stay dense.
& get jipped by the cleaners.

Reap the bonfire or heed humility dear son,
Gotta watch out for your own ship or get piled into your own ****.
Brutal truth hits the deepest, calling out the spades of a man-child gone amiss.
Never grateful of the things he gets.
A jealousness that stems from a deep seated emptiness.
Another envious story, gone astray like Sir Topas.
**** Maslow and his needs, I’d rather stay ignorant, never fitting in like a real life misfit.
Stuck in a Mid life crisis, just another midnight with another mistress undressed.
**** consequences and the interest, never pay the piper, let plan B be my witness.
Just another lustful story, gone astray like Kitty Bennett from Pride and prejudice.
Stoke the fire, burn down buildings and towers, remember the fallen, but there ain’t no Batman in our darkest hour.
Just a bunch of chaotic jokers that have decision making powers, ready to go nuclear.
So better say your prayers cause life just ain’t fair.
Another wrathful story, gone astray like…

(Sirens sounds and sounds of bombs going off interrupting my sentence, basically inferring that I was about to say ‘like us.’ But it was too late to say so. Also I didn’t mention sloth purposefully, the idea being I was too lazy to do so.)

— The End —